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Posts posted by CoreXion

  1. I have been running into this error as well recently. I've already changed bAllowMultipleMasterLoads to 1 and have saved the file to Read Only, but when I go to load up the files for the mod that I am working on it comes up with the message that it is unable to load multiple master files and aborts. I have noticed that when I first start up the NV:GECK that it has all of the master files already selected excetp for the main one and any mods that I have. Looking for a solution has directed me to this thread, as well as others that offer the same information. I've updated the GECK recently, and now am at a loss as to what to do since the solutions that I have tried have not worked. If anyone has any other advice, I would be thankful.

  2. What Greslin has said is correct, that the Fallout universe is based on what the people of the 1950's expected the future to be like and their understanding of radiation at the time. You can find a great deal of interesting stories and articles from back then if you look hard enough, and a great deal of the things are in the game as well. Such as ray guns or laser weapons, even aliens in a classic 1950's saucer UFO and their main weapon is a Death Ray. Another way to look at it is the Back To The Future movies, where the second movie shows a future Earth that is set in the year 2015, and some things that might be around there or people would most likely imagine the future to be like in 1985 ( yes the movie was made in 1989-90, but it is set from the 1985 view ).


    The Enclave does the ability to manufacture materials, such as the Hellfire Power Armour that you can get later in the game. It was developed after the war along with a lot of the Enclave materials, such as their large amount of Eyebots that fly around the wasteland.


    The music of Fallout is also taken from the 1940-50's, a sort of nod to that era of history and story making. A lot of the music is from popular recording artists at the time, or features them in the songs, such as The Andrews Sisters and most well known The Ink Spots. So the music is a fit for the games, if you know the history behind them and the universe that is Fallout.

  3. @Mopel,

    There is a random encounter where you come upon an initiation by a group of raiders to a person. It appears that it is almost as simple as walking up to them and asking if you can join. However, like with most gangs and groups there is a process that you have to go through in order to join. In the random encounter you find a group beating on or getting ready to deliver a beating to a guy wearing only his under garments. If you interfere with it the guy will attack you as well as the raiders. This leads me to believe that normally if the guy survived his beating then he would be taken in as a member of that raiding group.

  4. She will go and hide sometimes when there is danger around, or put up a fight. It's not just the Tribals that will go after her, the Smugglers that spawn in the area will also sometimes attack. The Protectron she has often gets destroyed in the attacks and she will hide as best she can behind the counter.
  5. Hopefully one of you wonderful people will be able to help resolve an issue that I am having.


    I have made a number of textures for outfits, however I am unable to save them due to a program error in the version of Photoshop that I have. I do have the NVIDIA plug-in that allows for the DSS files to be opened, edited, and saved, however when it comes to saving it seems to fail terribly. It isn't telling me what type of error is taking place apart from saying "Program Error" at the end of its message. I am using Photoshop 6.0.1, which has served me well for many years now. Does anyone know a way that I can resolve this issue?


    *edit Sept. 23, 2011*


    Resolved issue after getting GIMP and plug-in for DDS files. Things in this thread helped me trouble shoot things, so I find it very helpful. Thanks for putting all this information in one thread.


    Just have to update some of the links due to some no longer working.

  6. Seems the game can't make up its mind however. I went through last night and found 4 ghoul NPC's, Roy Philips, Michael Masters, and the robot bartender but no Bessie anywhere inside or outside of Tenpenny Tower. I went in again and there was just Roy and Bessie chilling on the top floor with no additional NPC's around. Bessie and Michael were just wondering around and not running the stores, and no store options available via dialogue.
  7. Well, I already knew about that since this is about my fifth play through of Fallout 3.


    After the ghouls take over however is where the oddness starts. At first the place looked a mess but there were still the ghoul merchants set up in the stores and I could buy things, as well as some wondering around. However now when I go in the place looks like nothing happened, but it is absent all NPC's. I did find two ghoul NPC's in pre-war clothes outside sitting at one of the tables, and then found old Roy upstairs in the penthouse area just chilling out. Only thing Roy would say was "Thanks for helping out" basically, and no other dialog options.


