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Nexus Mods Profile

About Iamkiing

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Collaborator (7/14)



  1. it would be awesome to have iv form final fantasy in skyrim anyone else think so??
  2. dont know how to post my load order or i would
  3. it says job assign or whatever but they stay unassigned help please
  4. it was my favourite mod and was super useful and since the update for fallout 4 it doesnt work anymore and i need to have it update to f4se has the mod author been banned or just hidden it so he can update i need to know
  5. i uninstalled the dlc and had to make a save without it then reinstall this will make you lose any robots you have built but fixes the problem
  6. when i go to edit a robot via my woirkbench it wont let me select the head but when i click the torso it give me the options for head and so on anyone know how to fix
  7. ive finally managed to get my game to run smoothly with over 250 mods installed but i cant install any new mods because as soon as i go over 255 my game just wont run was wondering is i could get around this some how sorry my grammar sucks
  8. I'd like to see custome paintjobs for my guns even to chnage the colour at the weapons workbench would be cool i might message the guy who made custom paintjobs for combat armour see if he wants to take it on sorry im shitty at english
  9. yeah itd be awesome to have either the brotherhood or minute men take over and the quest line kinda follow the same you still need to clear the park turn on the power and claim it for the minute men maybe even make the whole park a settlement if possible
  10. Id like a mod that add a quest so instead of teaming up with the raiders of nuka world the minute men invade and free all the slaves and take over nuka world for your commonwealth army
  11. id like to be able to place rollercoasters or any of the rides from nuka world in settlements
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