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About Overlord299

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    United States

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  1. Also, sorry if I come across as moralizing. It's just that this sometimes feels like watching an old friend go down a dark path.
  2. Thank you, that's good to hear. But my broader point still stands about Nexus' treatment of criticism. I hope you guys listen to users more in the future. Having a monopoly gives you more of a responsibility to the people you serve, not less. Also, just because it's a minority of people expressing criticism publicly, that doesn't mean that most people don't agree, only that you have a smaller sample size to work with.
  3. WTF? You removed the option to search within date margins? That's a feature I actually use a lot. Sometimes I stop playing a game for a while and I want to check within a specific time frame for new mods, not just broad categories like "last year" or "last month". Just another change of many that is going to keep turning users against what used to be a great modding site. Also, just an FYI, dismissing any criticism as being "in bad faith" or "from a vocal minority" is not a great way to run a business!!! It seems like the only reason Nexus isn't hemorrhaging users is that it has a complete monopoly on modding, no alternatives exist that have even half the amount of staff, games, and maintenance. I've been a user for 10 years, I owe a great deal of gratitude to these guys, but one thing I don't owe them at this point is respect.
  4. I'm looking for a good modding guide/mod list for Skyrim Anniversary Edition (with the CC content) that includes stuff like graphics and stability and is compatible with Vortex. It would also ideally include instructions regarding load order and conflict resolution. Does anyone know about a good one I can use? I personally don't like collections so those are out of the question for now.
  5. Okay thanks. I also forgot how to create a new topic. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/20.jpg
  6. Thanks I'll try it. Got any other tips?
  7. I've been having problems with Fallout 4 lately. Not too many big problems but still worth taking a look at. Any advice for this load order? GameMode=Fallout4 Fallout4.esm=1 DLCRobot.esm=1 DLCworkshop01.esm=1 DLCCoast.esm=1 DLCworkshop02.esm=1 DLCworkshop03.esm=1 DLCNukaWorld.esm=1 simsettlements.esm=1 somaster.esm=1 unofficial fallout 4 patch.esp=1 dlcprojectx.esm=1 armorkeywords.esm=1 CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm=1 s7othes7olife.esm=1 CBBE.esp=1 cri-homeplatereno.esp=1 10mmsmg.esp=1 athena4.0.esp=1 crimetown.esp=1 badmaxoutfit.esp=1 mix96.esp=1 redwavereloaded.esp=1 plasma cycler.esp=1 lunchboxes - less junk, more food.esp=1 strayentertainment.esp=1 ak74m.esp=1 stylize your followers.esp=1 weapon tier progression.esp=1 creativeclutter.esp=1 m1 carbine.esp=1 9mmpistol.esp=1 oldworldholotape4k.esp=1 coastal cottage cave.esp=1 ellen.esp=1 deadly ghouls of the commonwealth.esp=1 mmslaserrcw.esp=1 deadly bosses.esp=1 sanctuaryhotspringhome.esp=1 ark_travelbag.esp=1 corvalhowidowshotgun.esp=1 azarholsteredweapons.esp=1 deadly raiders of the commonwealth.esp=1 deadly gunners of the commonwealth.esp=1 freecraftersp.esp=1 uif faction mod.esp=1 makeshift-anti materiel rifle.esp=1 subwayrunnernodynamic.esp=1 pleasingpiper.esp=1 assaultflamer.esp=1 freecrafterdlc4.esp=1 awkcr - nuka world.esp=1 radionam.esp=1 skyriminspiredpowerarmor.esp=1 helmetless nukagirl outfit.esp=1 fn five-seven v3.0.esp=1 10mm carbine - vanilla scopes - fh, nw.esp=1 k9tacticalharness.esp=1 busysettlers.esp=1 so_vaultshirt.esp=1 so_vaultsuit.esp=1 vivid waters.esp=1 highwayman.esp=1 crudeblowback.esp=1 vault88expansion.esp=1 skinning.esp=1 roboasimov_lorefriendlytattooapalooza.esp=1 raiders rehabilitated with super mutants tamable.esp=1 minutemen general squad.esp=1 uniqueplayer.esp=1 eli_faction housing overhaul - aio.esp=1 dogmeattreats.esp=1 classicsniper.esp=1 sophie female preset.18b5f6.esp=1 alittlemorepiper.esp=1 ebitems.esp=1 hockeymask.esp=1 regional at best radio.esp=1 awkcr - automatron.esp=1 awkcr - vault-tec.esp=1 awkcr - far harbor.esp=1 awkcr - contraptions.esp=1 3dnpc_fo4.esp=1 personalguard.esp=1 valdacilsitemsorting-00-valspicks-dlcversion.esp=1 gatlingrifle.esp=1 apc_mobile_base_v1.3.esp=1 azarponytailhairstyles.esp=1 improved map with visible roads.esp=0 everyonesbestfriend.esp=1 atomicradio.esp=1 mjc_sim_settlements_addon.esp=1 conquest.esp=1 mojaveimports.esp=1 solarpower.esp=1 visiblecompanionaffinity.esp=1 campsite.esp=1 modern firearms.esp=1 powerarmort49.esp=1 vivid weathers - fo4.esp=1 mjc_sim_settlements_slum lord_addon.esp=1 hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp=1 dd-enhanced blood basic.esp=1 beastwhisperer.esp=1 thecode.esp=1 owr_craftabledecor_full.esp=1 valdacilsitemsorting-00-valspicks-dlcversion-vanillaweight.esp=1 wrvr.esp=1 junkmaster-complete.esp=1 the eyes of beauty.esp=1 xce.esp=1 propulso5000.esp=1 what should have been.esp=1 freecrafterdlc3.esp=1 freecrafterdlc1.esp=1 CROSS_Jetpack.esp=1 CROSS_PlasRail.esp=1 FemsheppingsLightBrawlerOutfits.esp=1 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp=1 RaiderMask.esp=1 CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp=1 young explorer.esp=1 ImmersiveLoversEmbrace.esp=1 Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp=1 llamaCompanionHeather.esp=1 WeightlessAid.esp=1 WeightlessJunk.esp=1 WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp=1 a89_pipboycustom.esp=0 Armorsmith Extended.esp=1 armorsmith automatron.esp=1 armorsmith far harbor.esp=1 Survivalist Go-Bags_AE_AWKCR.esp=1 Mercenary.esp=1 KSHairdos.esp=1 Crimsomrider's Tomb Raider.esp=1 skibsweapons-redux.esp=1 AdventurerOutfit.esp=1 TroublemakerOutfit.esp=1 Survivalist.esp=1 fco - fully customizable outfits.esp=1 fco - crafting recipes.esp=1 fco - leveled list.esp=1 LooksMenu.esp=1 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp=1
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