    I was wondering if it is an odd bug, since I seem to have a habit of finding such random things... such as NPC's suddenly moonwalking in various locations. It just struck me as odd that the place went from looking like a battle took place then completely spotless with almost all the NPC's gone, both human and ghouls. Humans I expected to be slaughtered, but the ghouls being MIA was strange.

  8. I find the discussion as to which is more correct, Tim Cain or Chris Taylor, to be an interesting one. In the end I think that the answer is that they are both correct in their own way. It is very much like the origins of Mr. Freeze from the Batman series. His origins differ depending on who you ask, however many you ask would go with the most modern version of him being mutated/transformed due to an accident while trying to cure his wife. His first origins stem from an accident with his ice gun that causes his mutation/transformation after it backfires on him.


    It would be nice to have Tim Cain and Chris Taylor to sit down and hammer out the details as to which version is correct, but by doing so you would end up with a third version out of the mix and that would just add fuel to the fire. I look at both answers being the correct one, since there has to be a cause for the transformations and a combination of the two answers seems to be the best way to describe how such a thing is possible. The Fallout series does borrow from pop culture, and there are a number of films and comics that show radiation to be the cause of mutations and gigantic growth of insects and other creatures. At the same time there are movies that show virus' to be the cause of such things. For all we know it might be that the FEV has mutated in someway in order to survive in the radiation rich environment of the Fallout world, much like cold and flue virus' have mutated today to become more resistant to antibiotics.


    There is also a possibility that the FEV found in Fallout 3 is a different strain then that found in the other games. Given that the research was being conducted by the US Military as well as by Vault Tech in two locations, it is entirely possible that the two labs developed two different strains of FEV that produced very different results. It would explain the vast difference between the West Coast versions of Super Mutants and those found on the East Coast, as well as their localization in the D.C. area. The researchers at the Vaults could also have had more time to develop their FEV then those at Mariposa, since they were in a sealed environment and weren't taken over in a coup d'etat by their military guards and forced to stop.

  9. The Fallout series is based on a 1950's take of what the future would be like, so having aliens is perfectly canon with it. In the 1950's there was a boom in UFO spottings and interest in aliens, there were even official government investigations into the matter. I'm sure that there are those here that recall hearing about Roswell, New Mexico and the Groom Lake Facility ( A.K.A. Area 51 ). Aliens in Fallout just seems like a natural progression to me given all of this.


    Perhaps the hatred for the Mothership Zeta DLC that some harbor, is routed in a type of xenophobia? :P

  10. Unsure where to put this, since it can be considered a mild spoiler as well as a possible bug.


    I have noticed this on more then one play through of the game, after a while all the residents of Tenpenny Tower seem to vanish. I side with the ghouls and after they take over the place is a mess, but they keep the shops open and live there. Then sometime after I leave I return and find the place is completely clean but there are no NPC's living there any more. Since this has happened more then once, I thought I might as well ask if this is normal and if anyone else has experienced this.

  11. FEV ( Forced Evolution Virus ) does not cause ghoulification. FEV is responsible for the creation of Super Mutants and their pet Centaurs, why one turns into a Centaur and not a Super Mutant is unclear. Perhaps it has to do with the dose given.


    The process of becoming a ghoul boils down to random mutation caused by sever exposure to radiation. It does appear that it is completely random in how it works, with people like Trash from New Vegas who attempted to transform herself into a Ghoul only to end up dying from radiation poisoning, while others transform into Ghouls. Carol, a resident in Underworld, tells you through her dialog that she slowly started to transform into a Ghoul while living in the ruins of DC and others around her died from the radiation. In the case of Searchlight, a number of NCR soldiers and town residents apparently were transformed into Ghouls, as for the other people in the town it is unclear what happened to them. They may have all been killed when the dirty bomb was detonated and their bodies made into snacks for the now feral Ghouls or they could have fled. Either way, the bodies of other residents aren't found. Another example as to how it can be completely random is if you carry out a nuclear attack on Cottonwood Cove by releasing toxic nuclear waste on the Legion forces there, which will kill everyone at that location without turning them into Ghouls.

