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Everything posted by PullThePin07

  1. Hi, for some time now I've not been able to open some dds. files due to them being made with the Nividia plugin in photoshop. I don't have access to photoshop so I use paint.net and gimp. Is there anyway I can convert the Nividia dds. files to like a png or jpeg or something that works without photoshop so that I can load it into paint.net, alter it, and then save it as a dds that I'm used to working with? I've tried a multitude of things for months now and to no avail. Any help would be wonderful!!
  2. Is there any way or chance that a good version of asari tentacle hair could be imported to fallout 4?
  3. Any chance someone would know how to make a hair style that is blonde with brown roots?
  4. Does anyone know if a motorcycle helmet mod exist? Been looking but can't find anything.
  5. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create a tattoo or body paint that looks like the body paint on the lead singer of pretty reckless during the music video for heaven knows? There are 2 versions, one on her back and the other on her chest. It's a simple cross with an arrow at it's base. With that said I don't really have the talent to do such a thing and was hoping someone here would be able to do it. Ideally it would be both versions with a tattoo style and a body paint style, giving us a total of 4 options (back tattoo, back paint, front tattoo, front paint). Thanks for taking the time to consider my request. :)
  6. So I've been looking around for mods that add in footwear for a wild play through, but I haven't come across many. What I'm looking for is footwear that leaves the feet bear or mostly open. Not really like sandels but similar to this example; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77171/? Any mods with gear like that is what I'm looking for.
  7. So for the last 10 hours I've been testing and researching Enbs and I'm not finding anything that hits home. At this point I'm kinda frustrated since I feel like I've wasted my day off just downloading enbs and restarting fallout over and over again. Hopefully someone here can help. I'm looking for an enb that will give me something close to this; http://aeon--soul.deviantart.com/art/Last-chance-551187362 I just want something with solid color, not too much or too little. Sharp and not blurry. Decent depth of field. Lighting that isn't too bright and glaring during the day, and not too dark at night. Simple, at least on paper. The closer I can get to the image I linked the better. At this point I'm lost and practicality feel like throwing in the towel. I just need some help. Any would be great. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider my problem.
  8. I was hoping someone would be able to make a mod that would allow the player to load a looksmenu preset at any time. Examples; load a holotape and select preset, or select a special item (a hand held mirror maybe) and chose, or assign them some other way. Basically I would like to switch between at least 5 presets without needing to bring up the create a character menu all the time. Any help or someone willing to make this would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Any chance someone would be willing to mod in a squid hair from splatoon? I know it's an odd request but I would like to use it on my mutant character play through.
  10. So my issue is with skin tint material files. If I take a separate mesh that is using skin tint in the material file and attach it to the body mesh in bodyslide it causes a problem. An example: file 1 is the player body using malebodybase_d texture. File 2 is a separate mesh using custom_d texture. Both use skin tint in the material file. Now if file 2 is a separate item in game that can be equipped on and off there isn't an issue. But if I bring file 1 into outfit studio and then file 2 in as well, then save them together as a mashup it overrides the texture of file 2 to use the same textures as file 1 (malebodybase_d). This only happens in game. The file paths and materials stay the same in their respective files. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Any help would be wonderful.
  11. So I'm working on a mod that adds in a new set of raiders. My only problem is they don't drop their armor. They have lootable wepons and other items but their armor isn't there. Any idea how to fix this via fo4edit.
  12. I know this seems like a huge stretch but would it be possible to create a mod that allows the player to create 2 or 3 characters and then switch between them at will mid game. Basically the idea is that you and your team are moving through the wasteland but on screen it's only the character you are currently controlling, the other 2 are not seen at all. Then you come upon a group of gunners say, and you open the pip-boy and us a holotape to swap to "player 2". This swaps out the current character for a new character with different armor, weapons, and skills. This can all be done on the fly and allows the player to control a small team without the cumbersome companions getting in the way and limited A.I. I know this is a huge long shot and probably needs the script extender to do it, but I can dream right...
  13. At the moment I'd be fine with them changing to a preset clothing or just straight up nude.
  14. That's not a bad idea, my only issue is I want it to be a temporary boost. Something that lets the player rage out for a short time and then they run out of steam.
  15. Hi all, I'm just getting started working on a mod that will allow the player to craft a potion or drug that "turns them into a monster" for a short period of time. It will give them a boost in a few stats and decrease a few stats during the effect of the potion/drug. My issue is this; can I have the player change meshes or bodies during this? My aim is to swap out meshes for buffed up body with a skin tint, kinda hulk style. Edit: thought about it more and what I'm going for is a drug that basically turns the player into a supermutant hybrid for a short period of time. The appearance would change during the buff and give the player increases in most stats allowing them to tank bullets and damage (to a point, I'm currently playing with settings that allow for one or two shot kill to player and npcs). This buff would only last a few minutes real time, after which the player would lose all buffs and return to normal appearance but with sever penalties to almost all stats. Theses penalties would last for a day or so in-game time. Essentially a high risk high reward effect. I know the buffs are possible and I'm certain the withdrawal effects are possible too but the change in appearance is what might be an issue. Any chance the creation kit has that sorta power?
  16. Awesome, Thank you very much for this. It really means a lot to me. I'm gonna see if there's a fix cuz I really really enjoy that mod. Thanks Again! Edit: So apparently the V5.0 causes this and the V5.01 fixes it. Just wanted to leave this here to help anyone that ends up searching for an answer and comes across this thread. :)
  17. So I've been playing for some time now with the mods I have installed and every so many seconds or so a random cat will blink in and out of "existence" within a few feet of my character. It wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for enemies detecting it and rushing the cat. They usually just shoot the spot the cat was in but that's always next to my character and well I'm playing stealth and survival with basically one shot kills on my character. Kinda ruins things at times. Anyone have any idea which mod causes this, or is it a fallout 4 bug? Mod List: Any Help is appreciated.
  18. Would anyone be willing to try and get glow maps working on the characters body? Either via tattoo overlays or an item they wear *would need bodyslide to fit properly to each body*, or just figure out how to get glow map to work with skin tone. Been trying for a few months and I just can't seem to get it to work.
  19. have you done the archive invalidation thingy? If not try searching the nexus for it and change the ini settings. If you did already then I dunno.
  20. Would anyone be willing to make a mod that allows the player to assign custom textures for each of the factions? Example would be gunner, child of atom, the new nuka world factions, etc. Regular raiders wouldn't be need due to the fact they already have a mod for them. Just an idea.
  21. I'm not sure if anyone else has run into this issue but a few mods I have installed have caused some raiders (male and female) to be unnamed and unlootable. If anyone else has run into this issue and knows what's causing it and/or how to fix it, please let me know. I have tried uninstalling mods and the normal steps but I can't seem to narrow it down. At this point I'm hoping someone has a general idea of what would cause this in the files and maybe I can just go in and alter it in fallout edit or with the creation kit. Any help would be wonderful.
  22. Anyone know of footwear that leaves the toes and heel exposed? I'm looking for footwear that is "ninja" like. Something that is like leggings but have the toe and/or the heel missing. If anyone knows of a mod that has this or is willing to make them please let me know. Thanks
  23. I think it would be cool to have a few doors that you could place in settlements that would lead to interior cells. Similar to the mod that adds basements (basement living). These doors would be snappable to doorways and take you to empty world cells when activated. I imagine different styles would be great and sizes too. Make them mostly empty so we can decorate them ourselves. Hope this happens.
  24. Any chance someone could mod in decorations of corpse from raiders, etc? I feel like an evil character would have these things lying around.
  25. Any chance we could make a tattoo overlay for the body instead of the face? Also any chance to make them glow?
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