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Everything posted by Lateralizm

  1. It won't matter, I bought a physical copy and it activates through steam anyways. These are the require specifications: MINIMUM System Requirements OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 7 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia Geforce 6800 / ATI Radeon X850 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive RECOMMENDED System Requirements OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.66Ghz Memory: 2 Gb Video Memory: 512 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon 3800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive
  2. You do understand that you still agreed to Valve's terms. Whether you like it or not, you can't do anything about that.
  3. You had a choice. Buy and play, or don't buy and don't play. See, it's a choice :thumbsup:. Thank you!
  4. If you agreed to someone's TOS, then that is your own fault. You openly agreed to it.
  5. It is signed to your account. You can't transfer it unless you give him your steam account.
  6. Uploading any sort of content that is from any game without permission from the original creator.
  7. My suggestion would be to open a steam support ticket, they usually get back with in a day or two.
  8. I can give you one, but like I said before, the chances of winning something on there are really low. Especially because the system doesn't work on anything other than people doing absolutely nothing.
  9. Should give your first game to me XD
  10. Yeah I suppose, well good luck!!!
  11. I have yet to win anything from that site, but if you really want an invite I can send you one.
  12. I can't bring myself to watch it, I want to but I will not.
  13. Someone seems like a good addition to the community :biggrin:, welcome aboard!!!
  14. I am trying to figure out how it is that I am supposed to create a playable version of a weapon that I only have the .nif for. I have everything that will allow the weapons to appear as they should in-game, except for the first person objects. They look fine and dandy sitting on the ground and all, but I would like to know how it is that it would look the same in my characters hands. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :thumbsup: Thank you! [i have the .dds files too actually, my bad :wallbash:]
  15. Well, if you are trying to attract people, I would suggest making a bit of a shorter description. If the description is more along the lines of saying you want something like this(insert base of what you want here), but I did want to make things a bit more complex than that.(emphasis on "bit" :biggrin:) Just a bit of a suggestion, most internet users get bored quickly and if something is too strenuous for them, they won't do it haha. Again, sorry for not reading the whole thing to begin with.
  16. EDIT: Should have read the whole post, my bad. Sort of tired haha. I apologize for being tired and such. :unsure:
  17. 1.8 pretty much altered the game in a ridiculous amount of ways. New biomes, improved survival, sprint, CREATIVE MODE, etc. A decent amount of mods have updated since then. Bukkit works now if you use server mods, my friend must have at least 6 going right now(6 mods not servers :tongue:). I would recommend upgrading haha.
  18. My friend has a good non-pvp server going atm. It randomly has downtime unfortunately, but all in all it is very good. We have multiple maps running at once in order for people to play creative or survival. For the xp, it currently has no purpose. Supposedly, when 1.10 (yes it isn't going to 2 for some reason) it should have a purpose. Until that point, just ignore it.
  19. Well, mine says game of the year so I guess you only purchased the base game, Sorry :(.
  20. Does it say Fallout 3: game of the year edition on your steam?
  21. Lateralizm

    Oh hey

    Would like to note this is not the friend I was talking about in chat earlier today, tis a different friend that I was talking about. :biggrin:
  22. if you were to make it an equipable armor item, then yes. It would have no purpose as a weapon though. I am pretty sure it gets a bit more technical whereas i have never tried it, but i would imagine it could work.
  23. Doesn't look like black/white. Looks more blue, I haven't played new vegas in a while but i'm pretty sure that is a screen effect that can be activated because your hud still has color. I am going to assume it was an error with a mod or something. Never heard of this issue, but I will look into it. EDIT: Also, are you playing on hardcore?
  24. That is probably my main problem with where I live now, everyone is so much more concerned about how everyone looks or acts or for that matter does anything. It really annoys me that the majority of people in my area cannot stop freaking out about what other people want or do and just deal with themselves. I love weather that is extremely odd. I sometimes get up really early on solstices and such just to see the bright red lighting everywhere.(we nicknamed it "death weather" when we were like 12 lol) Anywho, I am still shifting slightly to moving to the UK at some point. :biggrin:
  25. Well, I probably would cook my own food anyways. My dad almost opened his own restaurant before. He is a really good cook and anything he knows hes taught me for the most part. Cooking is in my blood :tongue:. Of course, it is not a profession I would like to have. Anywho, UK seems kind of like my personality. I still would need to experience it myself. That will probably be the tie-breaker.
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