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Everything posted by maywire
God damn you guys are doing awesome work on those textures, it's quite intimidating actually:P As for my efforts, I had something decent going with the Geth gun but then Photoshop ate the file somehow. Program Error. Bleh. Ah well, back to the ole drawing board.
I wasn't being serious, just pouting is all :P The rant was actually unrelated to this specific topic, after all we've got no idea about the armour really, it may very well be freely available somewhere. I don't even know why I started the rant actually, but we all go off half cocked sometimes right? To clarify, I was only saying I don't understand being so unwilling to share one's work. Nothing wrong with it or anything, I just don't get it. Maybe I'm not jaded enough yet? I dunno. Although I do think that it's a bit wrong to post screenshots at a modding community of a mod one has got no intention of sharing. I mean, to me it's all about people sharing mods to help improve the game for everyone, so that kind of defeats the community aspect. With that in mind, I think that if you're not gonna share it, keep it to yourself. Just my opinion though, of course. Others would disagree. I apologise for anything that may have come off as a personal attack.
Got the Geth gun in game, it looks pretty decent. I had to tweak the model a bit so it didn't look horrible in 1st person. It's a bit better now, still needs some work though, especially the textures. Need to up the res a bit, add some wear and tear etc. 3rd person shot: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=7222
Yeah, no problem. But I still empore you... or.. well whoever is the author of this mod, to at least add a more realistic entrance somewhere, preferably close to the DC ruins. :)
It's possible. I'll never understand that mentality. What a jerk! :( edit: oh, by mentality I mean people who make mods for their own personal use, and militantly enforce that fact. I've made a lot of mods I don't share, but that's only because I don't think they meet the standards a publically released mod should have. Just doing it because I guess they want people to be jealous of/envy them is pretty strange to me. But its their work, their decision what to do with it. It is kind of a %&$! move to plaster screenshots of it everywhere though :P
Maybe just ask him what the armour is named in game? Any little clue could help!
Looks like someone asked where the armor came from... hopefully an answer will come soon.
Yeah that looks pretty cool, where'd you see the screens? edit: come to think of it, it really looks like the Templar armour from Hellgate London.
Might I suggest a better location? I don't mean to come off as hostile (or, god forbid, rude!), but I just can't see how anyone could think adding this to the Tenpenny/Megaton homes in any way made any sense. It's kind of convenient I guess, but it's just something I can't get past. It's a really cool home otherwise, I just think it should occupy somewhere other than some theoretical intangible dimension only accessable through some weird portals in player homes.
I'm wanting to make some sheaths and holsters for various weapons, but since nobody seems to know how to add them to the nif like in Oblivion, it needs to be a separate item of clothing. It works perfectly, the only problem is that getting the sheath into the right position is a real pain in the ass. I had to constantly go back and forth between Blender and Fallout making small adjustments as I went. So, does anybody know a way I can see in Blender the position and angle of a weapon so that putting the sheath in the right place won't be such an annoyance?
How did you come to that conclusion? There's tonnes of different types of energy weapons that can and have been made for the game. There's already a laser shotgun and it's not particularly odd, it just uses lenses to scatter the beam. I do agree that they're impractical though. With all the fiddly little electronics and stuff in them, they most likely wouldn't last the test of time, especially not in a post apocalyptic wasteland. But I don't think they're lame, they can be pretty fun.
In Nifskope, click on one of the nitristrip/nitrishape data bits, then in the details section there should be a 'vertex colours' tree, they're all in there. And there are a shitload of them.
Yeah this is crazy. Here's what happens when I try different things: 1. Remove the existing rigging then rerig - it'll export, but without a dismemberskininstance, so it won't appear in game. 2. Do the above, but then join the rigged object with the armour object - it'll export but in game it goes off at a weird angle like in the screenshots. 3. Bone weight copy - I get that error on export. 3. Bone weight copy, then join objects - same results as 2. This is driving me nuts, no amount of screwing around with which bones it's rigged to will change the how it ends up positioned in game. I think what I really need is someone who knows what's what to have a quick look at the model itself. Baelkin, if you've got the time, I'd really appreciate it if you could be that person! edit: nm it's all fixed:) Thanks again for your help Baelkin!
That's actually what I was trying to do initially, I only tried the bone weight copy thing after that didn't work. The part was originally rigged to other bones, so I had to remove it from all of them. Could that be what's causing the issue? What's the proper way to unrig verticies? Thanks for your help btw:)
It doesn't seem to be either of those things. What I did was use the copy bone weight script, using the arm of the armour I wanted and after checking which vertices were rigged where, it seemed ok. The thing is, that when it returns to the 3d view screen after the error, every vertex is selected! If I select it and the armour I'm trying to attach it to and join the objects then I can export it, but in the game it doesn't follow the arm, it juts out of the elbow at the back. In the end, it's rigged to bip01 forearm.r, bip01 foretwist.r and hand.r. This is incredibly frustrating! vv how I want it to look vs how it ends up looking :(
I've checked out a bunch of tutorials, so I thought I'd try doing some simple rigging. I'm trying to add something onto the forearm of an outfit, and as far as I can tell everything's fine. It's obviously not though, otherwise I wouldn't need help! All the vertices seem to be rigged appropriately, but when I try to export I get an error saying "Cannot export mesh with unweighted vertices". What have I done wrong?
It's not that he won't it's that he can't, it's against the rules. Check out his youtube channel, he'll most likely upload a video and link when he does release it. It's theruinerxxx I think.
Firstly, are your versions of Nifskope and Blender Nif scripts up to date? If they are then this can be caused by any number of things, one of which being shader flags. Check in Nifskope the BSShaderPPLightingProperty block, in block details there should be "Shader type" and "Shader flags". Shader type should be default, but check a working piece of armour to see what flags you need. From memory it should be zp buffer test, sf_shadow map, sf_shadow frustrum, sf_empty and sf_unknown # where # is a number. I think it's meant to be umm... 31.
Move your mouse in between the model and button windows til you get the double sided arrow which enables you to resize, then right click and select split.
I'm still learning 3d modelling, and I really need to find out how to do this. Haven't found any tutorials, in fact I don't even really know what exactly to look for. I've had a look at the meshes for things like muzzleflashes and energy projectiles, and I've got a vague idea of how it works, I just don't know how to make it happen. I'd also lilke to know how to make it animated, so it pulsates or something. Please help!
Getting non armour meshes to appear in game
maywire replied to maywire's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Your sig is a goldmine! Thank you! I hope I find my solution in there somewhere. I've found a few solutions to other problems at least. -
What programs are you using, and what are the texture paths exactly as they appear in that program? I'm new to this stuff myself, but this sounds like a problem I was having a while back that I figured out so I might be able to help!
I've been having trouble getting things like microfusion cells and such to appear as a part of a set of armour in game. Everything looks fine in Nifskope, but they just won't show up when I put it on in the game. I'm slowly learning all this stuff, and usually I find a solution in the end but this one has me stumped. Does anyone know how to do this, or is there a tutorial out there that shows how to do this in Blender/Nifskope?
Which mod are the helmet addons in this pic from? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/5981-2-1247531755.jpg
Thanks Skree, but I saw that and it's not what I'm after. I was hoping there'd be one which would limit it by number for each different type, like in an fps. I wonder if it's possible to make that...