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About Herald777

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  1. Out of curiosity does it matter if I'm testing these scripts on my Xbox One. (Since my computer isn't powerful enough to play the game well enough past the main menu) I'm asking because I just found out that debug scripts and possibly other types of scripts don't work on consoles.
  2. I figured out what the problem is. I also posted this topic on Bethesda.net yesterday and wanted to see if anyone else from there can help me out. (I figured it would be best if I posted it on both sites so it would be more likely that someone more skilled with scripts than I am can help with this problem) While I was making the topic on there, a suspicion came to my mind. I was wondering if it made any difference if I was testing my scripts and mods on my Xbox One. (Because my computer isn't powerful enough to play the game well enough to play past the main menu) I would have mentioned it earlier, but I thought it wouldn't have made too much of a difference when I created this topic on this site. (Because of script heavy mods like Infinite Answer being available for consoles) (I really should have thought about this earlier) I'm sorry I should have mentioned this earlier. Thank you for all the help you tried to give me. I greatly appreciate it. Are there any other types of scripts (besides debug scripts) or anything else that doesn't work on consoles that I should know about? I would greatly appreciate if anyone can let me know.
  3. @​Loganbacca Thank you. I tried what you suggested like so: InputEnableLayer my Layer myLayer.Create() myLayer.EnablePlayerControls() It seems to have helped a little (I don't get the 2 errors anymore), but unfortunately I get a new error when compiling: cannot call the global function Create on the variable myLayer, must call it alone or on a type I found these in the InputEnableLayer.psc: ; Creates a new input enable layer and returns it. These are limited, so make sure ; to dispose of it when you're done (by setting variables to None) InputEnableLayer Function Create() Native Global ​; Re-enables all controls currently disabled on this layer Function Reset() Native I'm assuming that the first thing I found might have something to do with the error (because it says global), but I'm not sure. I'm wondering if the second thing I found might be a good alternative to enabling the controls. @vTemporalZEROv So far I haven't found anything in the scripts and I haven't found any other scripts that might have alternative names like startsequence or something like that. I also haven't found any controls disabling scripts on the markers. (I double checked the markers throughout the whole house, surrounding area around the house, inside the vault, and right outside the vault for any controls disabling scripts I should delete to enable the controls)
  4. At first I was a little confused as to what you are referring to, but I tried searching the Creation Kit wiki a little more and I found 2 pages for Hello World. Is this what you are referring to? http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World This is what I was referring to: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World (I know that it's for Skyrim, but I didn't know the other page existed and I figured that the scripting would be either the same or close to the same thing in Fallout 4 since there are many similarities between the two) This is the script I'm trying to use: Scriptname TESTSCRIPT extends ObjectReference Const Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) Debug.MessageBox("Hello, World!") endEvent
  5. Thank you for trying to help me, but unfortunately it didn't work even after I edited all the ini files. I'm able to do a lot of other types of modding changes, but the scripts are giving me the worst trouble.
  6. I just used the tutorial as a test to see if I can get the script working, but it doesn't work. (I used an activator ash pile for the test and the message box never pops up) It seems no matter what I do when adding or changing scripting (Even the simplest of scripts) it never works. (Even though there are no errors while compiling) I don't know why. It seems whenever I make any kind of change to the scripts the only things that work are deleting something or changing something enough so there's an error when compiling. I'm pretty new to scripting and never actually got a script to work, but I've done a lot of research on it. I thought it might have been user error on my part, but now I'm not so sure any more. Sorry if I seem like I'm ranting, but it's the truth. Any help or suggestions to my scripting problems would be greatly appreciated.