  12. The simple answer is that there are 5 males and 1 female pictured in the photograph of the scientists working at the Big MT. facility. Dala appears on the far left, but the style used for the drawing of the scientists doesn't show her figure or that of the others. It is much like how Bridgette from the Guilty Gear series is often thought to be a girl, when in fact Bridgette is a boy.
  13. It has already been stated how Little Lamplight was created, but for the sake of those that are checking out this thread and might not already know I shall give a small recap of how it was created. On the day of the Great War a group of students along with teachers and chaperones from the Early Dawn Elementary School ( The ruins of which are located next to the GNR building and you have to pass through ) were on a field trip to the Lamplight Caverns. While there they felt and heard the rumbling from the ground above, and after one of the adults went to see what was going on, it was reported that the D.C. area was under several mushroom clouds. With no other place to go, the children and the adults stayed in the caverns to wait things out for a bit. Not wanting to risk the children's lives, a group of adults decided to go out and search for help, but were never heard from again. More of the adults slowly died due to accidents or failed expeditions to find help or supplies, eventually leaving the children alone in the caverns. They did find the auxiliary access door to Vault 87 however, but were unable to gain access due to the engineer believing the noises and voices of children to be a figment of his imagination brought on by the guilt of his son's death and then that of his wife. Left alone the children developed their own settlement that has survived since the end of the Great War.


    The continued existence of Little Lamplight is due to an influx of orphans from the Wasteland, one such orphan can be brought there depending upon how The Lone Wanderer decides to handle the quest "THEM!". From conversations with the children, you can find hints that they have had interactions with other adults but don't allow them into their settlement. These interactions often seem to result in someone being shot, if you are to believe what Princess says about shooting at Raiders, Slavers, or any adult she just doesn't like the look of. However, due to the vast amount of materials and junk that can be found in the cavern it is likely that the children have interactions that result in some trade with the outside world, this opens the possibility that traders and scavengers might bring other children to Little Lamplight because they are unable or unwilling to care for them. This would make Little Lamplight more of a self-sufficient orphanage for the Wasteland, which is able to give the orphaned children a great deal more protection from the harsh wasteland then what some other settlements could.


    Another way that the settlement could survive is by way of the children themselves reproducing at a young age, which maybe an icky or touchy subject for some, but you do have to remember that the age in which a woman gives birth has actually increased greatly over the years. One popular story that is often played out in schools and theater houses is that of "Romeo & Juliet", but what some don't realize is that Juliet is in her early teens in the play, being from what I can recall of the age 14 or 16 years old. That being said it is more then possible that the children of Little Lamplight do or could engage in such a thing before reaching the age in which they are forced to leave in order to keep the population of the settlement at at level where the children can survive. One relationship is actually hinted at through conversation options that is between Mayor MacCready and Princess, further making it possible that the children being in romantic relationships later on that produce offspring before they are forced to leave.


    Personally, I rather like the idea of Little Lamplight being the equivalent of a Wasteland Orphanage, since above all else it makes more sense and could also help reinforce the dislike the children have for adults, having being felt abandoned or betrayed by those that left them at the settlement.

  14. I can only suggest what has already been suggested, however thanks for posting the pictures of the problem for us all to see. I find glitches or conflicts within the game and mods to be amusing to see, or even record on video. When you find out which mod is causing the problem then maybe you can share with us all what it is so that we can make a note of it, or perhaps alert the creator of the mod of the issue so that they can check over what they have done to see if there is an error in part of the scripts they have made.
  15. As it has been stated, Fallout 3 is a far younger game then the others that were mentioned. But it also has a great deal of history that has been explored in previous games as well as game lore built around it. Making a mod that would add quests or new areas is fairly difficult to accomplish, but not impossible. It takes time to make a quality mod that people will enjoy as well as remain friendly to the games lore. There is the script writing that has to be done, I'm not just talking about the action scripts, but the story scripts as well that contain conditional branches for the different responses possible by the player or the various paths they choose to complete the quest goals. There is also the creation of new textures and meshes for objects and people that take a great deal of time and skill to accomplish. I myself have spent over seven hours working on a single texture for an outfit to make sure that it looked right, and I am still not satisfied with it because I also want to do a female version of the outfit.


