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Everything posted by wolfskin101

  1. I'm not sure whether I've been selectively deaf or not, but I've never heard any racist talk coming from Ulfric's mouth? Sure he's surrounded by racist, old-value boys, yet I've still to hear him say anything that could be considered at least mildly racist. Chose Stormcloaks on my first character because I loved the thought of being a rebel, fighting an old and dying empire. Made a second character who was supposed to join the Legion, but ended up signing for the Stormcloaks again.
  2. Maybe you could have used the time you spent creating this thread for something a tad more useful, don't you say? Perhaps you could write some dialogue for an NPC conversation mod by the time the CK comes out.
  3. Can't really explain why but I'm a sucker for Skyrim's fur armour, been wearing it since day 1 actually. Can't bring myself to wearing thiny, scrappy leather armour or even worse, squeezing my Nord ranger into that refrigerator of a Steel armour set!
  4. Same here! The game runs very fluently but sometimes when performing a certain action(could be anything really, from selling something to fast travelling) Skyrim will randomly CTD without an error report/notification/freeze/whatever. However I'm not complaining, only had three or four so far in the 12 hours that I've been playing.
  5. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/382521-on-the-topic-of-beer-this-is-skyrim-afterall/
  6. Oh, yes it is! As I've heard, L.A. Noire for the Xbox 360 came in 3 discs!
  7. Brrr, you're giving me chills Vindekarr. At least put those between spoiler brackets :)
  8. I don't how I could have possibly missed that guys, but there were random encounters in Fallout 3?
  9. Maybe a mod should create a stickied "Can You Run It?"-topic to combine all these topics into one thread.
  10. Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old young ladies. :tongue: Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptangya Ziiinnggggggg Ni! There you have it!
  11. Mods on first playthrough? Not exactly what I'd fancy when going through the quests for the first time. As Inuyasha said above me, try to enjoy the game for what it is the first time. The mods will still be there. By the time you've finished the story once, there'll be tons of bugfree mods out there.
  12. ^ Nice suggestion, man. I like it. Always loved reading people's diaries during quests.
  13. Most probably a tough Male Nord Warrior on the first run through, the second probably a stealthy archer like Bosmer.
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