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About NinjaGoddessAyra

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Morrowind & Oblivion
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind & Oblivion

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  1. It's 8:00 am on a saturday, why am I even up? -_-
    1. Gamingsage5


      Meh it happens. Usually I'll wake up, go to my computer and ponder whether or not I should go back to sleep...then I'll get some food and its sage bliss for me. :3
    2. Misakichun


      lol , ur current pic is nice :) but it's your choice really u can change the pic and let it be for a while and then u can change back it to whatever pic u want :)

      i always do this .

      have fun :D

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