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  1. Hi, I'm new to this modding thing. I've been looking for ragdolls mods on the nexus and the ones I've found have not satisfied my thirst for ragdolly fun :( You see Realistic Ragdolls and Force is good, but it still have that stiffy feelings with the ragdolls, maybe a bit more flexibility in the shoulders and arms in general and it'll be A-ok. I'd like to modify it, entirely for personal preference and well as a good learning experience to see how the engine of Skyrim ticks. I think that it could be possible but alas I know nothing of it :( can you guys show me the right way to modify the ragdolls? like friction, limb flexibility, angle and whatnot? I'll be totally grateful :3
  2. Hi guys, I was wondering, we all know that the ragdolls in the game are way to stiff in the vanilla game, I've been looking trough the nexus and the internet in general, and the mods I've found regarding radolls are these: -Realistic Ragdolls and Force -New Ragdolls -Ragdoll Mod. My question is, Do you guys know about more ragdoll mods? or there are only those three?. Also, the Collision Fix mod it's not what I'm looking for, only another ragdoll mod, don't get me wrong those mods are great, they fix the extremely stiff and unrealistic ragdolls. If you know another ragdoll mod, please let me know, I'll appreciate that. Thanks! (:
  3. I hope that someone could make this, becasue it is really, really, really annoying. And extremely immersion breaking aswell. "I have a family, they love me... -3 months out, fighting evil-" "Oh your back...'sup daddy"
  4. As we all know the marriage system in skyrim is Poopywhappers, it's just a money/food income, this is supposed to be a Roleplaying game for the love of Stendarr, where is the roleplay and the immersion when the game offers you to get married and then "BAM" nothing... What is the point of getting married then, yes I get it a sell point, marketing, etc. But come on, for those who we really want a real immersive experience someone fix the Marriage system please :sad: If I had the knowledge and time to do it I would gladly work on a massive overhaul for the marriage systen adding radiant quests, etc, hell even if I have to make the spouse's voices too (tough that would be disturbing :B) There are a bunch of other people that also posted the same as me, and they get nothing, come on this is 2014 not 2004 a mod like this can actually be done. I understand that there are obstacles (time, real life, work, lazyness, etc, etc) but no one has even tried to fix it as a whole, that mod of To have & Hold of whatever just allowed you to marry more people (more gold *EJEM*) If you don't believe me, here is the proof that this is being asked for a loooooooong time: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/557187-marriage-overhaul-mod/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1025424-a-relationship-overhaul/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/743245-romancemarriage-overhaul/ Hats off to this brave soul, may he enjoy eternity in Sovngarde and drinks mead endlessly with the heroes of old for making this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10319/?
  5. Wow, thanks man :D Kudos to you ^^ EDIT: I just checked the links and all that shenanigans...So overwhelming x.x I wanted to try to fix Hearthfires, I thought I knew a little bit about CK, but after all the things I saw I just went: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/041/343/index.php20110724-22047-58b7hk.png
  6. I know abuot the tutorials I have several tabs with them to go back and read while I begin modding, but I'd like to know what kind of tutorials I need if I want to make a Standalone, custom voice marriable follower. I've been thinking and I need: -The Follower tutorial -How to add a custom voice to your follower -Dialogue tutorial -AI tutorial -Questing I know my way around the CK but I don't know what kind of tutorials I need to make such follower and I'm a bit lost :/
  7. Varsaigen, I agree with your post, I posted a similar thread not too long ago, in which I also said that Marriage should be also an activity, and not to make it into Sims 5: Skyrim, but as part of the RPG system and as a factor to add immersion into the game. You could even simplify things using the Radiant System and Dialogue already found in the game files. Or even better, make custom spouses (male-female-Kahjiit and Argonians also for our fellow Kahjiit/Argonian Elder Scrollers) and having custom voices and dialogues, it has been done countless times (Interesting NPCs and the innumerable ammount of followers and npcs out there) that's not impossible at all. They can have custom AI and work as followers aswell if you like, etc. There many things that can be done without being Script-Heavy, and even make simple mods that add little features that add to the immersion. Basically the idea is to make marriage something more immersive and interesting, I even found a pic that sums the entire Marriage thing in Skyrim (even in Hearthfires): http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/241/788/657.jpg ...Because Skyrim...
