I havnt been able to extract the textures sprites to test this idea. I'm not sure if is going to work with the distance and size of face expressions, hair etc. Anyone out there that know how to extract those files plz let me know. I really want to test this.
I want to mod the entire fallout shelter game, just the graphics, but I havnt found a useful actualized extractor. Any hints of direction would be appreciated.
I've been tinkering fallout 76 ini files to fix a graphic issue that my old video card isn't able to handle. The faces of players and myself look really rugged with pixelated shades of light and shadow all over their faces. I reduced the face textures resolution in order to fix the issue. And it work but the result is a very low quality faces in game. But what I realize is that I just simply reduce the face resolution to match the size of some specular effect in the faces. This is something never happened in fallout 4. I believe that some how could be a shade effect or specular map is way below the 1024 resolution. So in order to fix my issue I reduce the resolution of the texture. Or perhaps there is some new shading effect implemented in Fallout 76 like for example the "fake character lights from Fo4". In this case it seems that this effect only applies to the face texture and nothing else in the game. I wonder if is possible to thinker with that. Does anyone know any new face light effect that can be toggle in the ini files? Or how to tinker with the specular maps? It could be that the specular maps run diferent in FO76.
After a while tinkering I found a temporary solution. For those having this issue go to your documents/mygames/fallout76. In the ini files (Fallout76Prefs) Look for
(( uFaceGenTextureResolution=1024 )) Change the resolution to 120. (( uFaceGenTextureResolution=120 )) This pic is my result. It will lower the face details but still looks way better. If anyone out there know of a better solution you are very welcome to post it here.
Attached Thumbnails
After a while tinkering I found a temporary solution. For those having this issue go to your documents/mygames/fallout76. In the ini files (Fallout76Prefs) Look for (( uFaceGenTextureResolution=1024 )) Change the resolution to 120. (( uFaceGenTextureResolution=120 )) This pic is my result. It will lower the face details but still looks way better. If anyone out there know of a better solution you are very welcome to post it here.
I've verified the game files. Reinstall it. I update my old below minimum requirements drivers. I max the settings, low them and nothing. The game runs well with most settings in low. All textures look fine and load well except the face. It has some sort of shade effect that cause this. I'm wondering if there is a way to turn this effect off. Or if anybody here know a way out? A way out or temporary fix excluding the idea of spending hundreds on a new pc or hardware upgrades. Any help will be appreciated.
I have the same problem. Does anyone figure how to fix this? I don't think is a texture issue. Is some weird light/shadow reflection effect over the face. If you notice, none of the textures are buged except the face. Please let me know if anyone found a solution.
Guys you can change the race of an npc with the codes, click the npc and type setrace woodelf setrace imperial etc etc, I change Lydia in to a wood elf and it works for me coz she dont have much background story so it does not afect the game