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    Saints Row 4

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  1. Hopefully yesterday's GOP win will be the beginning of the death of Socialist Obamerica. Now is the time to show they can govern and produce a genuine leader for 2016. Good luck America, I wish you well.
  2. I say let's just get rid of morals, who needs them, they're archaic, outdated and old fashioned ... let's have a feel good society ... I like your husband or your wife so let me just go with the flow. Why bother teaching your children not to lie, swear or steal or the dozens of other things our society was built on, let's just keep quiet and not push our useless sense of morality on others, let's keep it to ourselves. So who decides morality ? ... only the people who give a hoot about tomorrow ... are there any left ?
  3. @ Matth85 ... thanks for clearing that up ... can't wait.
  4. @ Boombro ... just took a peek at "Beyond Skyrim", and yes it looks amazing. Is this coming out as a mod ? Or would I have to reload Oblivion and if so - forgive my ignorance - do I play Oblivion or is there some kind of portal or other access point/fast travel from Skyrim to Cyrodil ?
  5. Can't remember when last I played skyrim ... it got sooooo boring ... did everything possible. Can someone please make some machine guns and add a Chinese stealth suit. Or better yet, anyone have any ideas on how to get the juices flowing for skyrim again ?
  6. Actually, the Debates section on Nexus is a graveyard ... In most topics that have a high posting you will discover that it's the same handful of people debating amongst themselves. The crowds of debaters have long left. Also due to site restrictions you cannot really get to the heart of some of the more pressing issues. So let me start a list ... Lone wolf terrorist in both the US and Canada ... no talkey, talk.. Hong Kong ... no one cares ... it's too far away from everybody. Ebola ... no one cares ... it's not exciting enough ... maybe if people began turning into zombies then ok yeah. Syria ... no one cares ... who do you blame, Iraq, lambast Obama, the Turks ? ... it's simply not exciting anymore. American mid-term politics ... boring ... most Americans are simply tired of all the BS, unless you're Fox News. Sports ... Oscar has gone to prison and we don't care ... sports stars beating their spouses *yawn* Australian surfer kicking shark ... kick him again mate ... ok it's getting hotter. Indian sex workers have a workshop ... what are they building ? ... nope, getting cold again. Mexican teens missing ... ok it's getting warmer ... but no one cares. Israel shootings ... just please stop already. Kim Jong Un ... with a walking stick ... I like it ... stick's in the wrong place ... ok, ok it's getting warmer. Germany debating whether or not to legalise sibling incest ... are you serioussssssss ?????????? Female fighters are Isis deadly enemies ... you know where to aim girl ... warmer now. Ukraine ... lik-lak-lik-lak-lik-lak ... war marching over ... boring now. The Pope on creation ... no talkey, talk. Hilary Clinton ... c'mon honey say something stupider please. Isis leaders sending messages on social media trying to get activists in Australia to retaliate ... my "heatomoter" is hotting up. Alabama prisoners die of gangrene and constipation ... whattttt ??????? The world is boring right now but let's look on the bright side of things ... I get to fire an employee ... yayyyyyy :dance: I get to fire my boyfriend ... again, burn his clothes, dent his car and kick his ass :woot: A ginormous massive contract is coming ... CHA-CHING :thumbsup: I start learning another language ... :smile: I get gold ratings on all challenges on Saints row 4 ... that's what I'm talking about !!!! I discover I have friends in very high places setting me on the road to greater success ... :tongue: I lose another kg ... getting hot now mama :sweat: Hmmm time for tea ...
  7. A graveyard indeed ... but it's seasonal ... things will change when Fallout 4 arrives ... new blood, new mods, new life, new money. Nexus is still IMHO the best modding site there is ... no need to drop the standards set here just to draw a crowd.
  8. Neither one builds character ... you could either be popular or obscure and have a good or bad character.
  9. Nintii

    No fate.

    @ Stronglav ... If there was no Hitler there would be no Israel today ... the genocide of the Jews put them under the spotlight and demanded that a Homeland be created for them ... just that one fact would stop me from killing the SOB. Nevertheless, I would still not commit murder against an innocent, because that is what they would be at the time. I would however warn people of impending doom ... Pompeii as an example. Let's take your idea a bit further, we had a question here once that said something along the lines like ... What if you were in a room with about twenty or so adults and one had a baby who was about to cough or cry ... this coughing crying baby would alert the attackers who were armed of the whereabouts of the group. Now would you smother the infant to save the people or let the infant go ahead and alert the attackers ? So ?
  10. Nintii

    Are We Alone?

