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Everything posted by TerronScibe

  1. I've seen lot of woman mods out there, I respect the modders that spent time in perfecting the characters and especially the women characters in Skyrim. I like lore-friendly mods that goes along or not to far away from the story. One thing I'm sorta offended is seeing lot of C-shape spines in the women body mods. I jest don't understand why soo many blokes keep making their women with C-shape spines? It really makes women look weird. If ya want lore-friendly to go along with the bloody story, everybody worked hard and no different. Women's back were strong and naturally straight and not bent over from hours slouching from overly texting on cellphones. That's why I `attempted making my own bodymod to encourage a `more beautifully natural posture. Tscibe Body-> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52377/?
  2. I made this thread to discuss project suggestions about converting various armors and clothing. To start-off, does anyone know if anybody has fully adapted the Vanilla Armors and Clothing to the 7base natural female body replacer? When the character wears any vanilla clothing it looks more like plastic stretching over the character's body (example like the dresses or miner's outfit). What I request is no alternation (changes) to the original design of the clothing and armors, but improve the mesh where its more comfortably fitted to the body. Although tight fitting armors like the thieves' guild or Dark Brotherhood armor may need cleavage for the femalebody_1 instead of _0 `if that's possible to do? Oh yeah, I was hoping if anybody's up to it? To make the men's version of farmer clothes to fit for the women (either vanilla or 7 base natural), That be nice Thanks!. *I'm also trying to learn how to fully edit armor meshes and put them into skyrim by using the new version of blender and old or caliente's body studio, and nifskope. If anyone got advice it be nice!*
  3. That's a good question. I want to figure out 'how to use Blender' simply for making Skyrim armor. Especially since my PC won't play the game for nothin. I actually want to make new armor to encourage modders out there to stop 'making perverted mods' and make cool mods for the female chars. Hope someone helps ya out with your question!
  4. That sounds like you're describing something a old 'Travelling Knight' that was once a Hero and then roams the world for the next big thing to come by. Ragged robes over the armor is what comes to my mind. Sounds like a good basic idea.
  5. Phew, I haven't been on a forum for years. Just to tell ya my inexperience here. So let's get this started: I'm sick and tired seeing 'nude mods', and perverted armor *if you call a light cloth over your `chest, armor? Just directly belittling 'us sheilas' almost like an advertisement that jest because some of us are `pretty that we're sluts! (Excuse my `misunderstandings if anyone tries to correct my dislike with the mods.) I'm not a modder for two reasons: 1) My pc doesn't work good and I haven't the slightest penny to go out and buy a expensive pc or video card. Secondly, Skyrim plays better on the Xbox360 despite the `wonderful modifications on PC Skyrim has. While searching for 'fantastic armor for the female chars', I found a mod that was made for Oblivion. This picture be the main example of the 'cool nonperve' mods I'm talking about. http://modsreloaded.com/downloads/dq7mo80x67/aavsrh6xqi.jpg *By the way, the second picture I attached to this post. Is only an example of a Mage or Mara appearence Idea. The picture is not made by me and was found on Yahoo Image Search. I Do Not know if it came from another game.*
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