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  1. I must object- I did not do anything contributing to this scenario willingly or with my knowledge. I do not have or had "ridiculous aggressive" privacy settings. But I have to admit that complaining in this thread will not be helpful for anybody including myself. The owner of this website may change the conditions for login as he deems necessary. I have the choice to cope with the changes or forego a login. In solving login problems with the new system I am on my own. Failures are caused by my insufficient knowledge and/ or by the bug beetween my ears. I should not longer take other users/ Nexus staff time and use my time with my postings that seem without any relevance ;-)
  2. After this explanation (afaik that's the owner of this website?) I thought it would be enough to assure that the Nexus cookie will be never deleted by me. I do not change my IP or use a VPN. I do not block Google. I am not running any background third party programs except antivirus software (Malwarebytes on Windows 7, Built in Windows Defender on Windows 10). My preferred browser has been Opera. I disabled the one used extension (uBlock Origin). The settings for cookies have been "Allow local data to be set (recommended)". All other settings in options are as by Opera recommended. In Options-> Privacy-> Manage exceptions I saved [*.]nexusmods.com (that's the writing Opera needs to allow all from Nexus Mods). I even deinstalled Opera (made a backup before) and installed Opera new with the default installation settings. The result stays the same: I have to do the Google captcha for each login. If I am lucky only once. In most cases it is more than once. The only things that has to be done only once: The Authentification Code. That is not asked for in following logins and proves that Nexus cookie(s) must have been saved. But perhaps Opera as browser has not been tested by the Nexus mods staff before introducing the new login system? I did a short time ago a little bit testing for myself. Used PC for testing: Standalone PC not connected to other PCs. OS Windows 10. Installed Browsers Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge (default settings installed with installation of Windows 10). Mozilla Firefox and Opera (deinstalled old versions. Installed new versions with default settings). Before starting a browser to be tested I made sure that it is handled as standard webbrowser by Windows 10. Results (the same I experience on my regular used Windows 10 PC and a Windows 7 PC at work): Internet Explorer/ Opera: 2FA has to be done only once (as intended). Google captcha has to be done for each login (that is not to be expected if I unterstand the post of Dark0ne correctly). Microsoft Edge: 2FA is needed for each login. Google captcha has to be done for each login. I am for sure not ever using Edge for Nexus login. Mozilla Firefox: The only browser that is working on my side as intended (?) by Nexusmods. I have to solve the Google captcha at first login (may need several tries to satisfy (?) Google) and use the 2FA once. Following logins with Mozilla Firefox on Nexus need only username/ password. For me only Mozilla Firefox works as intended (my assumption) by Nexus mods. Did Nexus test browsers before installing the new login system? For Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge I cannot belive that (Users of Opera may be small in numbers but Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge are delivered preinstalled with Microsofts Windows). I may be premium user but I do not see this status as "being entitled to premium service" (in my understanding I got the right to access special servers for faster download of mods- in the past. At present all servers are fast enough afaik). As user I like to be informed of important changes in advance (and changes to login procedure are important I believe). I am very sure that I dislike to be "misused as testing subject" for changes. Neither captcha procedure nor 2FA seem to work with all browsers (four tested by me. I will not test others) as announced. My understanding of "userfriendly" seems to differ from the definition the Nexus site apparently has. But I am on the bright lucky side of Nexus life because I am not a modder who needs to upload files and master the login. And as said in a matter of sense in one of my recent posts in this thread: "To prove not to be a robot for Nexus may be more difficult than to prove Einsteins theory of relativity" ;-) It would be nice if the staff would tell would tell users as public information which browsers are seen as working with Google captcha and 2FA as by Nexus intended. I would appreciate that (so far it is only Firefox on my side on all tested PCs). PS: If I unterstand amullinix post correctly he has done the solution for the alternative non google captchas as in his spoiler shown (even with my restricted eyesight I would have chosen the same) and got failure as result?^^
  3. I am done with "testing" (and hopefully posting in this thread). The best result for opera is: authentifaction code is saved/ stored (?) because I needed only authentification code for the first login. New logins did not ask for a new code. But I had to do the captcha for each login as before. My knowledge is far from sufficient to have an explanation and find a solution. Disadvantage of this login "success" for opera: Using Firefox for a nexus login now needs doing a captcha, too. A new authentication code is not asked for. Now I could use two browsers but had to do captchas in both (and not only once). Changed back to my "solution" I had before (PC with Windows 10): Using Opera as main browser (with enabled Java Script- many websites need this enabled for i.e. login) but never for login on Nexus. Using Firefox for Nexus Login- had to be set as default browser or I must do the captcha game. Firefox as default browser needs only username/ password after the first authentication game. One browser for the web (opera), one browser solely for Nexusmods (Firefox) seems crazy but better a crazy (working) "system" on my side than getting crazy in the head by doing captchas again and again and again as never ending story.
