So right now, the color of the map icons is identical to the color you choose for your Pip Boy display. When you're first starting out this isn't such a big deal, but as you find more locations and your map becomes more populated, trying to differentiate between different locations (especially in dense areas) a real pain in the ass. I would like a mod that changes the colors of the map icons themselves so they aren't the same color as the Pip Boy display. Ideally all farms would have the same color, all factories would have the same color, police stations etc. And additionally have a separate color for player settlements as well. I feel like Bethesda focused too much on making everything in the Pip Boy look like 50s computer tech whatever, but from a gameplay stand point its a real pain in the ass. I've tried looking into making it myself, but all of the map marker icons in "Fallout4 - Interface.ba2" are white, which makes sense since it just inherits the color of the Pip Boy display. Changing the color will be a bit more of a challenge to make the game basically "forget" to color in the icons on the map and just use the new icons you've made in different colors. I'm looking for something similar to this mod: