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About JackServant

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4

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  1. I've been busy lately. I haven't had much time for modding since I went on vacation right after Christmas. I have messed around with it a little but no successes yet. Another week or two maybe. I'm going to figure this out. And I'll inform everybody of the winning method.
  2. tawatabak, let me worry about the violence and how to raise my child. I'm not incompetent. AGreatWeight, I'm actually asking for my copy to be censored. It's not being imposed on me. I just want the option to turn it on or off. montky, I'm not trying to spark a debate or choose sides in the one that already rages. I just want certain words muted like they do when playing movies on network TV. And asterisks in the subtitles. The violence can stay (maybe tone down the blood) and so can the drugs. They provide good opportunities for me teach my boy about such things as I watch him play. It'll still be Fallout.
  3. My 11-year-old son watches me play Fallout 4 and keeps begging me to let him play it. I keep telling him no because of all the foul language. I don't know if it's possible to sensor the the dialogue at all. Maybe bleep out the F bombs in the Raider combat dialogue? Maybe just delete the lines all together? Is anybody even willing to fix this for me?
  4. Than you, kingtobbe for providing me with exactly what I asked for in the first place! I'll spend some time on it when the weekend gets here and post my success or failure.
  5. I do believe I've made steps in the correct direction. Thank you, Ethreon. I'll let you know if I run into problems.
  6. I'm not sure why (maybe because I got the game from Steam?) but my FO4 folder didn't come with Data/Meshes. I have the Data folder. And it has sub-directories like Textures and Materials but no Meshes. At any rate, I've tried looking for xEdit but everything points to TES5Edit. Which I downloded but it only wants to see Skyrim. So did I get the correct program? If so, how do I make it look at FO4? If not, can you provide a link to the correct download page?
  7. I already have tumbajamba's PDF. It doesn't seem to be accurate given the way he imports meshes from FO4. At the very least, it doesn't apply to me. I also can't seem to load a nif into NifSkope.
  8. These are all videos. I'm deaf, remember? I need it to be written.
  9. I tried that already. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a different step.
  10. Can somebody please provide instructions on how to move a 3D model from 3DS Max into the Creation Kit? I need step-by-step Written directions. No videos (assume I'm deaf). Also assume I know nothing outside of 3DS Max. I've tried this on my own. Made a .nif file. Tried to change the path in what I think might be right spot inside the CK. Received "invalid directory" error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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