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  1. Well I will be asking about SureAI, Enderal development and the game itself. Inspirations, things like that. I also have gathered a few community questions
  2. As reminder, this is happening tomorrow morning so if there are any questions, please ask now
  3. Thanks for the question and the suggestions! I requested to put Enderal in title and also to have it in a news section possibly.
  4. i didnt report it. i almost did because it looked like typical livestream stuff... i mean i understand it was probably just me, but whatever. i still wouldnt know what the thread was exactly about based on the title because i dont know who any of the named people are without reading the first post. whatever i guess, i mean it isnt a huge issue but i felt as though i should mention something as this is something i (to some extent nothing against the guy but i am not really into interview things normally) and several others would be intrested in and you dont want to have people skip past because they dont know what it's about. if i am wrong then i am and i apologize for that. It why I threw some Tags on there for Enderal. I promise it isnt Spam
  5. Hello Enderaleans! I'm Robmo from the twitch channel Coffee_Grinds, a lax Canadian gaming channel. Nicolas Samuel Lietzau has agreed to come onto our show for Enderal for an Interview and questions!! As a fan of SureAI, and Enderal this is an exciting opportunity! I wanted to invite the community to the event to get as many viewers as possible to support this! The event is on August 26th, at 7am Mountain/8am Central @ www.twitch.tv/Coffee_Grinds If you want to give yourself a reminder or share here is the FB event page for it; https://www.facebook.com/events/950186198441295/ or reminders here, https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeGrindsGaming/ If you are interested in seeing some of Coffee_Grinds Gaming Enderal videos, who can go here (just raw cuts from the twitch channel, nothing special) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jUAD0r ... BaKgp8rE4Q I wanted to use the forum as an opportunity for Community questions! If you have something I want to ask Nic/Staff about Enderal or SureAi, post them here! Thanks for the support and enjoy the game and interview!!
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