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Everything posted by KyleAGoodman

  1. Hello, I'm trying to remember the name of a mod that adds extra damage to limbs and the body, stuff like burn damage, cuts, bleeding. I believe the author made some other fairly popular mod, or mods, but for the life of me, I cannot remember.
  2. I played the mod for a bit, and it's pretty good so far. It's really interesting actually using all those unique combat moves taught throughout the vanilla game, especially that Ranger Takedown ;) One problem though, sometimes when I appear in the ring, it's filled with spectators, so I have to avoid them to wreck my opponent.
  3. Yes, poorly... and drunkenly.Awesome, I'll try it out in a bit Will it react with any other Someguy mods?
  4. Beautiful, simply beautiful In all seriousness, is it actually voiced?
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