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About minime453

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  1. Hey all! I've been working with an ESM recently and merged an ESP which causes the CK to make an autoedit to the ESM when loading my ESM after merging. The text in the CheckInLog is this: AUTOEDIT: Removed invalid forms I opened up the ESM in FO4Edit and compared it to the merged esm that hasn't been loaded by the CK. I can see that the automerged has removed 6 forms from the ESM, but I can't seem to figure out what those forms are. Is there any way to find which forms exist in one ESM but not in another inside of FO4Edit? It's the only way to figure out what is causing problems in the ESP so i can clean it up and merge is properly. Any help is much appreciated!
  2. If you are preparing a formal or graded paper it would be best if you check the basic definitions and common terms. Game designer is a high level creative role defining core concepts and mechanisms. Very few mod authors redefine game platforms to those depths. Modifying existing systems is not design. For example I have published over 50 complex scripted mods that change Fallout 4 game mechanics and/or user experience. Whilst I may design software solutions professionally, my mod authoring hobby does not make me a "game designer". At best a user experience developer. TL;DR research what "game designer" means and if you want to depart from common or accepted usage standby for incomprehension or challenges and less good grades. yes and no. I'm not specifically tackling this element of it, but i'd still argue that people downloading mods to change the design of the game are game designers in a sense. you don't have to necessarily have to be a professional to be a game designer. If someone creates a quest mod and figures out paths for the players, decisions, etc, that's game design. it is modding yes, but it's also doing the exact same things quest designers did during production of the game and if you were to do the exact same thing in a game you'd designed yourself, that would be game design. even in modding, alot of the practices in game development can be useful to create a good experience for players. i constantly use things i've learned developing games when i'm working on mods. and i'd argue that modifying existing systems is design. not at extensive as a developer, but it's design nontheless because you have to consider how it's going to be used. in my opinion, there can be alot of overlap between what a game designer and and a user experience designer does. the "user" for a game designer is the player and they have to try to figure out how the systems are going to be used to design them effectively and enjoyably. maybe it's a stretch to call them "game designers" specifically, but i think it's hard to ignore the fact that people are doing many of the same things a game designer does when creating mods or modding a game, albiet in a much smaller way. do you have any links to somewhere that could give more information on what your definition of a game designer is? I think mine is slightly different from what you've got.
  3. This is really interesting and makes me appreciate the unique position of modding communities. Even though people that just download mods and play with them aren't "game developers" or "mod developers" persay, they start to take an active role in the design process of a game. If the mods you download change the design of the game in some way, you've become a game designer. Modifying files to change difficulty, removing elements that someone may deem unnecessary, all things that a game developer would do during the development process, but one that modders for some games can do even after the game has been released. It's super interesting and I love the fact that as modders, we can all take part in the development of a game. Even if it's only developing for ourselves, we're able to create the game that we want to play. It also means that you can't really define a modding community. The vast amount of groups, people, and opinions in a large and active mod community like Fallout 4's means that there massive amounts of variations between the players. There might be some general trends (i.e. I've noticed that for Fallout mods, immersion tends to be fairly important. From what I've seen, most people prefer mods that don't break immersion with the game), but each sub-community is unique.
  4. You're definitely right about this. Modding isn't something specific to digital games and it's something that I'll be addressing in my essay. I see your point with models for a doll house, and though it might technically be modding, I feel like it would be weird to call that "modding." I feel like there would be a better term for it, but I'm not sure what it would be... For modelling and replicas, that's something entirely different given that it's not modification the design of something, simply replicating it in my opinion. For this, the focus is on digital mods because attempting to tackle "modding" as a whole is entirely too much for this topic. The technicalities of the word are hard to nail down, however in my opinion, the best definition you could use is to say that in general, a mod is something that modifies an original piece of content in a new way through adding new content, changing existing content, or generally moving it away from what the original author released. It's also very broad, but I also think in general, when we say "mod" we're talking about a game in some way. The term could also be used for re-edits of a film, but in that case, it would be more accurate to say "re-edit" than mod. It's a hard question to pinpoint given the broadness of the term.
  5. Hey everyone! First off, I'm not totally sure if this is the right place for this thread, but out of all the current topics, it seemed like the most relevant place to put it. I can move it if need be. I'm Trey, a bachelor student at the TH Köln in Germany currently studying Digital Games and Art. I've been a part of the Fallout 4 modding community for a couple years, first as a 3d artist on Fallout Miami and now working on my own projects. I'm not super active in discussions, but I love creating mods and thinking about designing interesting experiences for players. I'm currently doing a research essay for university on the motivations of those who play mods. I think it's a fascinating topic and one that is sorely under researched. This is what inspired my project and I'd like to reach out to you guys to see what your thoughts on the topic would be. I'd love to kick off a discussion about this topic. Why do you play with mods?How do you define the quality of a mod?What have mods done for your experience of the game?Any responses to this post will be anonymised in the essay if they are used. Additionally, I also created a short survey (https://forms.gle/sR6D5m2md6kEcioX8) to try and get more data on the topic. If you have 5-10 minutes, I would be extremely grateful if you filled it out. This won't collect any personal data that could be used to connect your answers to you.
  6. I'm not a Papyrus scripter, so i'm not familar with the details of scripting things or work-arounds, however looking at the API documentation doesn't reveal any functions you could use to get the animation of the face dynamically. There doesn't seem to be a documented function for GetCurrentAnimation() that you could use as a check each time the player selects a dialogue option and I also can't seem to find any Actor variables that store the current animation state of the player (maybe because it's not stored on the actor but in a separate system). I think you might need to manually edit the dialogue options with a script to add the laugh track on the sarcastic option. there could be a workaround, however you'll need someone with more experience than me to pitch in to say for sure.
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