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About rindrake

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    United States

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  1. i like the fact that you can click one button and never have to worrie about updates. with the nmm i have to keep checking all these flags cause the modders cant keep there versions straight
  2. i use both. it just depends on what is being downloaded.
  3. first weekend the ck has been out. this happened back when skyrim first came out
  4. i been trying for an hr it just from so many people being on it. it is the first weekend sense the ck came out and if you remember this happened by when skyrim first came out
  5. I've been getting timed out message for 3hours now
  6. i see there is a quiver to match the snow forworn but yet there's no bow to complete the set. can it be made without the ck?
  7. can anyone change the model of the atronach so there all the fire one? each one could be a different color based on there element, like blue would be frost.
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