  4. @Arthmoor It seems I did not express it clearly enough (Sry, english is not my mother language). I was successful in configuring my Opera browser for a login with only one captcha task. Clicking on login button resulted in 1. captcha presented , and if success 2. username 3. password with login at last. That worked fine until July 18th. Thre was a change on this day: Got no captcha after clicking button "sign in". Typed username, followed by password. Return. Got a popup in orange "captcha failure" (I had not been presented a captcha), followed by a new captcha task and a new captcha and a new captcha. I looked for a potential explanation on my side. The only changes were updates of the opera browser und java. I am not concerned in any way about the nexus login cookie. I was more concerned for an explanation why the nexus login cookie saved by my opera browser seems not to be recognized by the Nexus Login system. (Javascript in Opera can be deactivated in browser settings). New system (Two factor Authentification), using opera: same problem. Needed for login now is 1. username 2. password 3. do the captcha 4. authentification code. Works as intended (logged in with opera in the moment). But if I log out, close the browser (there is no deletion of data like history and cookies I checked that), start the browser again and try a new login, I have to do all 4 steps again (authentification, too). Login with Firefox does not need a captcha. Authentification was needed once. I need for login only username and password- no new captcha, no new authentification code (for 30 days as announced in the news). Firefox is the only browser witout problems on my side on two different pcs for a login after the implementation of the new security methods against bots trying a login. Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge (only on the W10 PC) seem to be treated by Nexus Login as trying a login for the first time in spite of saved nexus login cookie/ saved browsing history (IE/ Edge have the default MS settings I never touched the settings) Edit: Nexusmods does not like the disabling of Javascript ;-)
  5. PC Windows 10: IE login possible after doing two captchas, Opera login possible after doing three captchas, Microsoft Edge login after doing one captcha. Microsoft Edge is working best (only one captcha has to be solved in several tests). No deleting of cookies/ browsing history by me. Logout, closing browser, starting browser again will result in captcha procedure needed again for login for all three browsers. Mozilla Firefox login possible without any captchas. I have no explanation for these results on two different PCs with different browsers. In the future I will use for Nexusmods Mozilla Firefox and Two-factor Authentication. Edit: Activated two-factor authentication. Working fine with Mozilla firefox. Tried login on the same PC with Opera. That resulted first in doing a captcha followed by asking for authentication code. Login was a success but with Opera a logout results in needing a captcha and an authentication code again for a new login. Firefox in my case does not need captcha or new authentification code.
  6. PC Windows 7: IE login possible after doing several captchas (more than 3 less than 10), Opera login possible after doing three captchas, Mozilla Firefox login possible without any captchas. My own conclusion: only use Firefox for nexusmods.com (in my case). And yes, I have read he site news posted today. Thanks for Your information.
  7. Now the result of my next testing: PC with Windows 7, Antivirus Program Malwarebytes, Internet Explorer without any changes (Default Settings of Microsoft). Login with the same "symptoms" that I had with opera. I got a captcha fail without having seen a captcha, had to try the next captcha. Edit: logged out, closed Internet Explorer. Opened IE, tried to log on Nexus again. I did not delete cookies or browser history. Got again captcha failure as result without seeing a captcha. Had to do a new captcha that was presented after failed login. At homeI can try to test that with MS Ege and IE on a Windows 10 system. Or try same other Browsers like Google Chrome or Safari. But now I am really interested in getting advice which browser I should use with what settings for a Nexus Login with "captcha procedure doing only once" and never again because of saved Nexus Cookie. Saving and storing is not sufficient as demonstrated by my try with first time used browser that is installed on every PC with a Microsoft OS. Second Edit: Same PC (Windows 7), now Mozilla Firefox. Firefox does not need the captcha, only username and password needed. Tested IE and opera gain. Got captcha fail again without having been shown a captcha. It seems Nexus does not like Microsofts Internet Explorer or the Opera browser ;-)
  8. Or people like me using opera as browser have trouble, too. The last update of opera and java made my login on nexus a "captcha torture" again. I saved my opera installation, deinstalled opera complety and made a fresh new install with default settings. That did not improve the login proecedure on nexus in any way. There is no deletion of cookies. But I have to do the captcha procedure at each login. Now in a new way- I have to fill in username, password, use the login button. Get as result a captcha failure, followed by one or two new captchas. Verify, sign in (again). That works. I never changed the privacy settings of the freshly installed opera. I seem to be to stupid to configure opera for cooperation with the new login procedure on nexus- an opera that has been installed with default settings. Perhaps there are users that use opera and could offer some help. For this post I used Firefox. There is no login problem and no more captchas with firefox. In my case the privacy settings are not the explanation for my login problems. It may be ironic but perhaps the (google owned) opera and it's cookie remembering method is not compatible with the goggle captcha system and the used cookie identifying method. Edit: Tested on two PCs, with freshly installed firefox and opera on both. Firefox and login: working fine. Opera and login: Do the captcha again and again and again for each login.
