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About Thepeon

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    Morrowind, Oblivion and some Eve online
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    Morrowin,Skyrim,Oblivion,Minecraft to name a few.

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  1. So I plan to try to take all achievements for this game and I wanted to do a Pyromancer playthrough but I would love if some one could change the pyromancer starting set to be the Desert Pyromancer Set. Because accessing the set early game is well not possible not until I think painted world and that still quite a bit far in to the game. So I was hoping some one could do like an armor swap.
  2. Too bad. Oblivion Mods were packaged back when WryeBash and OBMM existed, that's why you'll find BAIN, and OMODs, the rest are usually zipped up in a way that no mod manager will be able to install. Either download the ones you want, extract them, and repackage them properly, or deal with it without swearing so much. Thank good to know but then I wonder how to I repackage them correctly.
  3. Okey stupid question what mods could I use to make charters look hell of allot better and the world hell of allot better than don´t demand me to use both oblivion mod manager + wyherbash and so on I felt it´s a bloody pain to use 2 diffrent mod loaders to get s#*! to work. I would just install manual if all I have to do is unzip and drop in correct maps or if I can use mod organizer 2. Problem is allot of recommended mods you read the install and it says you bloody need wyherbash but I only like mod organizer 2 it´s a program am familiar with. So any help would be awesome.
  4. I want to ask you pro moders can some one make a mod pack with some Swedish weapon like AK 4, Swedish Mauser,KSP58,Granatgevär m/48,Carl Gustav m/45. I feel like the game has all kinds of weapons mods from all over the world but like 1 Swedish weapon mod the AK 5. As a Some one from Sweden would be fun to see some swedish weapon maybe do a playthrough pretending to be a survior from Sweden in USA.
  5. Well I tught so Im the only stupid one that rely loves Tundra homestead. Reason I like it is because it is one of Elianora's best house mods for me sure her other house mods are great but for me personally they feel way way overfilled with clutter or well clutter may not be the right word but they feel they have way way to much static items for me.
  6. Okey I got my self tundra homestead ooooh no god forbid some one used the creation club but honest to hell it´s my favorite house add on so far. All other house mods are overly cluttered to hell and back or they add display cases for like 100+ items and so on. But tundra homestead has what I like displays for the mask and claws and bug jars and paragon eggs and well armors and weapons but but it´s missing 6 displays I kinda wish it had. And becuse Im not moder or are to dumb to fiddle with scripts I want to ask will any one of you brilliant moder´s add a tiny mod that add some form of display for Nemiras ring, Azuras star and Masque of Clavicus Vile and all 3 Elder scrolls and that would make my day. That´s the only thing it´s missing and I taught hmm all other house mods that has displays for 100 of items always have a standard for claws and mask and all that just like Tundra homestead but yet it´s missing does 3 artifacts and the elder scrolls. And if you feel like it maybe display for all the black books? Not rely needed but maybe other would like that.
  7. I would love if some one could make a weapon mod pack with these 2 or 3 weapons Carl Gustav m/45 KSP 58 ak 5 Swedish Mauser I mean I see so many weapon mods but not a single swedish weapon so I would love if some one could make 1 or all 4.
  8. So I just beat new vegas for the first time and was thinking I should jump on to oblivion and beat it but I wonder do I need tons of mods to make the game look good ? I had like 11 model texture mods for Ne vegas that made the game looks good sure not ultra super good but good mods like NMC´s texture pack, EVE essential visual enchantments and wasteland flora overhaul to name a few. So I wonder are there a few mods I can use to make oblivion look good ? I did find a tutorial to make it look super good but man it was allot of them and I had to use 3 diffrent programs and change allot it all felt like a pain I just want like I had for New vegas 11 of them I could use it nexus mod manager that made to game look good and a bit better when I added a enb. Any ideas are welcomed.
  9. yeah I second that it would be cool if some one rely did it good it could become a kick ass armor.
  10. So spent 3h todau just trying to get it to work but when ever I load skyrim data to get to the actors I get a few errors then when I tried to save and get the esp file I get invalid location nI give up I can´t understand why it shall be so damn hard it was easy like hell to change Igrod to look young but to save it it and so seams to be the hardest part so I give up.
  11. Yeah I asked the mod creator for Skaal you need a mod I rely liked allot but even when she is online she don´t seam to answer if she plans to port it or wait for skse. But yeah I seen and read some stuff now and it seams to much for a total noob like me so I will have to wait and hope. SKSE would be nice to have because how much you can do with mods but when the time SKSE it out I proboly played my self sick of Skyrim for a second time hehe.
  12. Okey I wish for 1 mod or 2 if i needs to be to separate mods. I wish for Jarl Igrod to look younger and bit more beautiful and the housecarl for Morthal to be female and look good to I mean I managed to make my character nice looking with out tons of mods you have in old skyrim. I plan to build my house in Mortal and live there in my Play through this time but man Igrod so a sore in the eyes and well I like my housecarls to be female. Would any one do it and send me a download if you don´t wan´t to upload it pretty please. I tried to do it my self but im no moder and im stupid made the game crash all the time instead.
  13. Yeah I wanna know if it is something I wanna get my self in to or not and ofc I would ask for permissions even for private use.
  14. I wonder because I wanted to start playing Skyrim again but after 8h and tons of frustration I gave up and started to play SSE because it runs better but there are like 3 mods I wish was ported now so I was thinking if it was not that damn hard maybe I could port them just for my self. 2 mods are armors mods one adds a new armor and one just makes vanilla armors looks bloody awesome and the third mods I rely want is a mod that adds a house, follower,weapon and armor to Skaal. What I know non of these 3 mods uses SKSE or SKUI so it will not be that hard I bet but I bet I need to change tons of stuff for it all to work? Im not moder but if the original moders don´t plan to port them I was thinking I should try to port them for my self to use so I can at least use the mods I love. Sorry if I posted it the wrong section but it´s mod talk so I taught it would be correct to ask.
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