WTF? You removed the option to search within date margins? That's a feature I actually use a lot. Sometimes I stop playing a game for a while and I want to check within a specific time frame for new mods, not just broad categories like "last year" or "last month". Just another change of many that is going to keep turning users against what used to be a great modding site. Also, just an FYI, dismissing any criticism as being "in bad faith" or "from a vocal minority" is not a great way to run a business!!! It seems like the only reason Nexus isn't hemorrhaging users is that it has a complete monopoly on modding, no alternatives exist that have even half the amount of staff, games, and maintenance. I've been a user for 10 years, I owe a great deal of gratitude to these guys, but one thing I don't owe them at this point is respect.