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Posts posted by shuchun

  1. Hi, so some of the creatures in my game are frozen. Not all; wolves, sabre cats, giants, horses, etc. seem to be fine, but some are not, like elks and hargravens. (I don't have a full list, I just notice them as I play.) I just disabled all mods (apart from the patches), and still saw an elk frozen in place, so I guess the mods have switched out some of the original files and mess up even when disabled. I realised this was the case when I noticed some of the beauty mods were still in effect. Any ideas for what I need to do, or which files should be deleted/re-replaced? I'll be happy to get more information, just tell me what is needed and where I can find it.

  2. I assume you're referring to the Nexus leak? As the message specifies, this only affects accounts created before July 2013 or whenever it was. You're in the clear.

  3. Hi, I'm new to the Nexus forums (although experienced with RP), and I see that the this section is pretty dead, apart from a couple of long-running things. Now, I rather miss forum RPs, so basically I was wondering if there's any interest here at all to get the activity level somewhat up, maybe create a couple of new stories? I'd be happy to start an RP if there's anyone left here who wants to write.

  4. Even though my main character is level 55 and I have logged a couple of hundred hours on the game, I still haven't completed the main quest line. It's not because I've been too busy modding, seeing as my main save is on Xbox, and it's not even that I think it's boring (well... maybe just a little bit). I just.... never got around to it, with all those other quests, and at this point I almost feel like I shouldn't...


    I'm also addicted to smithing (and earning serious cash through it), and can't not level 100 in it...

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