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About prowler83

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  1. XComGameState_Unit::TakeDamage() removes reserve action points (i.e. overwatch) when damage+mitigated damage (armor) is greater than zero. Not sure how flashbangs remove overwatch since a comment on their template suggests they work by explicitly hitting for zero damage.
  2. You can set child classes to read from a different ini file than the parent and they will get the values for its new variables from there. And for future reference, all template managers have FindDataTemplateAllDifficulties(name DataName, out array<X2DataTemplate> Templates) which will fill out the templates array with the difficulty variants of the specified name.
  3. static event OnPostTemplatesCreated() // in X2DownloadableContentInfo { local X2AbilityTemplateManager Manager; local X2AbilityTemplate Template; Manager = class'X2AbilityTemplateManager'.static.GetAbilityTemplateManager(); Template = Manager.FindAbilityTemplate('DeathFromAbove'); Template.AddTargetEffect(effect); // or whatever else you need }
  4. For #1 - X2AbilityTemplateManager's AddAbilityTemplate has an optional parameter that tells it to replace any pre-existing template under the same name with yours. Though you might want to first make sure that what you want to do can't be done just by modifying the existing template instead.
  5. Zombies, Avatars, etc. have their force level set to 99 to keep them from spawning normally, you could try that but I'm not sure if there's a cleaner way to do it.
  6. XComGameData_CharacterStats.ini controls what force level enemies appear and which followers they can have.
  7. Change Template.AbilityToHitCalc = default.DeadEye to some other subclass of X2AbilityToHitCalc. Probably X2AbilityToHitCalc_PercentChance, and set that HitCalc's PercentToHit from an ini.
  8. I looked at all of them, and I tried an X2AbilityTrigger_EventListener for the second part of the ability, and it never gets triggered. My AbilityToHitCalc still has log statements in it, and they never show up, so I know it's not that the effects are implemented wrong, it's just not getting called at all.
  9. Tygan = UnitState; should be Tygan = XComGameState_Unit(UpdatedState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_Unit',UnitState.ObjectID);
  10. Are you editing the ini file for the mod in XCom 2/ or XCom 2 SDK/? Pretty sure you need the one in XCom 2/.
  11. I'm modding a multi-target ability that applies different effects depending on if it hits or misses. The hit/miss result is the same for every target. The problem is that if a soldier is in stasis, it automatically misses, which doesn't make sense for this. It would make sense for my ability to remove stasis, so I tried including an effect to remove stasis first (that hits even on a miss), as part of the same ability, but since the hit result is calculated before any effects are handled, it still counts as a miss. So now I'm trying to create two abilities: the first one removes stasis, and the second one applies my other effects. But I can't figure out how to get the second one to activate from the first one, or set its targets at all.
  12. The default colors are set in their respective armor's OnEquippedFn delegate. If you want to change them you'll have to replace that. function SetRageSuitArmorTint(XComGameState_Item ItemState, XComGameState_Unit UnitState, XComGameState NewGameState) { local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ; local X2ArmorTemplate ArmorTemplate; local XComNarrativeMoment EquipNarrativeMoment; ArmorTemplate = X2ArmorTemplate(ItemState.GetMyTemplate()); if (ArmorTemplate != none) { XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(class'XComGameStateHistory'.static.GetGameStateHistory().GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom')); EquipNarrativeMoment = XComNarrativeMoment(XComContentManager(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine().GetContentManager()).RequestGameArchetype(ArmorTemplate.EquipNarrative)); // If the armor intro for this armor hasn't been played yet, set the appearance for this armor if (XComHQ.CanPlayArmorIntroNarrativeMoment(EquipNarrativeMoment)) { UnitState.kAppearance.iArmorTint = 72; UnitState.kAppearance.iArmorTintSecondary = 95; UnitState.kAppearance.nmPatterns = 'Pat_Nothing'; } } }
  13. You could probably create an ability that uses a copy of the old version of EverVigilantEndTurnListener and use that.
  14. The game won't modify the configs it loaded somewhere during run time, it isn't changing and it doesn't need to be put back. The problem here might be the fix for Ever Vigilant on sharpshooters, if it checks if the unit has a pistol first and default to using that.
  15. Does the log complain about accessing none for any of those variables?
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