  8. As far as I know, there only exists "Take Notes", tough I'm not sure if there is a mod where you can write a complete book by yourself.
  9. Thanks for the replies guys :) Well there is a guy here in the fourms that posted something amazing, very cool features that I think can be possible in Skyrim. There are many threads about it, I can't remember the specific thread but there is this guy who posted TONS of ideas, and as far as I'm concerned they can me made. He posted things such as scenes, cutscenes, mini-quests, favor system. For example you come home and as the same random chance of your daughter/son adopting a pet, they come to you and give you a drawing, then you can use that drawing to get some bonuses, or you can teach your children how to do stuff, or spouses talking with children, scolding them, etc, etc. When I get my character home It's pretty creepy to get there and see my wife staring at me and my daughter "Pappa!" And then *Death Stare* me all day. I guess the dragonborn would prefer to fight aluin again instead of staying there, LOL. There are lots of content that could be added, I'll maybe list some that are already posted on the other threads but they are (But not limited to): Teaching your child to do stuff: So, this is self explainatory I mean, you're the dragonborn of legend and I think it's right to teach your children how to use a sword, a bow, how to hunt or stuff like that. Also there could be radiant mini-quests in which your child asks for help in order to kill their first creature. Family Interaction in general: As I said above, living in a silent house is disturbing, maybe random lines between spouses and children could be made, There is a lot of content already in the vanilla version to edit and make new lines. Now that is in a very basic level, but if you look for something more complex, a smiliar system of radiant quests could be also made here, like making errands, deal with *Skyrim-Medieval/Fantasy-Day-to-day problems and dilemas* LIke your child wanting to be a mage. Hell even arguements with your spouse, Skyrim is tough country, it's a tough life not everything can be lolipops sweetrolls rainbows and unicorns.Sending letters to your loved ones: There is this mod called Take notes in which you can write your own journal, maybe during your travels you can write a letter to your home, find a courier in any of the towns or big cities, give him said letter and then after a couple of days later (If you haven't returned home) a courier gives you a response from your family about how much they miss you (Or how happy they are to have yopu in the other corner of Skyrim killing Talos knows what), or if you stay out too long (7 days min.) you get a letter of your family wondering if you are okay, and if you don't send letters at all they can even send someone (mercenaries or the companions) to see if you need to be rescued and such. Taking your child on your travels: Maybe as part of the family radiant quests you can take your child on your travels to deliver something from Whiterun to Solitude, or anywhere you are living currently or just share some Dad/son time hunting some game in the local hold or fishing at a river or camping in the forests.Happiness/Favour/Respect System: This could be pretty cool for Hearthfires, since your wife and children disposition and respect towards you can chance, for example if you are a dick to them your wife may not give you a homemade meal, she may not give you the share of the store income (She is not obliged to do so, it's her store after all and you didn't take any part on helping her) and she may even force you to sleep somehwere else (Making your bed status to owned if she is sleeping there so you must sleep somewhere else. And if you are a dick your children they may either fear you or disrespect you, so you can tell them (Do X) they'll just ignore you, they won't give you gifts and stuff like that. In the contrary if you are a saint to them you get the opposite treatment (Remember the letter system? ;D) "How are the kids?": Yeah the "How are the kids" thing is pretty lame to be honest, there should be more options to talk with your wife, for example in Interesting NPCS you can marry a blacksmith called Isolda, and well she may not have the how are the kids dialogue but you can talk to her about your choices on your quests. Here we can do the same, you can talk to your spouse about quests, or other daily life stuff and they can go and ask you about it themselves, you just chilling on your house and them your spouse talks to you about something and you can actually reply to them like (I agree, because..., I disagree, Because, Damn it woman/man, I'm the dragonborn, don't pester me with such nonsense!, I don't know, because...) and so on.Well that is all of I could think of, if there are more people who can have other ideas I encourage them to say them, if you want a Better marriage/domestic life mod and you don't know how to make mods, the fourm is your tool. Now I know that some of the features mentioned here may be very difficult, but as I said above they are not limited to be like this, they are not carved in stone and there may be other ways to make the same or similar ideas without being a tedious task to make. (Sorry for my english ^^ by the way ^^; )
