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About NinjaGoddessAyra

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Morrowind & Oblivion
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind & Oblivion

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  1. Well I don't know who will get this or if there is anyone that bothers to read my profile updates so umm....I guess this is a "distress signal" if you will. I'm writing a fanfic and I actually need help putting it together before I start writing. I was wondering if there was anyone out there willing to send me a pm and see if they're interested in what I have so far for ideas. Any help would be appreciated thanks. P.S. You MUST have experiance with both Oblivion AND Morrow...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Well I have a really good idea for a fanfic, I just want a second opinion on everything. I just hope someone is up to helping me out :)
    3. zombieslayer002


      seeing as you are helping me out, i can take a look at what you got so far :) i have both those games :P :)
    4. zombieslayer002


      seeing as you are helping me out, i can take a look at what you got so far :) i have both those games :P :)
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