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Posts posted by ScarabMonkey

  1. AddItem requires a Form not an ObjectReference ... so you'd need:



    It is wise to use a clean save whenever testing quests - as they are stored in the savegame ...

    You can get quickly into the game with a totally hygienic 'save' by typing 'coc riverwood' into the console on the game menu (before loading a save).

  2. Perhaps you should attack this from the other angle ... How do I stop the micro stutters without using SBW....

    My game was unplayable slow with SBW, so you are already lucky I guess...


    Anyway, I don't know what you mean by microstutters - with your rig you shouldn't have any issues with even 8xAA 16xAF.


    I have seen the game become strangely stuttering on an i7 after area transition - the fix is Ctrl-alt-del then press cancel. Perhaps you could try that instead?

  3. Yes that does seem to be hardcoded, just like the fact that table and stone can only be used for upgrading.


    What you could do is hijack and rename an existing underused category. E.g. falmer... Or Studded or Imperial ( renaming is done in GameSettings things like sFalmer and sDraugr)

    Obviously this is a bit of a hack, but it does work.


    You should check out Lorecraft - that does clever stuff with crafting lists...

  4. TESVSnipis the easiest way:


    1. open the file
    2. double click on TES4
    3. tick/check the first box (ESM)
    4. press save
    5. save the file


    Note that the 'save' button doesn't actually save the changes to your file, you have to use Save in the menu... and it then always makes you browse...

  5. Can anyone shed any light on whether there are problems with using ESP (without the ESM flag) as Master files?


    I'm trying to Lorecraft-ify many mods and I want to use the existing mod as a Master ... unfortunately there are so many mods out there that are in ESP format (which really ought to be ESM, IMHO)...


    So, is there any reason not to have my Lorecraft plugins using their ESP version as Master? (clearly the load order would be important)

    Or should I be asking all these modders to release an ESM version?


    Thanks guys





    P.S. is it me, or does Skyrim now automatically load Masters if you only tick the ESP? Seems so...

  6. Why not contribute to the CK Wiki? This is not the first time this thread has been made on the Nexus, and I still can't understand why you want to duplicate information that should be centrally located on the Wiki.

    Yes, I intend to add this information to the Wiki - but I can't use the Wiki to compile it.......

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