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Everything posted by mcjoh

  1. Thank you leonardo2 I figured out this issue out by realizing DirectX9c was never downloaded. I am having another issue now. Morrowind rebirth does not appear as a box that you can check when you click Data Files after you launch morrowind. I installed rebirth in the past an it worked fine. Now, I noticed that when I extract rebirth to my steamapps --> common --> morrowind folder now windows 10 does not prompt me as to whether or not I want to replace (overwrite similar) files. From the guides online i've seen, they say you dont want to overwrite anything. Does this mean its overwriting files it shouldn't be? Is this why morrowind rebirth does not appear as a checkbox on the morrowind launcher data files (it always does not appear as a checkbox in the MGEXE). Any thoughts? Thanks!
  2. Thank you Dragon 32! Turns out the MGSO 3.0 interface somehow detected DirectX9c on my computer (it showed up as installed already) but it was never actually installed. I installed DirectX9c and MGEXE began working.
  3. Thank you dragon32 Now I am having an issue with getting the MGEXE to run (this is the only mod I am trying to get working first before I try the other ones). I did a fresh install of Morrowind. I downloaded the latest version of MGEXE, extracted it to my Morrowind folder. I went into the MGEXE gui. When I click distant land generator I get this warning, " Distant land files already exist, but are either incomplete, corrupt, or from an older version of MGE and must be deleted to continue. Would you like to continue?" I then press continue and click "Automatic setup everything" which runs for about one second and then I get the error message that starts with saying: "A fatal error occured creating the landscape textures. Distand land setup cannot continue. SlimDxCompilationException ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND: n/a (-2147024770) at SlimDx.Result.Throw[t](Object dataKey, Object dataValue) at SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object datakey, Object dataValue at SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int 32 hr, Object dataKey, Object dataValue) Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?
  4. Thank you teralitha. Now I am having an issue with getting the MGEXE to run. I did a fresh install of Morrowind. I downloaded the latest version of MGEXE, extracted it to my Morrowind folder. I went into the MGEXE gui: When I click distant land generator I get this warning, " Distant land files already exist, but are either incomplete, corrupt, or from an older version of MGE and must be deleted to continue. Would you like to continue?" I then press continue and click "Automatic setup everything" which runs for about one second and then I get the error messesage that starts with saying: "A fatal error occured creating the landscape textures. Distand land setup cannot continue. SlimDxCompilationException ---> SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND: n/a (-2147024770) at SlimDx.Result.Throw[t](Object dataKey, Object dataValue) at SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object datakey, Object dataValue at SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int 32 hr, Object dataKey, Object dataValue) Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?
  5. Hey guys, I have been trying to get MGSO + Rebuilt + Rebirth working together for over a week. I am so exhausted and just looking for anyone to help me During my troubleshooting I noticed that the only way I can get them to all work together is by going to MGEXEgui --> "In-Game" --> I then disable "MGE" and "internal MWSE" If I don't disable these two things, my game will simply crash almost as soon as I launch it (shows a load screen and "Morrowind.esm" at the bottom and crashes within a second). I even tried just installing MGSO and nothing else. The game still crashes if MGE and internal MWSE are not disabled The game looks better than vanilla with the MGE and internal MWSE disabled, but a lot of graphical changes are missing. Any thoughts on how I can get these mods working without disabling these key components
  6. Hey guys, I have been trying to get MGSO + Rebuilt + Rebirth working together for over a week. I am so exhausted and just looking for anyone to help me During my troubleshooting I noticed that the only way I can get them to all work together is by going to MGEXEgui --> "In-Game" --> I then disable "MGE" and "internal MWSE" If I don't disable these two things, my game will simply crash almost as soon as I launch it (shows a load screen and "Morrowind.esm" at the bottom and crashes within a second). I even tried just installing MGSO and nothing else. The game still crashes if MGE and internal MWSE are not disabled The game looks better than vanilla with the MGE and internal MWSE disabled, but alot of graphical changes are missing. Any thoughts on how I can get these mods working without disabling these key components
  7. I just tried that but it still stutters. I actually noticed it does this after an enemy recognizes me AND after an enemy is killed. So basically, it stutters when the battle starts and begins.
  8. I recently downloaded Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition on Steam. I have the game running smoothly on Very High Settings, but I cant seem to get rid of this wierd processing glitch that occurs whenever an enemy recognizes my character. Initially, the game will be running smoothly, and then, at the instant before the battle music starts playing and the enemy recognizes me, there is about a 1 second stutter (almost like the game freezes for 1 entire second). This stutter occurs before every battle. It does not occur in any other scenario. After this stutter, the battle runs lag free and stutter free. I tried removing my mods off the Oblivion launcher data files, but nothing changed. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this? What could be causing this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a list of my mods currently in my Data Files Folder: Darnified UI Natural Enviroments BOSS Landscape LOD Replacements Shivering Isles Patch Oblivion Unofficial Patch
  9. I cannot seem to download the Beautiful People mod. When the download begins, I am only allowed to "Find" or "Save" the file. It is identified as an "Unkwown" File type. The file is called "beautiful_people_2_7.7z" . Does anyone have an idea how to extract this file and where to extract it (im assuming my Data folder)?
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