    Unless there is actual proof ... physical evidence that has been tried and tested, it's all just speculation. I watched a program on discovery the other night where it was stated that four experts in the field went to investigate some alien sighting. As it turns out every last one of these so-called experts believed in aliens, there was no independent investigator whatsoever. This IS ALWAYS THE CASE when it comes to these "alien" sightings or investigations. Biggest rubbish if you ask me. What's next, cows jumping over the moon ? The tooth fairy or father Christmas ?
  11. Unfortunately, the very real problem that also exists is that "people of colour" also discriminate against their very own colour because they're either a shade too light or a shade too dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWafrnk-bDc
  12. Perhaps Kerry isn't an idiot, he's merely drawing strings because toeing the party Foreign Policy plan line is not working and now he's as frustrated and confused as a lost fart in a perfume factory. It's now a case of, "Oh hell I'll try anything now".
  13. While I agree with most of the OP's argument, it must be remembered that Gaza was governed by the Ottoman Empire for about 400 years and then by Great Britain from 1918 up to 1948. The Egyptians then controlled it up to 1967. Israel then took control of the land after the 6 Day War in 1967 and governed it until 1994 - and then GAVE IT over to the control of The Palestinian authority in 1994. It was NEVER under Palestinian rule or control for well over 500 years. The bogus propaganda that the Palestinians spout in the media about how Israel wants to occupy and control Gaza is therefore utter rubbish, why would they want to control a piece of land they have GIVEN to them. Israel, are the good guys here, if the Palestinians want to allow a terrorist organization like Hamas to operate from Gaza, then they only have themselves to blame if Israel retaliates. If theses Hamas cowards want to hide behind the skirts of their women and children while they rocket Israel then they must not cry if Israel gets miffed and kills them. They only have themselves to blame.
  14. The DLC I would create - if I could - would be called, "The Heart of a god". The Dragonborn while adventuring is suddenly attacked by a group of Nordic heroes from Sovngarde, Gormlaith Golden-Hilt (one of the three heroes who aided you in killing Alduin), suddenly appears and assists you in defeating them. She tells you that you are in great danger and that Tsun (the hero that first welcomed you when you reached the Hall of Valor) has left Sovngarde to retrieve Shor's heart and set him free from the underworld because according to lore that's where he is. "What danger", you ask ? "The gods have appeared to us in Sovngarde", she says, "and they will speak with you and reveal all". Keep in mind that Shor is also known as Lorkhan and is the "god" of Sovngarde he was thrown into the Underworld by the gods because he conceptualised Nirn. Together you are whisked into Sovngarde and discover that it is in flames, both dead and wounded heroes are everywhere. I suppose that even in the afterlife heroes can completely cease to exist otherwise why have swords etc., remember Alduin was defeated in the realm of the afterlife and the heroes were afraid of their souls being eaten. Anyhow, a war indeed did take place and the "gods" tell you that Shor went insane in the underworld and wants revenge and wants to undo Nirn. You, the Dragonborn must stop Tsun if life as you know it is to continue, also you need to be weary as Shor has forewarned Tsun that the only real threat is you and therefore, you need to be eliminated. "Where is he now" you ask ? "He is on his way to the Adamantine Tower on Isle of Balfiera, a part of the dominion of the Bretons, that is where Shor/Lorkhan was thrown into the Underworld (lore)". So off you go to Solitude to board a ship in hot pursuit. On the way you are once again attacked by Tsun's followers who are trying to slow you down. Upon arrival at Solitude you discover he has wreaked more chaos by burning all the ships, your only alternative is to book passage on a pirate vessel. While journeying you enslaved and taken to an island off the coast to work the mines there, you lead a revolt and set the island inhabitants free and once again are on your way. Crossing the peninsula is impossible so you have to take the long way around and eventually reach your first major stop at Daggerfall. Here you discover that the city is under constant attack from Tsun's forces who btw, has already reached the island of Balfiera, and is digging down to a portal leading to the Underworld. Daggerfall would really be a large city, bigger than Solitude, also a place where you get a player home also followers are to be found here. According to the priests of Daggerfall (modelled on some type of Celtic priesthood from Stonehenge type thing), you would need their assistance in fighting off the spirits of the Underworld once you enter the portal. So off you go, to Balfiera and the Adamnatine Tower. And do what you do best, slay your foes all over the island, and then you enter the realm of the Underworld. After FUS ROH DAH'ing your way through this creepy environment you eventually find Tsun attempting to free Shor/Lorkhan. You end up in a final dual with Tsun while the gods battle against Shor and if you succeed in this boss fight you get a number of goodies. And how l like them - armour that let's you fly, a sword that sparkles and let's you sparkle your enemies into exploding fragments, a spell that shrivels your enemies into a 10th of their size and jars so that you can store them as trophies. Btw, Shor's heart is in the Adamantine Tower, just in case you ask. I would add a ton of side quests to be found on Slave Island, Daggerfall and Balfiera. This is all spur of the moment storyline as I type so I have not thought everything out.
  15. Hi there, I'm currently playing as a Nord.
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