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Everything posted by Percymazing

  1. Ok so i'm having an issue with this one, and so far the comments sections on mods have been all but useless for me. It seems no one ever really checks those anymore. At any rate i've posted here with issues a couple times and seen great results and fixes out of the community, so I thought i'd ask here as well as the comments section. Has anyone else downloaded and installed this mod and found themselves lacking the blue dots meant to be separators for each section of items? If so, how did you manage to fix it? It not as if they aren't physically there, they're there and clickable but they're just empty spaces between the items. It looks disgusting really, so if anyone has been able to find a fix please let me know.
  2. I appreciate all the advice. I really only have two major mods. Just OOO and UV which I know both really change the way the game plays, but I didn't notice a whole lot of massive changes to the textures in the vanilla dungeons. Apachi's Shop and Colourwheel's bank are the only mods to cause an FPS drop like this one. I'll be sure to look into getting streamline as well as using the console to track my VRAM usage. Thanks again for all the tips, I really appreciate it.
  3. Now before someone states the obvious, my frame rate for vanilla dungeons and shops and combat is fine. I have, however, downloaded a couple new shop mods. Specifically Apachi's goddes Shop and Colourwheel's Sexy Ladies Bank. For some reason my fps plummets when I go inside either of these shops. What's strange to me is that these shops aren't really all the complex. Some torches, a few armor replacers and some custom npc's. Has anyone else experienced issues like this? And if so did you ever find a fix short of lowering the graphic quality or resolution?
  4. So far, only one race mod i've downloaded has allowed me to continue on with the tutorial. Any of the others I use cancels out the Dark Elf's dialogue and the guards and the Emperor stay stationary at the top of the stairs. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, any fixes so far? Feel incredibly silly that I didn't notice in the FAQ sooner than this. Custom race fixes, sorry for the confusion. I'll leave this post up so anyone having trouble finding the answer will see it.
  5. So lately i've been having trouble downloading new mods. I can get the files easy enough, but they all seem to be in the GECK format and none in fomod. I've been looking at all their descriptions and comments and only use files with quite a few endorsements but still, on several occasions i've gotten the meshes textures and GECK files with no .bsa archives whatsoever for my FOMM to package and use. Can anyone provide some insight into this issue?
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