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Everything posted by LordGawaine

  1. I liked it better without the feeds... just my opinion but it's how I feel.
  2. There is - but I think it's from Dead Money DLC. I used it in my Mod. I think it's the same name or very similar.
  3. Don't suppose you're playing Dead Money? :P
  4. Check out the tutorials: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Layout It'll help you out a lot, there's videos to go with them.
  5. I think an issue you'd run to in your thinking (by my interpretation) would be to create a gun mesh that actually has 2 guns rather than the typical one in it? I believe this would be an issue because both arms do not move in accordance to the other, ie: when running one arm goes forward while the other goes back and so forth - but the gun mesh wouldn't allow the guns to do this, they would either be forward OR backward but not both. However, I could be mistaken.
  6. Yes you can, and it's easy too! It's under the Actor Data list in the Object Window.
  7. You may want to check this link for the dialogue: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Quest_and_Dialogue_Tutorial I find it fairly complicated overall (in the beginning) to try and explain... I don't fully understand it myself but have no problem creating dialogue through Quests but it may not be the best way to do so (but might not matter either).
  8. alfaz62, I can't help you get bulidings from FO3... but NV does have lots of buildings to use... seriously taking a look at the Bestheda tutorials will show you how to use the render window, place objects, and all that fun stuff. Creating your own world space though takes some work... I've done it for my mod which is still a major work-in-progress (which has a very small city strip) but it's taken a lot of work because the GECK has it's own issues and limitations...
  9. I realize that the WIKI is lacking... but from looking at one part of it then comparing with another part I've been able to do a fair bit so far... For starting your script: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Begin For some practice scripting, questing, dialoguing: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Quest_and_Dialogue_Tutorial Functions: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:Functions And then there's looking at other scripts from the game... There are also tutorials on doing other things out there, but you do need to look for them.
  10. Could always be tied to the Survival skill... depending on the animal you would need a higher skill level. Talking to the animal would start a conversation to tame/leave alone and then a script to make it become a companion/follow you, etc...
  11. This: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page and Google are your friends... I've been working on a rather large mod myself (first time user) and I've had to Google a lot (especially when it came to scripting to know commands, etc). Other than that, it's been trial and error.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's as simple as having a quest with a Start (10), Object1 (20), Object2 (30), Object3 (40), End (100). Each Object to find has it's own value in the quest, and thus each has it's own target. When Object1 is found, go on to the 2nd object (value of 30).
  13. I've had the same issue with "teleporting" with some monsters in my exterior cells... I have a gas station where NPC should be safe as it's above the ground (ie: on the roof, etc) when I go inside, then come outside, sometimes the monsters have appeared on the roof with no way for this to physically happen...
  14. I think you'll need an photo-type-editing software for that as you're talking about Textures.
  15. Look at the code, and add the Reference for the new lights to that script. Easy man. Just look into it.
  16. Why aren't you suppose to be showing WIP renders anymore?
  17. Any chance you can change the model of an NPC to be a Vending Machine? :P
  18. Dead Money had vending machine type machines that use Chips for currency which I think could be pretty similar to what you want if you look at that.
  19. There's also a flare mod (haven't used it personally) but have used the flashlight.
  20. Someone posted about this just the other day, but the responses weren't so helpful unless you knew what they were talking about...
  21. I like to be able to *SEE* what I've accomplished. One of things I'm working on in my mod is making it so that you're physically able to see a fortification change over time based on all your deeds, etc: a fence is built around the building, new lights are put up, etc...
  22. I ended up changing our faction data so that the player and this group are only friends and the other faction only helps allies (not allies and friends). That seemed to do the trick. As for outside, I'm still struggling to keep NPCs that are high up from entering into combat with enemies that can be seen but can not reach them. But I did have some success with one NPC last night using 2 different AI packages so I might be good now.
  23. Make sure that you're character isn't *inside* some type of hill or mountain you've placed. That could be one problem... ie: if you're loading your game and your last save location was inside of something you've placed.
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