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About webster63

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  1. i brought this up months ago but it got no intrest from modders, the only suggestion was to use the carry feature to drag them out of site behind a building or something. i think at some point this will be addressed because im with you on the bodies need to go after a day or two, i hate returning weeks later ans see the same bodies sitting there
  2. well tell that to thepeople of nipton lol granted i think the way the legion is portrayed is very reasonable to being realistic in that environment but they are ruthless SOBs wether you call them the evil word or not
  3. yep most things always come down to your karma level when it comes to companions, they are like kids who get their feelings hurt all the time
  4. i didnt even know there WAS a limit but i think my mod folder is bigger then the game folder lol
  5. looks like you are working very hard on this, thank you for your efforts
  6. isnt that pretty much the way most games go, give it time and the patches will help make you forget the flaws
  7. the problem i have with auto add is i dont always want everything so sometimes its a pain
  8. @ hector530 - i dont mind steam, it isnt that i think its bad or evil, my only real issue with them is the forced content and cookies/spyware that you MUST agree to accept in order to use it and along with that some game FORCE you to use steam or you cant have the game and i dont like being forced to use a third party just to play a game. Lt Albrecht this describes you perfectly, have a nice day oh and dont forget to allow all those cookies :thumbsup:
  9. oh, right they just use majic to know exactly where you've been and what sights you visit and somehow just happen to coincidentally advertise the exact things you've been looking at. continue to live in your bubble and believe nobody is watching you, the goverment is your friend and politicians never lie to you and just FYI antivirus programs do NOT identify and prevent spyware, they are for virus protection, antispyware programs do but NOT if you have any programs that are "allowed" to do there own thing such as steam which wether you know it or not in order to use you must give it permission to overide certain protections and settings to do what they do in the background so as to go undetected and spyware isnt any good at doing its job if it is easy to detect. yes steam is no more harmfull then the nosey busybody neighbor next door but i can close the curtains when the nosey neighbor is looking in my windows, with steam you cant
  10. plus the unadvertised special bonus of steam recording all your activites with spyware that reports on you while it connects to steam but its ok to trust them right? they only use this info to target advertising just for you and they would never sell your info to other advertisers, never lol.
  11. i can only reply to that by saying, many issues are user error but most user errors are cased by the BS Steam makes you go through or the spyware it uses in its efforts at being intrusive in everything you do. IMO the core problem is with the people who are putting up with steams BS so as long as they continue to profit we are stuck with the way they are doing things. IMO 80% of the people who think steam is great dont pay for their own internet connection or rent so their perspective on the value of money is not the same as those who do. people claimed online DRM and phone home software is something you HAVE TO accept but when users of ubisofts games finally had enough and refused to buy the games with perminent connections required anymore and sales suddenly dropped by 45% the company decided to say never mind and patched the games to go back to playing offline and not needing perminent connections. it boils down to, if you put up with it they only get worse over time and steam is a perfect example of mindless drone customers saying ok to any and all intrusive things steam does. steam will never improve untill there is a customer revolt such as the case with ubisoft was so until that happens just bend over and hope it doesnt hurt too much the original poster had it right in his first post, im just sorry he felt the need to change his mind after figuring out how to get it working. if steam wasnt such a PITA in the first place he wouldnt have had to post at all
  12. did you mention this in the community bug fix mod? if not then you should
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