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Nexus Mods Profile

About LtCommander

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    United States

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'll say the same thing here that I've said elsewhere. I spent two months and crammed/burned out to finish the DKS-501 in time for the contest, but had I known that the entries were just going to be selected at random, I would have at least taken the time to take it slow and steady and not entered the contest at all. It's frustrating seeing that months of hard work to meet a deadline project in a new engine on top of a dayjob and a nightjob were squandered because of a Portal meme. (No offense to the authors of the selected mods, it's just disheartening to see what was selected by the judges) The Nexus has really enjoyed what I released, and despite the bitterness of this whole debacle, I'm incredibly proud that my work made it to the top of hot files and is currently in the lead for mod of the month. That alone means a ton for me, especially given that I've never directly contributed to this community before. I'm sad that I won't be able to justify the lost time with a contest victory, prizes, or even 'official' recognition, but I've always made mods so people could enjoy them and to build my own skill as an artist. It may not win me a (much needed) paycheck or two, but at least it succeeds as a mod. At least they can't take that away from me.
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