Well, I'm restarting the team from the ground up. Most of the old members have stopped playing Oblivion. Basically for this first plugin, which is really just to practice modding together and get good team dynamics going, is going to be a simple series of quests. There are going to be two rival factions, who come from a distant continent. One, "The Legion" , is a group of organized militaristic cities from the continent. The other, "Tamora", is a group of barbarian tribes who united together in an attempt to slow The Legion's conquest. The Legion and Tamora have been warring for several years, and a messenger brought word of the land known as Cyrodiil to them. The Tamorans decided this could be an excellent opportunity to gain an upper hand over The Legion, and sent troops over to establish a footing in the unknown land. The Legion, hearing word of Tamora's actions, sent their own troops to Cyrodiil to attempt and hold their ground against Tamora. I won't spoil any more of the story, but the player is free to pick either side of the struggle. They will then do various "tasks" for the Faction of their choosing and eventually lead them to victory in a battle against the opposing faction. If you're wondering about our development process, this is how it worked in the past: 1.) I determine what needs to be done to get as much of the game playable as possible. 2.) I determine what needs to be done to do this quickly. 3.) I give out assignments to all the Departments that are needed. 4.) Departments complete the assigned tasks, return them to me in .esp format. 5.) I integrate into the "Test" branch of the Plugin. 6.) Do initial play testing of the new content. (While this is happening I have already delivered new tasks to the departments) 7.) Send the "Beta" Branch to all members of team, allow them to playtest and check for bugs. 8.) If no bugs are found the "Beta" becomes "Stable" Then we repeat!