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About hsynhkn

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You pick just one from bunch of flowers, or just one mushroom from a huge tree or else.. Why can't take more ingredients?!
It's annoying that you must go somewhere between cities. You hire a cart and want to go a city that close your point. But when you arrive you go back the point that you passed near of it. My advice is that can you make a mod that you can see your current location on a map when you're in a cart. -After you hire a cart and get in, map shows up and you can see yourself moving towards your destination. -There will be certain routes for every destination (main roads). And carts will move on that route -It should have a balanced speed that either doesn't make you bored and also you can jump down wherever you want on cart's route. -When you want to stop you just close the map or push a button or whatever you want.. -Also when you jump down there will be no carts, so there won't be any problem with bandits. That's what I can suggest if you have any idea please add them, and if modders like to do mod this, please inform here so it will be easier for us to be aware of.
I don't know if any mod caused it but I loaded a new game and Hod acts strangely. Walks, talks but doesn't eat, sleep, sit, doesn't use woodchopper and strangely no eye contact.
*Different temperature in different places. *Fur coat for cold places. *If you don't wear that fur coat, you'll get stamina and health damage. *Same effect on water, too. Riverwood water and Winterhold water couldn't be in same temperature. You can say variations and additional ideas..
Speech skill, Merchant perk. You should check it.
Yes. Except few things like Wars in Skyrim increase encounter chance, but in Reborn, you only increase the amount while encounter with NPC. But variations are good as long as they're optional like Reborn (you could choose via computer in your house, maybe a book in Skyrim), or modder put variations as different files to Nexus...
Like Reborn Realism Mod of Fallout3. -Hunger, thirst, sleep, amount of NPC's encountered and many other options that can change by player. It's best them to be optional and some options have several levels. And the main thing I emphasize is, is it possible to change amount of NPC's encountered in wilderness, and also increase the amount of fighters in great battles like taking control of castles for a faction, or siege a city..?
This is why I was asking if someone decided to do them. I don't know about modding, and this is why I was asking about CK, too..
Ok, ok.. Sorry for being rude. I just check Nexus almost everyday but couldn't find nothing but more pinky characters. Skyrim becomes boring without good mods. There are dozens of mods that listed in forums and yeah, I just listed that I want most, but are they wrong?! And thanks for informing about CK..
Hi people, I just wanted to ask about that CK of Skyrim. All good mod requests end like "after CK comes out, it will be done" .. I think CK already out but there's no progress I see.. Before CK comes out, people were making gay japan anime mods and they still do such stuff but no good mods like "Hardcore Mod, ShieldOnBack, New Animations" etc.. Look I'm happy with my ugly elves or dirty people, I just want to know if anyone is working on such most-wanted mods? 'making gay japan anime mods' huh? Nice way to describe someone else's interests and modding wants. You just earned a strike - TVD.
I remember something like that in Drakensang. But it was consumable. If you want it not to finish, then it will be a great advantage against enemies. Critical strike every enemy and instant kills, I think sharpen them only on grindstone can be a fair option.
I just played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and I could say Skyrim is the best on character types. Morrowind and Skyrim similarr to character types especially elves (especially dark and high). I mean, Oblivion was a crash for me after played Morrowind. Every race is shaving every morning, unbalanced face (especially when you make older character his right eye almost down to floor), useless randomize character option (at least now it gives you different variations and you can make your own from them easily.), baby-face orcs, dark elves, pretty much all races... Another fact I like about Skyrim's character creation is there's no age option. In Oblivion, like I said, if you get your character older its face becomes unbalanced. It was changing many options. But in Skyrim you can use face colors and sizes to make your character older, or younger. But, there are so many people who thinks they look ugly, I think someone should do it.
Good idea. Maybe not the actual graveyard in Skyrim, a piece of wood or stones should do it, for the sake of simplicity.
I'd like to improve them in grindstone. Maybe not as much a steel war axe but I'd like to use them as weapons, too.