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Everything posted by mountainstorm2010

  1. I don't see how marsh infested bogs are an obstacle that ruins the lore. More of an oppertunity. Shivering Isles had bogs in the Fringe and in Dementia and the game still came out full of lore and was fantastic. BTW...I don't think flies are going to stop travelers in the ElderScrolls universe. If they can traverse deadly mountain ranges to get to Skyrim, then I doubt a swamp will stop them, including a hero who saves the day once again who isn't an Argonian. Yea the mountains of Skyrim might not stop a "hero" or some travellers from venturing into the land, but the harsh environment will stop most from going to Skyrim unless they're a nord. Duh! No wonder why Skyrim is a land mostly full of Nords. It's because they can survive there better than other races for the most part. Same goes for the Black Marsh. Argonians can thrive there. You're also forgetting the fact that the Black Marsh is also full of poisons, plagues, uninhabitable swampy areas, and more that would tear up a dandy little breton. For the record: I'm not an Argonian. I like the Nords.
  2. It's a private conversion that I friend made. When he send it to me via Skype - no guys, it's not uploaded anywhere on the net - he said something along the lines " Do not share or you're dead". It's the same case with the hair, so stop asking. Wow... I'm not trying to take anyone's side but there's really no need to get nasty about someone just asking about the mod(s); the reason this thread exists is for such a purpose. A simple answer such as "It's only available as a private mod made by a friend of mine so it can't be shared", would have sounded much better.
  3. I don't know how often you fight walking Skeletons in real life, but if I saw one with a mace and shield coming at me I'd turn around and start running. Yea I totally agree with you. Retreating is sometimes necessary to win a battle. If I'm getting my face smashed in by an enemy that hits like a truck, I'd run too and live to fight another day instead stupidly try and go toe-to-toe with him/her at the moment. I think the guy that mentioned the "run mentality" is just full of himself.
  4. For those talking about mainstreaming stuff: joining the mainstream bandwagon isn't always the best idea. Look at Metroid: Other M; it's one of the worst metroid games ever and it's the result of Nintendo trying to appeal to the mainstream gaming community. Oblivion's attributes and leveling system definitely wasn't perfect, but it was far better than Fallout 3/New Vegas. Why? Because in Fallout 3/New Vegas, your character could never run faster, jump higher, or learned new ways to attack and block with melee weapons... at least not unless you used cheats or mods. Simply "dumbing down" certain elements to a game series does not automatically make it better; Dragon Age Origins and its sequel are perfect examples of this.
  5. Quote "The eight attribute categories from the previous Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion, have been cut out. Now you only have to worry about your Magicka to cast spells, Health for your hit points, and Stamina, which serves as a limiting factor when pulling off axe slashes and mace bashes in combat." Quote "Also, the skills have been simplified to three categories: magicka, health and stamina to make the RPG elements slightly more streamlined." These quotes also scare me about what Skyrim developers will do to the leveling system. It's true that Oblivion's leveling system needed a re-haul but it wasn't all bad. In fact, I thought Oblivion's attributes system was well done for the most part. I agree with you that it's great how all the attributes in Oblivion affected many things about a character and how the character changes during level ups. I hope to God that Bethesda doesn't switch Skyrim's gameplay and/or leveling system to that of Fallout 3/New Vegas. What I loved about Oblivion's attributes system was that it could affect how high your character jumps, how fast he/she runs, how well a character can block with a shield, etc; Fallout 3/New Vegas has none of these. I seriously hope Bethesda uses the modding community's works such as deadly reflex, capes and cloaks, OOO/MMM/Wac, and Supreme and Midas Magic as stepping stones to learning what made people enjoy playing Oblivion for. Skyrim is one game I am eagerly awaiting. The game better not be disappointing because Fallout New Vegas was sure as hell a huge disappointment.
  6. Actually, I find the minotaurs easy to defeat even on difficulty cranked to max. The attack pattern of minotaurs is too easy to learn. Compared to an ogre, man the ogres can leap at you. If you combine an ogre's attack power with the way he attacks, this makes them much more difficult than minotaurs. I do agree with you that there aren't many "actual dificult" mobs around in Cyrodiil.
