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About kieraembers

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  1. i had the same problem and i've been looking for a retexture of those rugs
  2. honestly it doesn't come up much but when it does it's a glaring annoyance.
  3. Ok, i have never had a problem with my SE until today. Idk why but whenever i try to run fo4se it takes me to the game launcher. tried running as admin, tried making sure steam was open, tried disconnecting from the internet, reinstalling fo4se, and running from the installation folder, i have no idea why this is happening. odd thing is that i was playing the game for most of the day and closed it so i could make myself something to eat, suddenly it won't run
  4. So my laptop was stolen and i lost all my mods. luckily nexus records all my downloads but i cant seem to find the mod that had this hair cazy northern star http://www.thesimsresource.com/scaled/2388/w-800h-600-2388312.jpg
  5. There is no "simple limit", at least i haven't found a simple variable dictating how many children you can have. The limit of adopted children is technically, as those "scripts" i mentioned before tell the adopted kid that it actually IS adopted, so it stays at your home, call you mommy/daddy etc. without these you could talk to another kid, tell it it's adopted but it would keep standing in place as if nothing happened. Honestly I'm just happy that so many people also want this mod. Is there any modder that can do this?
  6. I got the hearthfire DLC and started spoinling my kids, then i met sophie at windhelm and realized that there was a two child limit!! Can someone make a mod so that the limit is removed and I can send the children wherever i want?
  7. i would like the armor from the movies epecially what Alice, Jill and Clair wear. The one that I really want is from Extinction. It seems like it would be a great addition to the game since the movie is set in the same area. Alice's outfit with or without the hood looks beautiful. If anyone could do this it would be great. There is also a trenchcoat. check out the pics.
  8. I think the point that Omni is trying to make is that Bioware is letting us down when it comes to the toolset because there was one available in DAO, its one of the many things that gave the original game its replay value. It doesn't seem rational for the players to get a toolset with the first game and not the second. It's like getting everything we could ask for in the first game then when the second one comes around we're missing key element. DAII is a good game on its own, but knowing that Bioware can and has done better and given us more makes players expect more. Modding makes the game fun and when you can actually create your own adventure and story line with said mods then you get more playtime.
  9. oh poo. maybe when there is a DA2 toolset someone will take on the task of remaking Dragon age origins with dragon age 2 toolset.
  10. psyduck indeed. Well maybe when they make a DA2 toolset someone will reamake DAO. or maybe thats anther psyduck
  11. yes i saw that earlier, but i want the movement that there in in DA II with standard fighting. its far more convincing when you play the rogue or the mage. kicking and enemy back and spining in the air. flashy. if only i could merge DAII gameplay with DAO story line. perfect game.
  12. We should really have DAII combat movement in DAO. Playing as a mage and rogue would be sooo much more fun.
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