    I have been working on a mod for Fallout 3 for well over a year now, and have had to retool it many times in order to get it to fit into the games lore. It didn't help matters that the location of the mod that I had planned actually fell onto the existing world map when I did closer inspection of the geographical area it covers. This meant a complete re-working of the mod and a new location search as well in order to have it mesh well with what has already been established as canon. There is another mod that I have seen in development here that has been going on for a couple of years now, which creates a new area and quests for the player. I believe the creator started work when they were in high school and are just now starting to finish up the project, again reinforcing my statement that mods of the type you are asking about take a great deal of time to produce.


    The development process for a mod can take a very long time and often modders can be overwhelmed with other events going on in their lives. Such as the death of one or multiple family members, as well as job issues that pull them away from working on the mod for great periods of time. You can see also that a lot of the larger mods that are on the site have multiple releases and versions, as the creator updates or adds more content in order to expand upon their work. I ask that you please don't get discouraged about what you feel is a lack of mods for Fallout 3, since many mods are still in the works and after all, everyone starts out small at first with a few simple weapons or armour mods before moving to something larger.

  16. Q: Why did the Enclave blow up Liberty Prime instead of the Citadel?


    There are many reasons why the Enclave would have made that choice, but it all comes down to strategy. Since the orbital strike was carried out by a satellite that is currently orbiting the Earth, the Enclave had only a few choices of targets along its orbital path. At the time of the Brotherhoods attack on the relay station they were picking up odd signals from it and could not determine what they were for. It is highly possible that the signals that they were picking up were test signals from the relay station to establish a connection with the satellite as it passed over head. Given the technological limitations imposed after the Great War, that would be the easiest way to get in contact with the satellite rather then trying to scan the skies and hoping you come across one. With the attack of Liberty Prime on the relay station it presented an opportunity for the Enclave to further test the satellites connection as well as take out the primary reason they lost the Jefferson Memorial and Project Purity. In order to have attacked the Citadel they would have had to adjust the course of the satellite so that it would pass over head of its target, this is shown later on when you are in the Mobile Crawler Base and have a choice of targets in which to destroy. The only targets available are the Mobile Crawler itself and the Citadel, the others are blocked off because they are not on the current orbital path of the satellite.


    Taking out Liberty Prime also evened the odds in favour of the Enclave, as it eliminated the robot responsible for the Brotherhoods latest string of victories. The Brotherhood had been using Liberty Prime to spearhead its attacks on Enclave positions, allowing it to do a majority of the work and then cleaning up what little was left with their knights. The destruction of Liberty Prime meant that the Brotherhood would once more have to put its knights on the front lines and take heavy losses at the hands of the Enclave, it also meant that the Enclave would have a better chance of holding off and repelling Brotherhood attacks on their outposts in the Capital Wasteland. Another advantage to the destruction of Liberty Prime was the crushing of moral for the Brotherhood, who prized technology and felt a relief at having a giant robot to aide them and do all the hard work. It also showed the people of the Wasteland that the Brotherhood were not all powerful, and that the Enclave had a weapon that could destroy targets from orbit, crushing or causing wavering support for the Brotherhood among the people.


    But why not take the Citadel out, you may be asking still. The Citadel was one of the targets listed and most likely was to be the next target destroyed, with the other settlements plotted in as well in case there were any future uprisings by the people after the Enclave took control following the Brotherhoods destruction. It is also likely that the Enclave did not know the full extent of the Brotherhoods resources, or if they had another base of operations in the Capital Wasteland, so the destruction of their main base would have caused them to go to others and further stress what resources they had left after losing Raven Rock and other bases to the Brotherhood with the help of Liberty Prime. After taking out both Liberty Prime and the Citadel the Enclave would have shown the Brotherhood as being ineffective in protecting the people of the Capital Wasteland, causing the people to come to them for protection out of fear of being destroyed like the Brotherhood. The Enclave would have a firm base of operation, have removed the only weapon capable of stopping them, and destroyed the only other major power in the area that was a threat to them, allowing for the Capital Wasteland to fall under their control finally.

