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  1. I got it fixed! It was because i hadnt set the skin shader type to shader_skin. Thanks!
  2. After rigging and successfully exporting my armor from Blender, i went into the game to see how it looked. Everything was great except i noticed that my hand's color/pigment was different from the rest of my body. It had a more light color compared to the body. I also noticed that on all visible skin portions of my armor, my tattoos also disappeared as well! What's going on? If anyone can fill me in, i'd really appreciate it! PS-This is with Fallout NV. Not sure if that matters or not but yeah.
  3. Using Blender or Nifskope? How would you go about dividing/splitting a whole piece mesh into two separate meshes? For example, Cass's outfit is one whole outfit, i'd like to split the pants from the top the shirt, how would i go about doing this? Thanks!
  4. Im sorry, at this point using FNVedit might be a bit too much. I cant teach you because its a comprehensive program that requires a lot of reading. When you have the time you can read up on the maunual and it'll teach you everything you need to know about the program. But for now, what ma1025 said, use the FNV plugin mod to combine all your mods together. It might not be the cleanest way but it sure is the fastest way to do it.
  5. Did you quit FNV for awhile and came back recently to play it again? If so, many of your mods might be out of date with the current patch of FNV. If not, it's too much vram usage or too many mods conflicting. If your not already using the 4gb enabler, i highly suggest you do that. And about the compass issue, make sure you use Unified HUD project is your not. That should fix your compass problem.
  6. When you re-installed, did you do a clean uninstall? If you didnt, the remnants of old files might be problem. You can follow the procedure here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/129332-bbens-reinstall-procedure/ I know it says its for Oblivion, but the steps are the same as well for FNV.
  7. 1) Download FNVEdit (http://newvegasnexus...le.php?id=34703) 2)Extract it 3)Run it and it will come up with a list of all the .esp's in your FNV data folder 4)Select the Master file and all the .esp's that you want to merge 5)Right click on anywhere under the "Form ID" part and select "Create Merged Patch" 6)Call it what you want your mod (with all the other mods in it combined) to be called (e.g. Supermod) 7)Click the + next to one of the mods that you want to put into you Supermod 8)Right click on whatever is under the "File Header" and select "copy as override into" and then choose your Supermod 9)Repeat step 8 for every part of the mod you selected (Ingestibles, armor, weapons, etc) 10)Repeat step 9 on all the other mods you want to add to your Supermod 11) Once everything has been override into your super mod click the exit button and it will come up with a little thing that you then click the green arrow on and then you're done. and also look at this manual http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629 and section 6.4 of the guide. I know it says FO3 but its for FNV as well. or the third step is what ma1025 mentioned.
  8. Hm...kind of a stupid question but...are you sure your pressing the right button? Maybe your pressing the toggle pov button? lol
  9. Your welcome, i do hope you get everything resolved and working my friend. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
  10. Even if she wasnt referring to that particular mod i was talking about, the mod i stated does the exact same thing if not better. Like i said before, combining weapon mods and armor mods should be the first ones. Its highly unlikely that two of the same authors would place their weapons in the exact same coordinates. All weapon and armor mods do is place their respective items into the fallout universe so you can actually find it. Some modders dont sometimes and the only way to get an item is through console code id. But the point is weapon adn armor mods arent that so intricate that they'll have game breaking conflicts. I hope i was clear enough.
  11. The FNV utiliy he is referring to is FNVedit. You can find it here on the nexus, actually here is the link to it http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34703 And not to burst your bubble, the only other solution at this point would be taking many many hours of frustration and anger to make your game work for simply 10 minutes if lucky 30 minutes.
  12. And for the sledgehammer i hope your referring to the vanilla, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sledgehammer_%28Fallout:_New_Vegas%29, hammer right? Unless your talking about the super sledge. Im just trying to figure out if the sledge hammer your having trouble with is actually a mod that you overlooked or forgotten about. I dont see how with multiple reinstallations, every time you would get corrupted files for the "sledgehammer" when the vanilla files for FNV are all neatly packed away within .bsa archives. If you see in your data folder, textures and meshes folder; you have lose files and those lose files might be whats causing your problem.
  13. Like Chuck said, if your using a mod like FNV redesign 2 things like that occur, make sure in your .ini you do this: Add the line "bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1" right below the line "STestFile1=FalloutNV.esm" or if you already have "bloadface..." make sure its a 1 and not a 0.
  14. Okay, 189 active mods?! There is your problem my friend. You can not hope to run over a 150 mods without stability issues. In my opinion 100 mods is already pushing it but almost doubling that amount i can see has some disastrous affects. If you absolutely solely cannot live without all 189 mods, i highly suggest you to consolidate and combine mods alike. For example, combine individual weapon and armor mods into one; weaponmegapack, armormegapack etc.
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