  7. Again with another argument about the "realism" thing in armors. I swear, what's with people hating on eyecandy? Midtek's post of the Skyrim screenshots shows "lore friendly" armors for males and yet they're still very flesh exposing. Based on the fantasy world which is what TES is based on: look at all the Conan movies... How "real" are Conan's flesh exposing armors? Look at the game world of TES. What's so real about tossing lightning bolts from your hands? What's realistic about lugging around a mace, sword, bow, or axe that weighs 20+ pounds and still have your character swinging it as if the weapon only weighs one pound? Realistic medieval hand weapons usually only weigh 4-5 pounds at most. I think the people crying foul on realism should really do some thinking to see that TES is just a game and there's nothing real about it.
  8. Giving the console versions of Skyrim the ability to be modded sounds like a good idea at first. However, one bad thing I can see in this is the problems the gaming community will face when concerned parents learn that the M rated game they bought for their kid now has full frontal nudity and sex from the result of modders. As if gaming companies aren't already facing enough issues from parents against video games... I'm not saying that kids don't already play modded pc versions of Oblivion and Fallout 3/New Vegas. I'm sure there's plenty of kids with wealthy parents who buy them powerful gaming pcs. The thing about pc is that they're usually more expensive then console systems, and they're not as user friendly. What I mean by saying not user friendly is that pc games are usually not plug and play like their console counterparts. Because of these reasons, a large part of the under-aged gaming community do not have access to gaming with pc. I would hate to see more frivolous lawsuits from parents who should have known better than to buy their kids M rated games in the first place.
  9. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here when you say "all the dragons and stuff i hope its not like wow with the black dragons and the red ones". Did you mean that you think the variety in colors is stupid in your opinion? Or did you mean that with the dragons being intelligent and being able to communicate with the people is what you found stupid? In my opinion, I find intelligent dragons with tremendous power being far more fascinating and worthy foes than the stupid wild animal-like dragons incapable of speech and do nothing but roar and cause chaos.
  10. Well, since you want to open the can of worms about realism in armor, I must say what others with enough common sense have been saying for the longest time: it's just a game! There's nothing real about it. I apologize in advance if you will be offended by what I'm going to say... Since you're bashing bikini armors, I'm sure you also fail to see that the MALE character shown in the preview screenshots was also wearing armor resembling "bikini". So how come it's ok for a male character to wear revealing armors but when modders make bikini armors for female toons, people like you always whine about realism? I have nothing against modders making more cool looking armors for male characters because I play male characters most of the time, but it just annoys me when some people bring up the "realistic in armors for video games" bs argument.
  11. I would like to see diversity in how weapons, skills, and magic are used. What I mean by this is that a novice with a sword should swing the weapon like a novice and not the same way a sword expert would use a sword. As your character level up his/her skills in certain weapons, new skills should be unlocked. Hand to hand combat should actually be worth leveling up unlike in Oblivion, and please don't use retarded looking hand to hand combat stances like the vanilla Oblivion. Maybe a novice hand to hand character will lack the knowledge to use effective martial art stances and throw punches like a newbie, but an expert in hand to hand combat should know how to use all sorts of different attacks, grappling, and such. Stealth expert characters should gain new assassination techniques/skills unavailable to newbie assassins. Same goes for magic. Expert magicians/wizard type characters should be able to toss lightning bolts that look far more spectacular and more damaging than say a novice mage. Magic should be difficult to master but awesomely dangerous and is a force to be reckoned with when a character does reach a master wizard levels.
  12. I already bought a new rig just a few weeks ago. My new rig is built mostly for hard-core gaming but not to the point of extreme gaming; what this means is that I'm sporting the nvidia 470 video card with the intel i7 quad core processor, 4 gigs of DDR3 1600MHz RAM, a Creative Labs X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional sound card, a nice very large PC gaming case with lots of room for ventilation and sporting about 4 large fans plus a standard size fan on the back, and a pretty solid gaming ASUS P8P67 motherboard. Originally, this rig was suppose to come with one of the nvidia 500 series video cards but I'm satisfied with how well the 400 series are handling today's PC games so I ditched the 500 series to save over $100. I already have Skyrim on reserve and I know that my rig will be more than enough to run the game on high settings.
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