  17. For a majority of the game I tend to go it alone, but the few times that I have had a follower I either had Dogmeat or Fawkes. Since I didn't want Dogmeat to die, I had him go back to my house, and Fawkes I pick up when I go on scavenging the ruins so I have someone to help haul the loot back.
  18. @ warkiller75

    I think that it would be nice to have the Midwestern Brotherhood appear as well. They were mentioned in Fallout 3 in a passing remark by Sarah Lyons, so I think that they can still be considered to be canon. They may not be the same as they were originally depicted, much like how the flag of the NCR has been changed over time from various releases of the games and also books. A Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel would be interesting to follow, especially if a game had them as one of the factions coming in contact with others, such as the factions in New Vegas and others shown in Fallout 3, all moving to the central US and being confronted with one another.

  19. @ warkiller75


    I shall concede that they did say they don't use advanced technology, but it is kind of difficult to tell what they consider by advanced technology. They do use fire arms, which maybe out of necessity rather then a desire to do so, and even Caesar's elite guards use power fists, which are an advanced technology. We know that Caesar holds the use of an Auto-doc for his own person use, and only allows its use to others as a special reward and to cement his standing in their minds that he is a god king. Since he is modeling his empire after that of the Roman Empire, I would imagine that he does allow for technology of that time period, such as indoor plumbing and irrigation systems, which would be a good reason for his interests in Hoover Dam since it holds a vast amount of water in Lake Meade that could benefit his growing nation. It makes a bit more sense then for him to just want it as a way to get access to the NCR, since there are alternate paths he could take with less confrontation.


    The force confronted in what I was proposing would not have to be a large one, more like an exploratory force to see what would be worth taking in the area. It is something that Caesar seems to do after all, and set ground work for invasion later on.


    @ thebic4


    I wouldn't rule out New York as a possible location, albeit that there would be an uproar from people that would consider it unpatriotic given the events of 9/11, but that seems to happen on a multitude of things. The original Fallout included some major west coast cities so it would not be unlikely that another Fallout game would feature the remains of New York as a location or setting. It could open the door to possible trips to the annexed Canada as well as to parts of Maine and the New England area. That would bring in the Commonwealth as well as a possible faction to contend with.


    @ LadyGodiva


    The use of a resort location was used for the "Point Lookout" DLC, and like I said in my Florida proposal it would be a prime location because of that. All of the resort areas in and around the state would allow for a great many chances to explore, it would also allow for some interesting creature encounters as well. Imagine a group of survivors that survived by hiding or building a settlement inside of the remains of a large aquarium such as Sea World. The thought it self is amusing.

  20. @warkiller75 - The reason for Ceaser's Legion is because the group is rapidly expanding and there is mention in New Vegas that they may spread to the East. They may be under powered, but they do have numbers on their side and do use military tactics that the Roman Empire used. The Legion also does use technology, a number of them use various guns and they do have other weapons.



    Searchlight was destroyed by the Legion through the use of a Dirty Bomb, which spread high radiation over the area, killing or transforming those in the town to Ghouls.



    The Roman Empire also had a vast amount of technology at their disposal, which since Ceaser is following their example it would only stand to follow that they are allowed some of the technologies that were found then.


    As to why Cuba for a possible faction/nation in the Fallout universe, well that is a simple answer. Just because an area is cut off from the rest of the world, does not mean that its people have no chance of survival, example being the "Point Lookout" DLC. Point Lookout is a small island in the Chesapeake Bay region, which is still populate by individuals, such as the tribals and swampfolk. Cuba also has been pretty much stuck in the 1950's for years due to the trade embargo that was imposed on them. To this day I believe you can get original paint and parts for 1950's cars that are no longer available in the US due to them being left there by the embargo. Also, Alister Tennpenny is said to have come from England, which itself is an island nation and a great deal further away, so why couldn't there be survivors living and thriving on Cuba.

  21. I figure, why not throw my little character into this mix of ones. ;) Feel free to comment on what you all think. Also, this may be subject to change since I've yet to play any of the DLC's so far.


    Name: Josey

    Gender: Male

    Age: late 20's

    Race: Human

    Combat Style: Ranged

    Specialties: Guns & Explosives

    Weaknesses: Whiskey

    Likes: Whiskey & Women

    Dislikes: Fiends, Raiders

    Wants: . . . can't remember.

    Fears: Deathclaws at close range.

