Hey! I have been wanting to make Vampires more like the way they are in Skyrim lore, and a bit more like the classics. There are many aspects of TES vampirism that bugged me, mostly in that the only thing they tend to get close to right is the damage or weakness to sunlight. I was hoping Dawnguard would fix a lot of this, but they gave all the cool stuff I wanted for the vanilla form to the Vampire lord. Mist form, bats, combat bites that actually KILL, and they made vamp seduction only available at rank 2. Easily changed with Vanilla, but it appears Dawnguard's vampirism follows a different script. A script I do not have access to in the Papyrus editor! I do not have access to any of the DLC1 Scripts? Wutdafuq? :facepalm: Anyway, did a little searching and found I just need to unpack them from the Dawnguard BSA file. Alright, did that... aaand they are in a different format! :wallbash: So, I am at a loss. How do I edit these scripts? I know it can be done, people are editing aspects of Danguard left and right. Not entirely sure that they are all script edits, but hey someone needs to know where these are. Please help me out here. As to what I intend to do, I am hoping all of my changes can be done text-wise, as I do not have the software for anything other than that. Short term, I want to buff the player character as a vampire, more than just value edits. Add the PowerBite to the player character. Not sure if this has to be classified as a killcam, as it doesn't behave exactly as one in VampLord form. It will likely have to be triggered while doing unarmed combat, to prevent oddities with weapons (weapon still attached to the hand bone at an odd angle, that sort of thing) Add Mist form outside of vamp lord. Add Bats outside of Vamp lord Change Vamp Seduction to a Stage 1 power (Editing the Vanilla Vamp Quest script had no effect)(Vanilla quest script does not seem to be used at all, since you are no longer feared at Stage 4 and the lines dictating that have not been commented out Once that is accomplished, I intend to make quite a few changes to NPC vampires to make them more challenging, scary, and diverse. General guidelines are to make Non-Volkihar Vampires more similar to the vanilla, at least in terms of armor and appearance. I intend to add various Vamp Lord powers to Volkihar Vampires, and tone the other stats slightly to compensate. I intend to add Dread Cloak to all Vampires. Anyway, very, very little of this is accomplishable without access to the Dawnguard Scripts. So my main question is, how to I gain access to the Dawnguard Scripts? I want to make Vampires awesome...