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  1. Hi Forum, Can someone build a dogmeat/jason statham hybrid companion like the one shown in the following vid: (Skip to 28 seconds) Ideally the companion would replace any dialogue entries with quotes from jason statham movies. It would be especially funny if it was made as a dogmeat replacer with lines appropriate to the quest 'Reunions' Thanks in advance. P.S. he could say "B*******s, I'm going for a walk" at the start!
  2. Sorry for the lack of updates. A massive project has come up in work, I haven't even looked at this in weeks. Looks like I'll be doing this for a couple of months. I'll still spend free time on the mod, but don't freak out if I don't update this.
  3. There is something that my old fencing teacher would say. He would say "Grow <add comparitive> or suffer". I couldn't lift the shield "Grow stronger or suffer" I couldn't parry the blow "Grow faster or suffer" You get the idea. If I'm not up to the challenge, then I will get better. Time is not an issue for me, even if this takes a year.
  4. Hmm, may be worth looking into the power armour idea. The animations are going to be easy (though the models are proving difficult). Anchoring to a position is pretty much already taken care of. However I am concerned about hearing cells bug out from speed. Does anyone know what the actual speed is? I mean Vertibirds go quite fast after all.
  5. Ok, so first problem resolved. I now am able to access the creation kit. I've taken a look around which has resulted in a smaller plan to start off with: Using the 'Lone Wanderer' model, create a motorbike mod that is purely functional. No animations, just able to move.So here is where I would like some expertise in the CK if anyone is willing. It seems the easiest way to go about this is to create the bike as a creature (much like skyrim horses), however does anyone know how to disable any AI scripts that come as default for creatures? For instance, how would I stop the bike from autonomously attacking nearby enemies? More questions to follow I'm sure, and thanks in advance.
  6. Hi Zan, I like a challenge! lol. Though it seems now that I am looking at the FO4 CK my first challenge is..... getting bethesda.net to actually launch. Joy.
  7. Hi All, Apologies, I've been neck deep in work recently and have made no progress whatsoever. Best I have currently is "I think I know how horses work in skyrim, so I'm going to see if I can replicate the process in FO4" Still learning, thanks for the patience.
  8. Hey, yeah that chopping up idea is hella cool. Once I've got a functional mod going I plan on adding little things like that to it, and developing it over time (if time allows that is, my schedule is still pretty thin). I'm still working on learning how the bike would actually work, though when I get back to the models I will probably try to use the lone wanderer, if only to save me having to learn how to create textures. I never doubted that this would be a big project, and one where I would have to learn many aspects of modding to make work. I really, really, really appreciate the support and tips guys. Thanks!
  9. Drive shaft is a good idea, I like it. Also, you may be pleased to know that I went for a chat down my friendly neighborhood biker bar and had a good old chat about frames, engines, suspension systems, etc. There is a way to slightly modify the 'Lone Wanderer' to be realistic enough that it can be functional. Turns out a couple of the patrons were fallout fans!
  10. Thanks for the post Sky, lots of good points and ideas. Deffo taking notes here. However to address your final point, you think I'm animating chains and drive belts? Nuh uh. Just wheels and associated parts lol. I'm not that good.
  11. Hopefully the spawning a bike thing should be easy. I was thinking of having a first person view, but nothing too fancy. No PA hud or anything, just you and the handlebars. I was paying no mind at all to weapons, as I was intending for this to be a pure fast travel replacer. However, that raider chase just blew my mind! Can you imagine?! There you are, you have a big haul of salvage and you're on your on your way back to sanctuary. Then you hear the distinct sound of a chopper over-revving, quickly followed by ecstatic hooting and cheering. Then comes the dreaded call "TUNNEL SNAKES RULE!". I'm probably going to have to inlist help for that one, but daym, that will work.
  12. It's not planned. Not until I get a lot better at modding at least. Can you imagine danse riding like that?
  13. TLDR: Model - Done Texture - Not Done Scripting/Coding - in Progress So far, only the model itself is complete, along with a skeleton and full animating functionality. I wanted to get a feel for what would need to be animated, what it would look like, and invest time into something I really don't like doing (just so I don't drop the project through boredom ^^). Currently, I am researching how to turn that model into a mountable vehicle. From what I can gather so far, the only mountable object in FO4 (the vertibird) is considered a creature, and not an actual vehicle. I am following this path of reasoning into Skyrim where the mounts are both literally and figuratively 'creatures'. I feel like I will be creating the motorbike to be more like a steed. Though that probably brings it's own issues with not having the blasted thing wander off (knowing my luck lol). TLDR: Model - Done Texture - Not Done Scripting/Coding - in Progress
  14. Quick update. Been working lots this past week. Not done much by way of mod development. Mostly spent what time I had picking at the existing mount mechanics in Skyrim. Still going onwards though, even if only with small steps.
  15. Really? Huh, I was looking around the Skyrim CS for mounts and their associated scripts. if that is the case, it may be worth me looking at the FO4 CS for Vertibirds and seeing how they are handled. Thanks Rad!
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