  7. @vTemporalZEROv I tried looking through the scripts for both MQ101 and MQ102 and I can't find any scripts that seem to disable the controls (I'm using Notepad++), besides the "Fast Walk Only" in the "Mirror Shutdown" (Stage 18) stage fragment and a script in the Stage 400 fragment described below. I deleted the "Fast Walk Only"​ script and it seems to have helped a little. (I can run now, but I still can't sprint or do any of the other actions described above in my post) ;allow player to run Game.GetPlayer ().ChangeAnimArchetype(AnimArchetypePlayer) kmyquest.MQ101EnableLayer.EnablePlayerControls(abMovement = True, abFighting = False, abCamSwitch = True, ablooking = True, abSneaking = False, abMenu = False, abActivate = True, abJournalTabs = False, abVATS = False, abFavorites = False) kmyquest.MQ101EnableLayer.EnableSprinting() I tried putting this same script into the "Mirror Shutdown" stage fragment and changing all of these actions to true. The scripts compile with no errors, but when I try to test it in my game it doesn't seem to do anything. Do I need to delete the script in the Stage 400 Fragment? I didn't think I needed to, because I skipped the rest of the stages in the quest after the "Mirror Shutdown" stage, by going into the vault through the bathroom door. I also tried looking for any markers with control disabling scripts in both the bathroom and the vault and so far I haven't found anything. (I'm going to try looking again just to be sure) @TimidGal I tried to put the script you gave me into the fragment, but there are 2 errors listed in the script compilation saying: "variable myLayer is undefined" "none is not a known user-defined script type" I'm thinking I might need to add or do something with the properties, but I'm not sure what to type into the new property (If I need to create a new property) or what I should do exactly. @both Thank you for trying to help me.
  8. My mod involves skipping almost the whole pre-war sequence and into the hallway leading into the cryo room in Vault 111. (the one with the Sole Survivors Cryo Pod) I managed to close the bathroom door and made it into a teleporter into the hallway mentioned above. I exited the character creation, went through the door into the vault, and the Out of Time quest starts as normal after picking up the Pip-boy and exiting Vault 111. Everything goes very well, EXCEPT a lot of the player controls are still disabled. I can't look at the pipboy, fight, sprint, sneak, and use VATS. I'm so close to completing my mod, but I don't know how to re-enable the controls. I'm assuming you have to do something with the scripting, but I don't know what exactly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: During my earlier attempts at accomplishing this, I deleted the radroachs in Vault 111 in order to pick up the pipboy, because I couldn't fight.
  9. I forgot to mention that I've noticed that the error areas don't start until the script starts mentioning MQ204 (Glowing Sea quest). I figured out that it must be these errors that are somehow preventing the quest from starting. (Or at least part of the reason.)
  10. (I don't get these errors anymore) 299,6: http://i.imgur.com/kS0Qbml.jpg (Unknown user flag b500) (I know it's talking about 0006B500, but I'm not sure whether to just remove it or do something else with it.) 301,23: http://i.imgur.com/HnOvZLu.jpg (no viable alternative at input 'MQ204') (Only Auto and AutoReadOnly properties can have initial values) (I know that when it says initial value it's talking about 0006B500, but do I just remove it and it would fix that particular error?) 301,29: http://i.imgur.com/zgHOeL5.jpg (required (...) + loop did not match anything at input '(' ) 301,6: http://i.imgur.com/AXiut9v.jpg?1 (Unknown user flag mq204) 301,15: http://i.imgur.com/bqmbuWb.jpg (script property MQ204 already defined) 301,38: http://i.imgur.com/PHDWQwp.jpg (mismatched input ')' expecting FUNCTION)
  11. As part of my mod it's very crucial that the memory sequence is skipped to maximize immersion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to get the scripting to work for the past 3 or 4 days. It seems I fixed the problem with the script errors and it compiles with no errors at all now. It seems that 2 new properties appeared for some reason that weren't there before. They are pMQ204 and MQ204setstage10. I tried typing into the script fragment these scripts like so: (But unfortunately I am still getting the same exact situation described below.) pMQ204.SetStage(10) pMQ204.SetActive() I tried to set the quest stage to 320 (on end) through Amari's Dialogue. (http://i.imgur.com/ULlDrk2.jpg) This successfully skips the Memory Sequence, completes Dangerous Minds, and Amari and Nick disengage from their scripts. (Amari goes back to the computer upstairs and Nick goes to Sanctuary where I sent him to earlier in the game.) Emergent Behavior (Curie's quest) functions and can be completed normally. The problem is the Glowing Sea quest doesn't start and Nick becomes completely unresponsive. I just realized something while looking in the object window and looking under Characters>Quests>Main Quests all of the main quests are there except MQ204, MQ204RR, MQ204Min, and MQ204BoS. http://i.imgur.com/trY3csE.jpg I search under "All" I find them. http://i.imgur.com/wA6kaXe.jpg Could this be part of the reason why the quest isn't starting? How do I put them back in the Main Quests category?
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