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  1. I did try all of those, and I did install the fix as I was doing LR as an attempt to fix it, I thought that maybe somehow my version of YUP was screwing up or something and that fix would help it, unfortunatly it didn't, I managed to eventually get through LR by killing and resurrecting ED-E anytime he got stuck but it was still extremely annoying and tedious as hell to do, Also Mojave ED-E works fine, even after finishing LR he works fine, so I'm not sure why LR in particular broke for me, all those mechanics like robots not targeting for me only happend in LR and not anywhere else in the game... actually, when I think about it more instead of it just being ED-E that was broken, all the robotic entities in lonesome road didn't attack, or move at all.. so perhaps this is a bug to do with that instead of just ED-E? Alright, hopefully it was just for that character for some reason and hopefully the game won't break in half again when I play another character haha
  2. I did try all of those, and I did install the fix as I was doing LR as an attempt to fix it, I thought that maybe somehow my version of YUP was screwing up or something and that fix would help it, unfortunatly it didn't, I managed to eventually get through LR by killing and resurrecting ED-E anytime he got stuck but it was still extremely annoying and tedious as hell to do, Also Mojave ED-E works fine, even after finishing LR he works fine, so I'm not sure why LR in particular broke for me, all those mechanics like robots not targeting for me only happend in LR and not anywhere else in the game... actually, when I think about it more instead of it just being ED-E that was broken, all the robotic entities in lonesome road didn't attack, or move at all.. so perhaps this is a bug to do with that instead of just ED-E?
  3. 1. Use Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus instead of UPP 2. Why aren't you using IStewieAI's tweaks? 3. Populated Casinos contains dirty edits/ITMs - Casino Crowds is recommended 4. Consider replacing Solid Project with Just Assorted Mods as the former can cause issues these are all extremely new mods, and I only just recently started getting back into modding after taking a break for 2 years I'll look into the 1st and 3rd things, but I'm not sure about the 2nd and 4th, I've never heard Solid Project causing issues, and theres abit too many tweaks for those StewieAI tweaks for me XD Oh thats wild, I misread UPP as YUP haha, looks like I downloaded UPP only a couple of hours before it was hidden, I guess I'll give that a download then.
  4. 1. Use Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus instead of UPP 2. Why aren't you using IStewieAI's tweaks? 3. Populated Casinos contains dirty edits/ITMs - Casino Crowds is recommended 4. Consider replacing Solid Project with Just Assorted Mods as the former can cause issues these are all extremely new mods, and I only just recently started getting back into modding after taking a break for 2 years I'll look into the 1st and 3rd things, but I'm not sure about the 2nd and 4th, I've never heard Solid Project causing issues, and theres abit too many tweaks for those StewieAI tweaks for me XD
  5. Alright, Thankfully I already have LOOT, had no idea it would be this easy to post my load order haha 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 11 b Functional Post Game Ending.esm 12 c SolidProject.esm 13 d SomeguySeries.esm 14 e Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm 15 f YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp 16 10 Unofficial Patch Plus.esp 17 11 populatedcasino.esp 18 12 Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patch.esp 19 13 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp 20 14 ADAM Complete.esp 21 15 ADAM - MERGE.esp 22 16 ADAM - MAIN.esp 23 17 Asurah_reanimation.esp 24 18 B42Inertia.esp 25 19 CASM with MCM.esp 26 1a Diagonal movement.esp 27 1b Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp 28 1c FOVSlider.esp 29 1d LaraCroftArmor.esp 30 1e Leather backpack - rus.esp 31 1f Lil' Bomber.esp 32 20 AWO_AR15 - DLC.esp 33 21 NewVegasBounties.esp 34 22 NewVegasBountiesII.esp 35 23 Enhanced Vision.esp 36 24 RangerSequoiaSafehouse.esp 37 25 SGD's Black Bandana.esp 38 26 single action hunting revolver.esp 39 27 HZSmoothLight.esp 40 28 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp 41 29 MCPipBoy2000MK6_clock.esp 42 2a HitOwnership.esp 43 2b LeatherBackpack - eng.esp 44 2c ADAM - NCR Patrol Armor.esp 45 2d ADAM - Rangers on Patrol.esp 46 2e Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esp 47 2f The Courier.esp 48 30 The Courier - Patch for Project Nevada Enhanced Vision.esp 49 31 UrgeWasterScarf.esp 50 32 ADAM - Outcast Ranger Armor.esp 51 33 ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp 52 34 Asurah_Reanimation_Handgrips.esp 53 35 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp 54 36 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp 55 37 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp 56 38 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.lore.friendly.names.esp 57 39 CraftableWeaponMods-WeaponsOfTheNewMillenia.esp 58 3a Lonesome Road EDE FIX 2.esp 59 3b NevadaSkies.esp As for plugins that don't appear on load order, do you mean like NVSE and such? I have both that and the JohnnyGuitar NVSE, Enhanced Shaders ENB, and the 4GB patcher, Atleast thats all I can remember having...
  6. ohhh, thank you so much, I didn't know vanilla and mod textures were seperated like that, I deleted some files which had broken textures and bam, fixed up!
  7. So I've got two issues going on right now, 1. Lonesome Road ED-E Refused to follow me throughout lonesome road, killing then resurrecting him worked for a time, but he'd eventually stop following me again, also for some reason any robots or turrets in that DLC refused to attack me, and ED-E woulden't attack anything either. 2. I've got multiple broken textures on glass and on certain indoor places, Mostly factory places, like the various metallic parts of Colonel Moore's office, or some places in the Hopeville Missile Silo Bunker, the textures flicker and change appearances depending on how I look at them, I used to have the same issue with the Veteran Ranger Helmets, but I fixed it by deleting those textures and then verifying my game files, I was wondering if there was a Way I could delete all the vanilla textures and require them so they wouldn't be corrupted.
  8. Okay sure, I'm not sure I should be replying to you or just putting this as a new comment so.. ahh 0. Asurah Animation Pack 1. B42 Inertia 2. Nevada Skies Brighter Nights 3. CASM NV 4. Nevada Skies Colorful Stars 5. Diagonal Movement 6. Disable Process Windows Ghosting 7. FOV Slider 8. JIP LN NVSE Plugin (Also have NVSE of course) 9. Lady Laras Armor 10: Lonesome Road Type 3 Armor 11: NCR Trooper overhaul 12: NMC Textures Small 13: New Vegas Anti Crash 14: Nevada Skies 15: Project Nevada 16: SGD's Black Bandana 17: Solid Project 18: Type 6M Equipment Replacer 19: The Mod Configuration Menu 20: Old World Blues Armors for Type 3 21: Type 3M Clothing Honest Hearts 22: User Interface Organizer 23: Nevada Skies URLIFIED Interiors 24: Using Console Dosen't Disable Achievements 25: Waster Scarf 26: Weapon Animations Replacer 27: YUP for Base and DLC 28: Dimonized Type 3 29: Mojave Delight And of course I have the 4GB Patch, and ENB Sorry If I'm doing this improperly ^^;
  9. IIRC Mojave Delight requires Body Type 3, which I do have installed
  10. As the title says Mojave Delight is making all the default races faces pink, The Races Mojave Delight adds however are fine, only the default ones are pink which means every NPC aside from a few named characters like Doc Mitchell have Pink faces, and even characters like Doc Mitchell have Pink Teeth
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