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  1. For the combined Elsweyr and Valenwood, you need: -Elsweyr Anequina -Tamriel.esp -TWMP Valenwood Elsweyr -TWMP Valenwood Regrown -Elsweyr Pelletine Valenwood Islands are in their own separate worldspace, so no conflicts and the Marriage esp is only if you want to marry Emuset by siding with Olurion.
  2. Have done the first Institute Exiles quest and fully outlined the other 3. There will at least be 2 new companions in this mod, including Nicole from the Exiles and Henry from the Traders.
  3. So, I admit that Nuka-World Reborn ended up being not up to my standards. I doubt I'm alone in this. So, this mod will not just do more of the same. What will change: You will be able to make choices without failing entire questlines. This is due to a more rigid structure which will decide which questlines you can play.The narratives will be tighter and shorter, with more of a focus on complex dialogue sequences and role-playing.I will strive to write better dialogue (not sure how, I'd appreciate any pointers) and give better voice direction so that the voice acting turns out better.My vision does still have the Institute Exiles around and there will at least be some references to them, so if you disagree with the new lore, there's no guarantee that VNW will be for you.
  4. Background: Despite Nuka-World Reborn being a big mod already, it was going to be a lot longer. The Traders questline was cut from 8 quests to just 6 and the Institute Exiles' content was going to be bigger. I changed the scope so that Nuka-World Reborn could have a feasible release date, but as it's done and dusted, I can't help notice the loose ends still hanging. Viva Nuka-World will change this. It will be a sequel to Nuka-World Reborn and so it will only run after you have finished the questlines in that mod. Planned features: -A new Traders questline with a new boss and a new location. -More consequences for the decisions made in Nuka-World Reborn. -The ability to populate the sections of the park with new Traders. -Instead of the unreliable "Previous" and "Next" options, I will be using Extended Dialogue Interface to add any extended options. Needless to say, this excludes the possibility of a console release. Progress: The first Traders quest has already been done. Release date: TBD
  5. Finally figured the issue. The affinity event array can only hold up to maximum 128 elements and there is no more room for adding my own custom ones, because I have Ellen installed.
  6. The voice actor for Claire has dropped out from the project. Still looking for someone to voice her. https://www.castingcall.club/projects/nuka-world-reborn
  7. Still looking for voice actors for the next version: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/nuka-world-reborn
  8. Released the first version - enjoy: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32857
  9. I've done the finishing touches. I will need to take some in-game screenshots for the release page, but otherwise, it's ready for release. I will definitely release the mod in its current state on the 1st July 2018. The questlines can be completed from start to finish and there is partial voice acting at the moment. Since the dialogue is fully done, I'll do casting calls now and get the remaining voice acting done, if not for this 1st release then the 2nd one for sure.
  10. I've asked the author of Ellen about the custom affinity, because I can't get mine working. I'm finishing some dialogue and I'll release the first alpha, most likely by the end of this week.
  11. If my tests come out nada with my attempts of fixing the affinity issues, I will do so. Thank you. :) If that really is the last missing piece, maybe you should release an alpha version already? There ought to be bugs in all the other content. Well, it's the only hurdle, not necessarily the last piece. I have a handful of things left to do, content-wise, and I can get the rest voice-acted. I am going to release the alpha once I do those handful of things. I only have time to develop the mod those days, but not enough time to test, and as you said, there may be other bugs that I overlooked.
  12. The main hurdle I'm facing, is that the mod's companion affinity doesn't work - not the quest/dialogue triggers nor the actual scenes. Only event based triggers work. Not sure what to do in this case.
  13. Yes, all characters are done except one. I have two male characters left - a scientist and a raider. Judging from your videos, you can do both, if you want.
  14. The base game factions don't do anything in the mod. The questlines are associated with the local chapters instead. Why I chose to do this: I want there to be some side factions that are affected by the Traders vs Raiders conflict, and have a story about their stake in the future of Nuka-World.I want to replicate the side factions intertwining with the main plot, like in New Vegas.Nuka-World Reborn is its own small DLC which not only adds options to base Nuka-World, but adds whole new events which can be played after Power Play. In terms of the new ways on how to deal with the raiders:
  15. I managed to get a GPU which runs Fallout 4 very well. I'll resume working on this today. I will ensure that when the player has already done Open Season, they can do a Traders version of The Grand Tour (with the flags) and the parks will be populated by Traders to make the world more alive. Then, I'll finalise the dialogue and will get the rest voice acted.
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