    Friendly Factions: BoS, NCR, Great Khans, WG Society, Freeside, Novac, The Strip, Boomers

    Enemy Factions: Fiends, Ceasar's Legion, Powder Gangers

    Companions: Boone, Arcade Gannon, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, ED-E, Lily, Raul, Veronica

    Love interest?: None.

    Parents: Dead. Natural causes.

    Early life:


    Born to a California rancher, Josey learned how to work the land at a young age. His family constantly struggling to keep up as the richer Brahmin Barons and Bighorn Ranchers started to push harder and harder to gain more territory. When not working, Josey was taught by his mother in their small home, learning history as well as math, reading and writing. His father taught him how to shoot as well as gather supplies to live off the land.


    Teen years:


    Being like his father, Josey would get into fights with others, usually with the Brahmin handlers that would cross his families land and destroy their crops while taking 'short cuts' on 'their property'. Unable to get help from the NCR in these trouble makers, Josey decided to take matters into his own hands. Using his skills with a gun he shot the water containers of several Brahmin handlers trespassing on his families farmland in an effort to force them to leave. The tactic worked for a time, till a local sheriff arrived with a representative of the NCR and a Brahmin Baron to his family farm. Josey was given the option of being arrested and charged as a terrorist for disrupting an important NCR supply line, or to leave the NCR territory. Not wanting to go to jail, Josey instead accepted exile and made his way west, eventually reaching Arizona.


    While in Arizona, Josey did odd jobs working as a farm hand and at times as an escort for caravans. His travels eventually led him into an encounter with Ceaser's Legion. Remembering his history lessons from his mother, he quickly grew to dislike the Legion and refused to work with any caravan or farmer that let them aide. As Arizona started to fall more under Ceaser's control, Josey found himself a forced exile again, this time making his way towards New Vegas. Short on caps, food, and ammunition, Josey took a chance and stopped at a Ranch hoping the residents would be kind enough to offer him some food and a warm place to stay for the night. Seeing that there were some things needing done, Josey decided to take care of some work at the ranch, impressing its owner. To Josey's amazement, the owner of the ranch offered him a job, which he accepted and became a farm hand at the Wolfhorn Ranch.




    While working at the Wolfhorn Ranch he also helped out a small farmstead close by, using his skills with a gun to keep a watch thanks to the watchtower on the hill. Becoming friends with Ulysses, the Wolfhorn Ranch owner, Josey taught him some of the history that his mother had taught him as well as show him pictures from an old history book he salvaged from a shipment of books at a local abandoned airport. This inspired Ulysses to want to learn more of nations, especially with his growing dissatisfaction at the encroaching NCR and Ceaser's Legion. Josey was happy with his work, and played a harmonica to pass the time, a gift from Ulysses.


    One day, as Ulysses left in order to sell some of the Ranch's goods in Freeside, Josey spotted a band of raiders coming towards the ranch. Sending out a warning signal he was able to snipe a few of the raiders before making his way to the fortified farmstead close by. In a desperate fight to survive, the other farmers and Josey were betrayed by one of the farmhands who made a deal with the raiders for his own safety in exchange for all the food and the others at the ranch. Enraged by this Josey fought the man even as the ranch was over run, leading to him being struck in he head and the other man dead. In the confusion, the Raiders mistaken Josey for their inside man, so they took him from the farmstead, leaving the dead and burnt bodies of the others.


    How did he/she become a courier?:


    Recovering from his injuries Josey dispatched the group of raiders that now held him captive, escaping and fleeing into the wasteland. Feeling as if he failed his friend and the others, Josey headed North to Montana and eventually got a job as a courier and attempted to avoid the area of New Vegas out of fear of the memories of what had happened. However he got an assignment that would bring him back to the Mojave, and result in an ambush and a bullet to the skull. Surviving Josey now only has flashes of his past and the lessons that he learned as a child. Unable to remember his past, he seeks the mysterious courier that was suppose to deliver the package instead of him, hoping that he would have the answers to his now forgotten past.

  22. One of the first things that I do after leaving the Vault is to go to the 'Scenic Overlook' sign and look at the Wasteland for a bit. Then I head down to the ruins of Springvale to search for anything there, picking up junk before heading to Megaton. From there it is helping people and getting quests lined up before selling stuff off and heading back out.
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