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  1. Hello! I've been playing Fallout games ever since Fallout 3 came out. I've always loved when Fallout tickles my claustrophobia with abandoned underground areas, basements and sewers and I was hoping that someone got this idea of a mod that takes you so deep underground that things get freaky, creepy and confusing. However I noticed a lack of such mod so I took it upon myself to make one. I downloaded the Creation Kit for Fallout 4 and learned how to use it (still have some stuff to learn).So I started working on this...Idea. The Idea: A mod which falls under the category of ''New - Locations''. The player finds this weird tunnel in one of the buildings (not decided which one yet). So as he explores he notices something weird. One of the walls in the bathroom is torn down and a passage way followed by an elevator can be seen. This passage takes the player to what seems like a abandoned mine, however it turns out that its not a mine but an area investigated by a company called ARC (Anomaly Research Center). By checking the documents left by ARC the player reads about this anomaly that happens beyond a door. It seems ARC were documenting their experiences and research, claiming that this door should not be there. After entering the door, the player finds himself on a journey that takes him really, really, really deep underground. But things get strange the further down he goes as if this is not something of our world. The journey continues, and things get extremely weird and bizarre, noises, voices, sounds are echoing through the corridors. The player continues his descent and has no idea that things get more than bizarre, The player comes to the conclusion that this is some dimension between dimensions but actually player has no idea that he has found the path to hell. Here is a video of what I've done so far: Short Video: Long Video: I really really want to make this mod to be extremely creepy in atmosphere, bizarre, and disturbing. But I need help, I've been exhausted working on it on my own without any help. So please if someone knows how to make mods or edit mods (add stuff), send me a message. I want to add more interior and make this mod long, interesting and scary.Please!
  2. Gonna keep short. I am Working on a mod...so far so good but I am stuck and video tutorials don't seem to explain the things I need to know. I am asking for some help/answers to these questions. How do I make a teleport without using a loaddoor? In other words I want to make a cave entrance to act as a teleporter that will take the player to another interior. But it seems I can't make the cave entrance as teleport trigger/activator. How do I make a skeleton/deadNPC have the ragdoll effect? How can I add my own sounds/music/background noise into a interior? Sorry for typos and bad english.
  3. Ok here is the rest of the mod and the mod's story: More and more you continue you find bodies of people with files and notes , you see that they were also trying to find out what is this place and what is going on. Sometimes you will spot alive people but they are all gone insane and hallucinate.Some of them will even deny seeing you like they will be ''who are you , you are not real! I know you are not'' some of them will even commit suicide in front of you. You go deep down , every time when you think you have reached the bottom it just proves you wrong.Later you reach a metro tunnels with trains that have not operated years even before the atomic bomb.Like this huge metro station has been abandoned for thousands of years.Still wheelchairs , mannequins and other stuff can be spotted around that make no sense...Sometimes even objects will change places.Dead bodies will appear and disappear.Like the place is playing tricks or something. Later you reach some sort of sewer tunnels...with some sort strange symbols on the walls...more and more you look at the symbols more you get the feeling that they illustrate demon faces.Like they are drawn from some antichrist cult.By continuing walking down the sewers sometimes you hear weird eerie echoes but you cannot make out of them you get confused thinking are these just sewer echoes from water drops or screams coming from deeper.Still you find weird objects that shouldn't be there...and dead corpses like they have been dead there since thousands of years. After some searching and notes reading you realize...that this area is some kind of a whole in reality...like a mixed dimension between time and space.Changing it self rapidly like a ruby cube , looks different with every move.That's why dead bodies appear and disappear , people going insane and objects changing places.So all that is left now is for you to find a way out of there...but you can't go up because some of the corridors and doorways that you came from are gone (like the ruby cube changed its blocks) ...you have no choice but to continue going deeper down. Just when you think it cannot have more underground levels that the sewers cause you know in Reality you cannot go deeper underground than the sewers...but no. You find your self going even more deep down...you reach to a very weird level.Just corridors , and empty rooms like cells...no trace of any decoration like wallpapers or any objects just corridors with lamps on above to lighten the way just a little.More you go deep you start to notice again symbols on the walls but this time they are more concentrated... You continue deeper the symbols on the walls are getting even more and more...the rooms start to look like prison cells... Until finally you reach a dead end with only a door in front of you saying ''exit''.Of course you open it...but again you see a long corridor you keep walking it until you reach a dead end again...but this time no door but a wall with a sign ''WELCOME TO HELL'' that's when weird twitching eerie kinda monsters attack you like they are really made by the devil himself... After you kill them...a door appears out of nowhere and when you open it you see a stairs going up...you start going up but the stairs are very long so it takes you some time...finally you reach a door saying ''exit'' you open it and you are back at the small house.Right there you decide to write a note and warning other people: 'To whoever is reading this , do not enter! Do not Open this door.This place is cursed.Nothing that you will see inside will make sense.'' You stick the note on the door with a knife...You exit the house and locks the door from the outside... -=Well i hope you got the story and idea and especially the ending , I would love to see people taking interest into this and perhaps can unite with me and do this mod into reality.=-
