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  1. Definitely need Lenin and Stalin banners somewhere.
  2. I love aspects from both ideas, particularly option 2. The only thing I want to take from option 1 is them being able to speak English. It'll be a lot easier to find voice actors and the larger audience if we make sure the NPCs can speak English. I do have a few small issues with option 2. When I posted this idea, I had the idea of a more ww2 era soviet union. The fanaticism to Stalin and Communism, along with WW2 era weaponry That said, the rest is good. I'm liking the ideas of option 2, as in the vault tech, underground bases, ect. Opens up a lot of doors for the player to discover what really happened back when the bombs dropped. The Russians back in the day were primarily farmers, so there would probably be some crop fields around the town, ect. There is the small problem of them being initially hostile. Either we have them not so hostile at the beginning, or put the courier in a bit of a bind, somewhat literally. He gets captured by conscripts, sent out as a penal battalion soldier, does well and 'redeems' himself, gets some questions answered. Then again, the player may not be inclined to help them, especially if they decide to turn and shoot the machine gunner behind him. My suggestion is for the payer to be gunned down if they go back past a certain point. The first option may be more rewarding to the player and entice them to actually continue playing the mod. Maybe some conscripts need assistance in a fire fight, player helps them, bish bash bosh, the courier's friends with the Ruskis. But, all of this will be null without the right team to actually work on the mod. Modellers, script programmers, modders, the whole lot.
  3. Arc Welder, man. s#*!'s cray. And the armour would be able to run faster too. But we should probably focus on softer armours like coats and basic armours, as well as iconic soviet infantry hats like Ushankas and Pilotkas
  4. Cool, I'll check/ask permission for it. Well I'll take a solid plot with good ideas, over the flashiest most glitzy mod full of new models. So if you can't mod, but can throw some good ideas together that's still helping. Although I would like some help with the actual modding if anyone has hte time. I'm doing a few requests and a large project with an independent NV, so I don't have a lot of free time to spare. But if it's a good story, I'll make time....assuming I can find or make the resources we need. Probably nothing we'd recognize as BOS, but I'm sure there are military survivalists with a religious bent. Don't know about power armor though.....maybe just advanced body armor. I think power armor is only the U.S.'s providence. But I should mention that U.S. small arms developers sold weapons to Russia. Colt for instance sold large shipments, like 5000 (and remember this is a pretty big order, back in teh day) revolvers to Russia and Turkey, by convincing them that the other had ordered his revolvers (which at the time neither had) and would have an advantage (inciting a little arms race). So I could see some private companies (Robco, arms manufactors, etc) in the hyper capitalistic world of fallout selling their products to the U.S.S.R as long as it wasn't strictly military only. In addition they would have Soviet centric tech (recovered by covert opts/spies) used in the fake Russian town, and currently scavenged items for the wasteland. So I think we could get aways with a few models that really stand out (bots, few weapons, outfits, different armor) and fill teh gaps with common fallout items. Probably what we need most are architectural models of a Russian town and voice actors with a Soviet accent. I can always make a Reddit post to see if any modders are interested. And we can use a lot of the ready-made models, just with retextures. Think we can get someone to model a T-34? That'd be cool... And I've been told I do a decent Soviet accent, so there's always that. We could get some smaller NPC voices from other games, I think. Can we do that?
  5. There were US troops in China at the time. Maybe they went north for a bit.
  6. I was thinking more WW2 stuff, but Cold War is good too. Also, you can get a Mosin Nagant rifle mod, which is the rifle Vasily used. It would be awesome if there was a unique one with like a camo wrap or something. OK this is a bit off topic, but could tie in really well IMHO. A while back I participated in a whole russian thread that touched on this idea, RUSSIA - A land scarred by the Wars of past. I even made up a Soviet Robobrain that I was pretty proud of (I'm sure it's still around my hard drive somewhere). It has some really good ideas in there, but it was far too ambitious, requiring a new world space. But a new idea regarding the subject had been bouncing around in my head fairly recently, and it has to do with a interesting historical (possibly fictional?) quirk of the cold war. Essentially there were little, fake american towns set up in Russia. This is where spies and infiltrators grew up seeped in U.S. culture. They spoke english, enjoyed the American pastimes of the era, like movies, baseball, etc. So they were as at home with American culture as any native born U.S. citizen. To the best of my knowledge we never did that in the U.S., but I could totally see fallout's America going for it. Set up little Russian (also works well with a Chinese variant) towns, where everyone speaks, sees and is submerged in Russian culture. These towns would be very secluded, because they would need to be both top secret and separate all american influence from the occupants. So OK, interesting idea if it happened, but so what? Well it gives us a plausible tool to make a single little adventure in a authentic Russian town. It makes the scope of the mod much smaller and it could be anywhere that is isolated in the Mojave (but probably up north). So instead of just some Soviet items, you can have a little quest. Imagine that after the bombs fell they remained mostly isolated, thus surviving (well some of them) the fallout and chaos. They retained their Russian culture and over time/generations it was forgotten that they were ever Americans. Especially if you consider that fallout would have used CODE training on them, so they probably really didn't know they were Americans, at least not consciously. Over time they became a tribe of their own, still staying mostly secluded, but venturing out when needed. But this strange tribe had foreign weapons, clothes, equipment, language and culture. It too has evolved over time, just as Americans have, but it's stayed Russian and retained it's super recluded mindset. Could be a good little adventure to gain your soviet booty. I can help with most things (not great with weapons, but maybe we have nexus resources), and it's a lot more approachable than what we we're considering in that dead Russia thread. I would be happy to co-author a mod with you guys, but I have literally NO modding experience. I can throw in ideas though, by all means. I LOVE the idea,. Maybe make a tie-in with the alternate start mods and other awesome mods too. We really going to go through with this?
  7. Hello! I'd love to see some Soviet Union stuff. Like good, accurate armour, maybe some Soviet Power armour/Ranger armour, and some WW2 era weapons. I know there's a few of them, like an SVT, Mosin Nagant, and a PPSH, but there isn't a PTRS. I think a PTRS replacer for the Anti Material rifle would be awesome. Maybe even a good Soviet Revivalist faction would work too. Its all just ideas, but I think it'd be neat.
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