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Posts posted by Carson2006

  1. Random inspiration while working on an indie project. Don't have time or experience with XCOM enough to do it myself.

    So I throw it out here as inspiration for others. If you do take this idea up, please let me know just so I can be excited for it.

    - Soldiers above some rank, have a very low percentage chance of picking up a "token" during a mission.

    - A token is some small personal item of sentimental value, such as a toy of a child. A solemn momento of the carnage.


    - If this soldier is killed during a later mission, the momento becomes a reward for completing the mission.

    - This momento is then an item that either enables a perk of it's former owner, or some other buff to any soldier that equips it.

    - For some semblance of balance, my knee jerk reaction is to restrict the recipient to soldiers that are bonded with the fallen team member. This combined with the low drop rate should provide to variables to balance this mod, or allow end users to adjust these settings.


    - This would serve as a way to carry on a team members legacy after they have passed.


    Also creates an interesting scenario where a soldier is loaded with mementos of fallen comrades, and is equivalent to a force of nature. Lot's of story building available here, but that's why the original spawn percentage of these momentos must be rather low. So that the momentos don't just become cheap random boosts.

    Idea from Daisy, in "Homecoming" from Halo Legends

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