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  1. Once, in survival. Opened pipboy in diamond city, clicked for fast travel, got reminded I cant in survival, stepped out of diamond city, after loading stood at the spot I wanted to fast travel to.
  2. Okay so I finally had time to finish the script. Here's the relevant bit in case it is useful to any future person thrawling the googles for answers: Function TickLoop() if UseVatsTeleport == 1 ;Debug.Notification("Ticker started") TickDummySound.PlayAndWait(PlayerRef) SendCustomEvent("SendTick") Self.Callfunctionnowait("CheckAP", none) EndIf EndFunction Function CheckAP() ; Debug.Notification("CheckAP started") Float CurrentAP = playerRef.GetValue(ActionPoints) If CurrentAP <= 1.0 Manager.StopVATS() StopTick() Else Self.Callfunctionnowait("TickLoop", none) EndIf EndFunction Thank you all for the input
  3. I really can NOT use a timer. what I am making ONLY runs when time is slowed and that makes timers useless and unreliable. States and callfunnctioNoWait should be fine to prevent stack overflow I think. The ticker will be a separate script, a manager script turns it on and off. Only way that a timer would be usefull to me is if I set it to 10 seconds. Then it is garanteed to fire 2 seconds AFTER (because slow time) I the effect has finished and I can let that event check if a cleanup is needed. Oh good idea, I'll go test what slow time does to effects. Cheers
  4. Yep. That works. Yours is cleaner though, I dont know why I added a time difference calculation and range the time should fall between. Don't know why I didn't think of just using bloody less then. :wallbash: But since that is a bit of a waste of script time, and might have to repeat for a a minute or two, I'm looking for a better method. The other option I was thinking about was to add a dummy sound that lasts 0.5 seconds and then use playandwait in some function to get my desired delay. Something like CustomEvent SendTick function EventTicker() EmptyWav.PlayAndWait(actor) TickSender() endfunction function TickSender() SendCustomEvent("SendTick") EventTicker() endfunction {and something to stop it all} But I have no idea if that is better or worse then a whileloop.
  5. That slows down together with VATS and other slow time effects so I cant use it. The other timers mentioned in the CK wiki are all useless when slow time is running. The thing I am making will run only during VATS or while Jet is active, maybe the time as a variable and then something like float waittime = 0.5 * GetCurrentTimeSPeedMultiplier (if a function to get whatever the current slow time multiplier is exists) Utility.Wait(waittime) Not sure if the timer excepts more then 2 digits, VATS runs at a 0.004 time multiplier. Also, 0.002 waiting, while slow time is not running that is less then a single frame. My gut feeling says that's bad.
  6. As the title says, I need to something like a timer that does not slow down while VATS or Jet is active. problem is, I use papyrus like 3 times every bethesda game so I don't really know it's proper tricks. What I actually need is something that triggers an event every 0.5 seconds while the effect I am working on is active, It's not a constant thing, it will just be ticking for 2 minutes. What I am making is intended to run Only while slow time is active. Options I'm thinking of now: -A while loop that checks real time passed since while loop started and then cuts out at 0.5 seconds passed is an option, but it's a while loop and a mild waste of script time. -Add a dummy sound that lasts 0.5 seconds and then use playandwait in some function to get my desired delay. I think that is easier on the script engine but I do not know for sure. What would you advise me to do? Is the dummy sound a good idea, should I stick with the whileLoop, or do you perhaps know of something I can register for that reliably goes bump every half second? Cheers for any help
  7. woops, sorry. I latched on to you attaching the ashpile.
  8. Call it on the original actor you attached the ashpile to. The ashpile is just an activator that opens the actors container.
  9. I made an interior workshop. It works. Settlers are recruied via beacon, they can use the interior, they work and sleep, etc. All good. What I can't do is send a settler from another wrkshop to this workshop. I command them to move and then they stop walking. I've had this before and this usually means a navmesh problem. Same as this thread basically: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5258215-interior-settlement-mod-settlers-and-caravans-wont-travel-to-new-settlement/ My interior is yet another interior reached via a new door inside Warren theater. I'm not sure if it can effect this, but just in case I'll mention it; I also made a custom region and weather to get some rain inside. (indoor farming under broken roof) I also did the precombine and generate visibility thing, can't imagine that's the problem. Here comes the weirdness. I can see the navmesh is linked to the doors, yellow triangle is there and plenty big. My followers can follow me into the interior. with placeatme I spawn a settler inside the interior. I then assign it to sancturary. It now succesfully paths out of interior, through warren theater interior, and goes outside into the commonwealth to arrive at sanctuary a day later. If I spawn a settler while inside, then walk outside and use moveto to move it next to me, it paths back inside to stand on its spawn point. If I despawn a settler inside and assign it to my interior settlement. Then walk outside and use moveto. Then it will NOT path back to it's workstation. So it appears my navmesh is fine, they just refuse to arrive at my settlement. Anyone have a clue what I overlooked? I've done this quite often and I never had this problem.
  10. I was trying to figure out how the player pawn is setup for VR. It somehow overrides the normal actors slots and attach nodes. Anyway, I was replacing files but nothingwas changing ingame. I repacked the Fallout4_VR - Main.ba2 with my changes and that worked. I then checked my ini to see if archiveivalidation was set as expected. It was. I tried an archiveinvalidation.txt. I tried adding the ba2's to various archive related ini lines, I checked the if all files are in the usual folders where invalidation works (they are), I tried filling out sResourceDataDirsFinal= as we did in FO3. I can't override the VR ba2's with loose files. Does anyone have a clue how to deal with this?
  11. For a spy item I'm trying to make for my mod I want to set the camera target to the targeted npc to simulate remote viewing. Player just gets 3rd person view controls and target actor should continue on whatever they were doing. From skyrim I'm used to using Game.SetCameraTarget(targetnpc) and that results in a 3rd person orbiting cam around the npc. Bam, done. In fallout I get a CTD If use just Game.SetCameraTarget(targetnpc) If I add: targetnpc.setplayercontrols(true/false doesnt matter, both yield same result) targetnpc.enableAI(True) it does not crash, but drops the camera about 100 units from the targetnpc root and forces it to face one direction. Now follows the npc at least though. I'm more than a bit puzzled, there's not a lot more I can do with setcameratarget I think. Anyone have an idea how I should deal with this?
  12. Cheers guys, I'l get on experimenting with that :smile:
  13. I would like to spawn an actor about 70 units behind the player and almost instantly kill it. Everything is working fine except for the fact that I can't figure out how to find the coords of a point that is currently behind the players heading. I can get the players angle, I can get the players location. Moveto allows only for absolute offset. ANyone have a clue how I can do this? [edit]Oh goody my fat fingers made my usual typo with "the" in the title. Title doesn't seem to be editable :( [/edit]
  14. Cheers but that is not what I asked :smile: I want to search where the nifs are used. What I need is a search that shows a hit on every use of a word, so that I can find what forms are using what asset. The mse is a database so it should be possible. In the files we find morph nifs here: K:\Fallout4\gamesource\extracted\Meshes\Actors\Character\CharacterAssets\Morphs All faces use .tri for their morph animation. chargen also use a .tri. So what are these for I am wondering? I'm hoping to find some way to use a formlist of nif's as morph target instead of tri's.
  15. I'm trying to find where certain nif files are used by the vanilla game. Does anyone know of a tool that can search for more then editor ID's?
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