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About max20077

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    United States

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  1. Still doesn't seem to be working, I started a new game and same thing. PLEASE some help?
  2. Tried new game and that didnt work gonna reinstall.
  3. Okay so I haven't played skyrim since i wiped my C drive. Reinstalled everything downloaded mods. Started a new game and after the first dragon battle. I said to my self I dont really wanna start over again I'd like to have my old character levels back. So I downloaded Skill config off the nexus and raised my levels back up to around 31 is what i got for my character in the end. (Only touched skills.) I saved and left to go outside and continue the main quest. I saw one blood dragon after i was at the whiterun stables in the direction of riverwood river. But it flew off and collided into the mountains to the direction of Ivarstead kinda. I havent seen a single dragon since then unless its scriped onto the dragon walls. Any suggestions are warmly welcome and I'll gladly throw my load order up if need be. Please I would really like to fight dragons randomly like before because I use to get somewhat overencumbered with all the dragon scales and bones I would get on one journey hehe.
  4. Okay here is what happen. Long story short. I had to wipe my computer losing all my skyrim mods and such on that drive. Well I still have my level 47 saved character in the Skyrim saves,however i don't have all the mods. I've tried to get all the mods I can remember I had back in the game. But when i load the save, The message "Do you wanna continue mod content is missing." As soon as I click yes it CTDs. Any help or solutions?
  5. I've been playing my Pro legion playthrough and I've gotten the NCR to view me as vilified. I've gotten twice the encounters of the Rangers who come to kill you for being against the NCR. But then they stopped. I was wondering if someone could make a more working and special NCR Assassination by the Rangers. The Ranger Veterans on the cover of the Fallout NV would be included along with a few other NCR types of soldiers (Maybe a NCR Marshal?) Or a Fix for the current one would be nice to. ^.^
  6. I love ww2 armament but i cant seem to find many could you help me and message me some? +1 to this request stg44 is one of my favorited weapons.
  7. i wasnt trying to be demanding i was just wondering :P but thats very nice!!! i appreciate your work it looks good. could use a lil more ammo pouches on the right side of his body tho. when ever you get this uploaded (if you can as i read what you said) id download it keep up the good work im sure others will appreciate it :)!
  8. if someone could please make the authority's armor from the game Rage since its simply Bad ass id be very appreciated :3 since rage fits in well with fallout
  9. +1 this looks like a armor i would enjoy using :3
  10. hi im trying to get a modders resources to work with the geck my question is what to select for the 1st person model object of the weapon because first person view doesnt turn out what im triyng to select but the weapon i chose to customize. im using the calvary saber. modders resource.
  11. i agree with you definatly tremors is my favorite series 5th one is supposedly coming out. but yes someone should do this.
  12. i have the willow companion mod and im wondering how do you become bestfriends and unlock romance friendship level ive done the following and checked the points counter and i have 100 happy points 1.done the pencil quest and completed it 2.given gifts such as teddy bear dinky the dino and a few food items 3.did all the quests that are first given suck as getting her stuff back including beauty 4.found the big ghoul dude i dont understand what i have to do to become bestfriends? the only thing i havent done is the unarmed training and i dont quite get how to do that cause i recruited veronica but no training thing for willow popped up.
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