  4. I've had this awesome idea for a horror mod similar to Hell on earth but with much less fighting. Here it is: Well imagine you are roaming around the Mojave , all the sudden , you see a small abandoned house.You decide to check it out.The moment you enter the house , the door behind you locks.So there is nothing you can do but continue checking the house , all though the house has only 3 rooms , bathroom , kitchen and bedroom.In the bed room there is a strange door , as aproaching it you feel more and more strange.Right before you enter the door , you see a small note stuck on the door with a knife.The note read: ''To whoever is reading this , do not enter! Do not Open this door.This place is cursed.Nothing that you will see inside will make sense.'' You realize that someone have writen this letter but you see that there is no trace of anyone beeing here recently. Finaly you open the door , and you discover this huge underground tunnels , rooms , halways and doorways with no doors , cells with nothing in it.Manequins , wheelchairs , tables with bizarre placement and many more decorations that serve no purpose and make no sense. You continue down and you get lost , nothing around you makes sense , nothing can help you to find out what is going on until you find a note.The note reads: ''Its been 2 days now , we cannot find the way out.I knew that I should have assigned for this job.Jessy is going crazy , sometimes he mentiones about cuting his throad.We were hired to investigate this place , the reports said that this house just appeared of nowhere , 1 day was not there and then the next is there...'' More and more puzzled you continue going deep , you encounter hallways that lead to nowhere , doorways with no doors , doors that cannot be opened , metrostations with no trace of trains , half broken manequins that surve no purpose.Soon you find another note: ''Jessy did it , I cannot believe him.The moment we entered this damn house he was the most fearless , this morning when we woke up he was on the ground with his throat cut.It is clear that he commited suicide , we gonna leave him here next to this note.There is nothing we can do but continue searching the way out.'' Even that the note sais that Jessy should be leing right next to it , you see no body , no trace of blood , nothing.After some roaming around this bizarre place , you come back to this room only to see the dead body of Jessy with another note next to him saying: ''What is going on? Where is Jessy's body? I am positive he was leing right here.What is going on , who is playing tricks on us? We just moved to the next room and then decided to go back and boom Jessy's body is gone.Something is not right with this place , something is just not right!'' If you like my idea and want to hear the rest , i would love to see some response and even better , the interest of some skilled mod maker who is willing to help me with this mod.
  5. Since the release of Skyrim I am very disgussted by the textures and horrible looks the npc and player have.I spend so much time looking for a mod that fixes those ugly faces and silly body sctructures with minimum to no results. Isn't there a mod that can fix all the player and npc faces , more NORMAL bodies , and more NORMAL walking and sprint animations? I hate this muscular walks , silly body structures and ugly faces. I saw some mods that bring nicely looking faces but only for the female player or specific female npc's.Isn't there something you can do for the male characters also and the player? Or a mod that makes every character in the game with normal looking face , animation or body structure? Please someone point me a mod that can fix all these disgusting contents , I love the game but these ugly stuff makes me to often hit the quit button.
  6. Well is there any mod that brings something from the Fallout 3 and New Vegas interface to Skyrim.For example: I really dislike how when I talk to a NPC the camera doesn't close on it.As you remember in Fallout when you talk to a NPC the camera closes on it.I would really like to know if there is any mod like that. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had really good interface while Skyrim suffers really annoying issues.So any tips on what mods would be useful to fix some of these annoying stuff in Skyrim. I hate when sometimes I am confused who is actually talking to me. The character's structires doesn't look too good. The faces are bad , like everyone in the game craw out of a cave or something.
  7. First of all , I apologize if this thread is considered a mod request there for beeing in the wrong place.I wasn't sure where to ask or talk about it.Anyway I looked in the categories and didn't find the mods I was looking for I am almost sure that there has to be one. Well is there any mod that brings something from the Fallout 3 and New Vegas interface to Skyrim.For example: I really dislike how when I talk to a NPC the camera doesn't close on it.As you remember in Fallout when you talk to a NPC the camera closes on it.I would really like to know if there is any mod like that. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had really good interface while Skyrim suffers really annoying issues.So any tips on what mods would be useful to fix some of these annoying stuff in Skyrim. I hate when sometimes I am confused who is actually talking to me. The character's structires doesn't look too good. The faces are bad , like everyone in the game craw out of a cave or something. Any help please?
  8. Since some time now when i click on a mod and try to download it , the site doesn't respond to my request.I cannot open , the comments , the download section , the description , nothing.That happens to every mod i enter.I can enter the mod no problem , the pics show , but that's it , clock on any other button related to the mod only takes me back on top of the page and nothing shows up just the same message in where the content should be displayed ''Copyrights Robbin 2011'' or something like that.Is there some issues with the site right now , or am i the one with the problems?
  9. Hi, I'm guessing "some poses" wasn't what you needed then? No , sorry.Its not what I'm looking for.I need to move my character like normal while in TFC.
  10. Sorry if it is already asked , a nexus member suggested that i should ask here about what i'm searching. Is there a mod or animation that makes my character to talk (move he's lips) with a push of a button or console command? I've seen some Machinima of Fallout 3 and seen that the creators used it but i don't know if it is done with the GECK or is it a separate mod. Also i was searching for a camera mod that allows me to move my character while in TFC.Anyway i heard of this ''viewer's mod'' that allows that but can't find it anywhere. Please help.
  11. Please i really need 2 mods. The first one is a animation.I need a talking animation.You know like when someone is talking (moving their mouth) The other one which i seriously doubt that exist cause i searched everywhere.Camera mod , letting me to freely move my camera around(like TFC) but also allowing me to still control my character. Please any information will be a huge help.
  12. Yeah , i searched for it but found nothing.So i was hoping that someone could help me here.Thank you for the attention.
  13. Yeah i know about the TFC command , and i know about the rotating the camera around the player with zoom in and zoom out but that does not satisfy me.I need to move the camera everywhere but with the ability to move my character at the same time also.
  14. Please , I'm doing a machinima of fallout 3 and I'm in a deep need of a camera mod or hack that will give the ability to move my camera everywhere and also allow me to move my character at the same time.Please help. Thank you.
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