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Everything posted by GuerillaWarlord

  1. They run on two different engines, it would e amazingly hard to do this, if it even is possible, you would have to recreate the entirety of skyrim with the fallout engine or vice versa, and then the combat still wouldn't be right with no support for guns within Skyrim. to be honest if you were somehow able to pull this off it isn't worth it. just play them individually and this in no way would be lore friendly. sorry to disappoint.
  2. I think instead of a "My Little Pony" tag maybe have something along the lines of "Related To TV Shows" or something like that because it will help not only My Little Pony fans but also anybody else looking for something in particular.
  3. I don't think you can have it on constantly ,although it would be a nice addition, but I think it can be seen in the stats menu probably? but sorry if I didn't help
  4. Can you give me a link? cuz when i go to skyrimnexus and search for "vanilla" i get these two mods "FXAA Vanilla Enhanced by jellinn" and "FXAA script - Odie s Vanilla Redux Shader v0_5" and none of them says anything about a XP bar :( http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif "Vanilla" means the game itself with no mods...
  5. That's because you are a werewolf not a Khajiit, And I also found an orcish mace on my level one character but it was just the once so I think they must just have a low chance of spawning.
  6. I would only like to see guns if they were implemented properly such as have steampunk style guns that were a type of recently discovered ancient Dwemer machinery, or you find the blueprints and have a use for Dwemer machine parts you find, just an idea http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif
  7. type in the console: Moveto 0001348C and that should take you to faendal whether he is dead or otherwise.
  8. You missed Sigdis Gaulderson, He is a powerful Draugr who is part of a quest to obtain a powerful amulet and he has a unique bow himself. done that earlier today.
  9. you just need to unequip the weapon you have out can't hotkey them I'm afraid
  10. I used a similar mod for New Vegas, so as long as the creation kit hasn't changed too much I think that it is possible. although i'm not sure if the New Vegas version required NVSE or not so there might be some time to wait before Skyrim Script Extender (SSE?) comes out if it needs it
  11. There would need to be a whole set of new animations to be made so I wouldn't be too hopeful about this one getting made anytime soon
  12. This could make the game amazingly easy if your a stealth character or amazingly stressful if your a warrior, but instead of just this I would suggest a realism mod and balance out all the weapons damage but this would also make investing skill points worthless.
  13. If this animation already exists in skyrim then it shouldn't be too hard, but im pretty sure it doesn'y so it would take a lot of work to get it... working. but yeah I also think it should be an activity maybe make it a skill and bundle it in with cooking to become 'Survival' or something but that would probably be harder to mod haha
  14. Use the console code 'Disable' it should clear it up just make sure you don't disable the floor by accident, usually they disapear as soon as i change area I don't know why yours stayed for some reason
  15. I don't think you can and when you disenchant items they are destroyed anyway, I have not started the dark brotherhood questline so i don't know if there are any without enchantments but as soon as the creation kit finally comes out it should be a two second job to change that.
  16. I've not used any console commands for it either I just have a companion a lot of the time, besides if you are overencumbered you can fast travel if you are on your horse to drop off your stuff at home
  17. Whenever i see a dragon it just circles around for a while and flys off in to the distance no matter if i shoot at it or anything, Seriously i have seen around 15 - 20 dragons and only fought 2, one of which was a quest. so what I'm asking is there any way i can get dragons to come after me because i really need a dragon soul
  18. I just want to know if anyone has a solution for this or if they have even come across it, after I exit an enchanting station I cannot move or bring up the menu. all I can do is either spin around or attack which isn't the most helpful thing ever. To exit i have to start task manager otherwise im just stuck, I have tried this many times and the same thing always happens. any help would be appreciated.
  19. Thank you!, I knew it would be something annoyingly simple like that. Kudos
  20. It could be that they are not compatible with another mod but it could also be possible that your pc isn't powerful enough to process all that extra data, I recommend that you turn down your graphics settings and see if that helps at all.
  21. you can hold CTRL while clicking them and it should select more than one object
  22. I do not understand why a custom weapon i created in Blender is not shooting from the end of the gun but from the character's chest, even though I have placed the projectile node in the apropriate place so if anyone has any idea what i could have done wrong I would appreciate it.
  23. I'm not sure of the exact variable but I have heard that every little reference you make to the factions in speech with ulysses greatly increases the chance of getting that factions courier jacket, but I do know the console code for it if you want: XX009253
  24. You need to side with Yes Man to get the Blackjack Pattern
  25. I have never had any issues with it ever, but that does not mean that there aren't any so I say it's basically safe just save before you do it I guess.
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