so I'm trying to set a trigger to only go off once a certain plot flag is set... here's the script I'm trying to use #include "events_h" #include "global_objects_h" #include "utility_h" #include "wrappers_h" #include "plt_late_breakfast" void main () { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); int bEventHandled = FALSE; if(PLT_LATE_BREAKFAST, RETURN_TO_VILLAGE == TRUE) { switch (nEventType) { case EVENT_TYPE_ENTER: { object oCreature = GetEventCreator(ev); if(GetObjectActive(OBJECT_SELF) && IsPartyMember(oCreature)) { resource rCutscene = R"edwin_dies.cut"; CS_LoadCutscene(rCutscene); SetObjectActive(OBJECT_SELF, FALSE); } } break; } if (!bEventHandled) //If this event wasn't handled by this script, let the core script try { HandleEvent(ev, RESOURCE_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_CORE); } } } when I try to compile, it gives me "No right bracket on expression" for the 1st if statement (the If(PLT etc)) unless I'm missing something, my brackets match up... why is this coming up?