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Posts posted by NinjaCowboy48

  1. In response to post #37205135.

    SoftisNeleris wrote: Well, the survival beta has now become the actual survival mode. Great. I had a hardcore mode mod with hunger, thirst, sleep, and all sorts of good stuff as well as mods that balance out the damage all ready. After less than 15 minutes, I want my old stuff back. DO YOU HEAR ME BETHESDA?! YOU f*#@ED UP MY GAME, AND THIS SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN.

    p.s. sorry for the caps, but I just pissed the hell off by this. I spend days trying to figure out how to get back into the game, and now it's fundamentally broken.

    its not there fault the new update causes compatibility issues with a few mods i had to uninstall like 20 mods to fix y mods
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