I'm planning on making a new mod. However, while I'm pretty good at moving things around in the Creation Kit, I absolutely SUCK at scripts. Maybe because it's beyond me, or maybe I'm too old. However, if there are any modders out there that can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it, and of course, give you credit when I release the mod to the Nexus. I need a script that I can apply to an activator. Upon activation, I need three things to happen: 1. The activator applies a perk to the PC. 2. The activator disappears (disables) in a bright effect just like Sagittarius22's Summonable Voiced Ethereal Chest. (I think I've seen the effect in game before, but I can't remember where at the moment.) 3. The PC is knocked backwards as if he was Fus Ro Dah-ed. If anyone could possibly help, thank you.