  9. Edit: Installed Firefox english version with default settings. Had to change the "Privacy & Security" settings to the options shown in Arthmoors post. That worked fine, had to do a captcha riddle (luckily) only once (first login). Login was successful. Logged out, closed Firefox. Started Firefox, went to Nexusmods Site, clicked the Login- Button. Was asked for username and password, no captcha riddle. Fourth option for me as consequence: Have to use firefox for Nexusmods Login.
  10. Operas equivalent settings can be found under Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Cookies. The default setting there is "Allow local data to be set (recommended)". There is a button for "Manage exceptions". As told I in my post above I added nexusmods.com and www.nexusmods.com. There is no setting option for "Browsing and download history". The cookies stay stored after closing opera but I have to do the captcha thing if I start opera and try a login. Perhaps I should deinstall Firefox (only used for sites which have problems with opera), do a clean new install of Firefox (default Firefox settings after fresh installation) and choose the settings similiar to Arthmoors. In old versions of Fiiefox if I remember correctly the options have been those shown by Arthmoor. In the newest version the apperance of the settings page has been changed. I have to test a clean install of an english version of the newest firefox. Installing firefox only for Nexusmods as a solution?^^ Security settings may be one problem. Another problem is the quality of the captcha content and image quality. Today I got one big picture with "something" I could not even guess what that could be. Task was to mark the pictures with a street sign. After three captchas later I could login with success. Well (or not so well), I see only three options: 1. Testing several browsers for the best nexusmods- login- configuration (or waiting for a faq/ proposals for this configuration from the nexus staff) 2. Learning by painful experience the look of american (I assume) shop frontsides, busses, streetsigns, cars etc. in often bad quality images (I admit that "street walkways for pedestrians" have not been a problem for me ;-) ) 3. Reduce the necessity for login to a minimum. Actually I prefer the third option. It does not consume the time that will be needed for the other two options.
  11. I am using Opera. After Arthmoors post I looked into my browser settings for cookies and changed these to "Allow local data to be set", "Manage exceptions: Allow nexusmods.com, www.nexusmods.com". My test: login, logout, closing browser, opening browser, looking for locally stored cookies. I find cursecdn.com 1 cookie; google.com 1 cookie, chanel ID; www.google.com local storage; gstatic.com chanel ID; nexusmods.com 8 cookies. Well, the cookies had not been scrubbed away. I have been successful in changing my browser settings. But my login attempt did not result in "No captcha necessary", the stored cookies did not save me the three captchas in a row (bad luck: front of american stores in real bad quality had to be marked). In my case there is no difference between deleting or storing cookies. I get the captchas to solve. Perhaps I should install a server at home and try to stay logged in to avoid the captcha (never close Opera)? In my case this would not last longer than 24 hours because my internet provider is disconnecting and reconnecting the router after 24 hours. I must accept there will be no chance to avoid these captchas for me. I hope there will be advice for the best browser settings to successfully "master" the captcha "riddles" from the staff in a hopefully near future. The German online news of" Welt" (welt.de) shows under "truth and facts" (humorous sketches) "the hardest to prove" 1. The theory of relativity 2. that your friend has to pay the next round of beer 3. that you are not a robot (with the "help" of a captcha). In the meantime I am going to delete all texture only mods for skyrim special edition and reducing other mods to only the most necessary. The updates of the Unofficial Patch as the most necessary mod is hosted on the developers site, too ;-) . SSE awaits a new beginning with only a few mods and in consequence fewer updates which need a download with login at Nexus. Or I play Ennderal- needed one download, updates are installed from the Enderal servers. Or I trust in Google that they will be able to improve the quality of their captcha pictures (and have the intention to do this) or in my case in medical advances that will improve my eyesight to the eyes of an eagle or in my learning ablities that will result in recognizing the front of foreign stores from painful repeated exercises ;-)
  12. A few days ago needed for login were 1. username 2. password 3. captcha in this order (I am using opera as browser). In most cases the first captcha was successful. Sometimes I could not identify the presented shops because I am not a native of the country where the shops are located (not in mine for sure). Today I need 1. captcha (and captcha again if my luck (?) is on the bad side) 2. username 3. password. The captcha needs time to present itself, I first typed my username and was "interrupted" by the pop- up of the captcha (the only change on my side has been update of opera). I did not except the captcha in first place. If You changed somehing on Your side I would appreciate to be told in the news or a login- FAQ. If You changed anything on Your side it is imo worse- a login procedure should not be changed by a browser update. I do not like to be a test subject for experiments with the login procedure. I would like to get Your advice for login for Your site in future as FAQ. Thanks in advance.
  13. In my opinion changes to the login procedure should be announced on the site news. That would be user- friendly. The new login procedure is working on a Windows 7 PC, Opera Browser after one captcha fine (tested at work). First try = success. At home I use a gaming PC with Windows 10 Pro, Opera Browser (default configuration after installaion). I have to go through three captcha sessions most times . Sometimes it is not suceessful, I am told "false username or password". That is happening too if I use the option "forgot my password". I do not know the reason for this but I don't like needing up to 10 minutes for trying a login. Perhaps You shoud provide a user manual for login with configuration settings for the most browsers ;-)
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