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About NinjaGoddessAyra

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Morrowind & Oblivion
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    Morrowind & Oblivion

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  1. Okay so Skyrim is out and I'm really happy I got it, but umm....is it just me, or are all the faces horribly ugly in the game? Granted I only really looked at the faces through the chargen but damn they were hideous. Hopefully a mod will come out soon that fixes that, if not then oh well >.<
    1. XxPockieNinjaxX


      >_> It's not just you the faces are ugly, lets pray the mod comes out soon XD
    2. iansaltman


      *Spends hours on face*


      *Wears helmet the rest of the game*

    3. naomis8329


      nah, I though my graphics card was on its way out at first. My monitor is dying so put it down to that however have since realise that yep, they are ugly lol xxx
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