  10. First of all I'm an Immersion seeker, for me Skyrim is everything, it's a gate where I can leave my boring and annoying RL and be the Epic Nord Hero that saves the world, I try to find the most immersive mods out there to make my game the best experience possible, so at the end of the day I can close Skyrim with a smile on my face. I hope i'm not the only Immersion seeker here :/, but anyways, to the point. I've noticed that there are many immersive mods, like realistic needs and diseases, sleeping mods, etc. And I think that such thing is amazing. And well...there is the Hearthfire issue. I think modders have done a terrific job with immersion mods and I congratulate them, I loved bordersense and frosfall for example, but I feel that people left Hearthfires aside or simply ignored it, Yes there are mods for hearthfire like new homes and stuff, or multiple spouses, but I have the feeling that modders just don't care to make dynamic marriage mods. Talos knows why they don't want to, maybe it's too tedious to make a mod for Hearthfires? I've seen companion mods that merge pretty good with Hearthfires, Like Vilja in skyrim and Interesting NPCS (They are the only ones I know tough). I swear if I had the resources to make a mod like that, I'll made it and update the **** out of it, but I can't :sad: So if there is a good soul out there willing to make such wonderful mod, I think that all the Immersion/Roleplay/Hearthfires lovers will be pretty thankful. Honestly it's kind of frustrating that we are just being ignored, I mean, I understand that we are nobody to demand and go all bossy like "MAKE ME MODS NOW!" but each time I see more and more and more mods about weapons, textures, enb's and such. Someone may think "If you wanna get married and have domestic life go play Sims" Well you're right but I've always wondering, how would domestic life be in Skyrim?. I say this because I've seen people use their wives and companions as simple Vendors and "Woman, Cook!" and the followers are just pack mules and cannon fodders. And that breaks immersion so much. "Hello My lov--" "Yeah yeah whatever, lemme sell stuff and get som food, K I'm leavin', bai" I hope that there are more players and modders out there that can see the potential of Hearthfire (Understanding the technical limits of the game of course) Because it's very dissapointing/frustrating that it is 2014 and there isn't a single marriage overhaul for Skyrim :/ /rant probably this topic won't get any replies, but at least I'm trying to speak up too :/
  11. I'll try to do my best making these kind of mods... when CK stops crashing my whole computer at startup.
  12. If only I had a better computer, I would start "learnin' the good ol' trade of modding as mah gran'pa used to do back n' them old days" I like to describe myself as a strong supporter of Marriage mods and I'm eager to learn and start working on it...but I need money :/ /LOL
  13. I'm going to bump this thread because what you have just said it's completely correct, Hearthfires is pretty cool, but somehow I think that Hearthfires has so much potential to make the domestic life more playable, I've been hunting for such mods ever since I got Hearthfires and I haven't been able to find anything, the closest mod I was able to found was Companion Vilja and Interesting NPCS. They may not have those points you wrote about but at least they have a few scenes with children and makes the family life more active. I am one of the biggest supporters of making a mod that could improve the domestic life in a more dynamic way, such as mini-quests, scenes, etc... If I had the resources I would put my entire attention into making a mod for all of us Hearthfires lovers but alas I don't, my rig is just a potato in steroids so I am able to run skyrim but the CK just kills my Computer. I'm saving up to buy a custom computer so I can make mods for skyrim and when that time comes I'll make sure to create such a mod, and I'll search for voice talents so they could help me making it, but for now. It would be very nice to see someone with enough modding knowledge and love for Hearthfires to make such a mod. But I feel you man, I hate seeing people using their wives as only vendors and interacting with their children is just a Chore instead of being someting dynamic, random and smooth. I've seen followers using the Favor system or Relationship system where your relationship with said NPC increases or decreases, someone told me that making such things it's a "kick-in-that-place-that-shall-not-be-named" but I agree with the OP, it would add TONS of content to Hearthfires. Hell, if I could I would even make Custom, voiced, and with custom AI Spouses NPCS for all my Hearthfire and Immersion brothers and sisters, but as I stated before, I don't have the resources nor the skill, but I am eager to begin modding.
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