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  1. My Skyrim game keeps crashing just before character creation. Here's the crashlog: https://pastebin.com/6pFQiDGy Funny thing is, I think it's telling me that Engine Fixes is the problem. So I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it... and the secondary files... and then the modified toml file. And I'm still getting this crash. Can anyone figure this out? UPDATE: Never mind. I was upgrading my Great City of Winterhold Patches, and after looking up past posts, I found out that I forgot to exclude that [insert an EXTREMELY long line of vile expletives here] Sons of Skyrim patch... which caused my crashing the LAST time. Sorry about that, folks.
  2. Ok. Here's the Crash Logger version. crash-2024-08-20-22-31-28.log
  3. After going on a hiatus from Skyrim, I decided to play again, but it crashes on starting a new game. Any idea what's causing it? Here's the trainwreck log: https://pastebin.com/uaX5aXG4
  4. I had a mod installed that made the PC automatically sheath their weapon when interacting with objects like doors and chests, but I must have accidentally uninstalled it. Anyone have any idea what it's called?
  5. I checked and rechecked to make sure. However, I found a mod that restored the difficulty settings about an hour ago. SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix has fixed the problem nicely.
  6. It took me a while for me to get my game working again after (regretfully) updating it to 1.6.1130. However, after starting a new game, I found out something. I hadn't played it in a while, so I thought I'd tone down the difficulty a bit until I could get used to it again, only to find that there were no difficulty settings. Did Bethesda remove them? Because I don't think that I have any mods that do remove it.
  7. I know that this has been reported before, but this has me baffled. After updating to 1.6.1130 and making sure I had the updated SKSE and all the mods that the program showed that I had to update, now my Skyrim game crashes before the splash screen even shows up. All I get is about a second of a black screen, then it shuts down. Any idea what could be causing this?
  8. I was wondering if someone could make a patch for the Creation "The Cause" so that you don't get the letter until at least a couple of days after the PC finds out that (s)he is the Dragonborn?
  9. Will the Preliminary AE version of SKSE work with the latest version of SE?
  10. I had to reinstall the Notice Board mod, and I was looking for the MCM menu mod to go with it, but it's been removed. Any idea on what happened, and is there any other place I can download it?
  11. I need a script that I can apply to a piece of armor, clothing, and/or jewelry that will make the add the wearer to a faction, and remove the player from it when the piece is removed. Anyone know where I might fond one?
  12. Could someone make a darker version of hideto84's Dragon Carved Armor? Preferably making the steel parts an Ebony black with the carved indentations a steel color. I'd like it for a mod I'm planning to make.
  13. Actually, I'd like to see the explosion version. As for the effect I was describing, you can see it in the videos on the description page of the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1653
  14. I'm planning on making a new mod. However, while I'm pretty good at moving things around in the Creation Kit, I absolutely SUCK at scripts. Maybe because it's beyond me, or maybe I'm too old. However, if there are any modders out there that can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it, and of course, give you credit when I release the mod to the Nexus. I need a script that I can apply to an activator. Upon activation, I need three things to happen: 1. The activator applies a perk to the PC. 2. The activator disappears (disables) in a bright effect just like Sagittarius22's Summonable Voiced Ethereal Chest. (I think I've seen the effect in game before, but I can't remember where at the moment.) 3. The PC is knocked backwards as if he was Fus Ro Dah-ed. If anyone could possibly help, thank you.
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