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Nexus Mods Profile

About Solcaster

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  • Currently Playing
    Tales of Vesperia/Half-Life 2
  • Favourite Game
    Half-Life 2

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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Thanks. If I wanted to change my name, I'd have to ask that DarkZero dude, right? I don't think I much like this one. Kinda silly, IMO.
  2. currently, i'm playing half-life 2, tales of vesperia and will be starting eternal sonata after completing either the former or latter games. half-life 2 is incredible, tales of vesperia is cute, quaint and yet there's something epic about it. can't figure out what, though. also, watch out fer them fastzombies or they'll getcha!
  3. i am new to this website. just found it today, the twenty somethingth of december. i look forward to mingling with the many colorful people who grace this place with there presence now and then. nice to meet all who read this. :)
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